June 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Kingsport City Schools Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
(Belinda and Daisy Tenangueno)
Belinda and Daisy Tenangueno will lead the Board of Education and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Belinda is a former 5th grader at Roosevelt Elementary School and rising 6th grader at Sevier Middle School. Daisy is a rising 3rd grader at Roosevelt.
1.2. Additions to and/or Acceptance of the Agenda
(Mrs. Melissa Woods)
Mrs. Woods will ask for a motion to accept the agenda, which includes the consent agenda. Once the agenda is accepted, the Board mutually agrees not to discuss any item of business or take any action that has not been accepted for the agenda.
2.1. Charlotte Ensminger, State of Tennessee Civics Bee Winner
(Mrs. Julie Byers)
Mrs. Byers will recognize Charlotte Ensminger, former 8th grader at Robinson Middle School and rising 9th grader at Dobyns-Bennett High School, for being named the winner in the National Civics Bee Tennessee State Finals competition held in Nashville on May 3, 2024. State champions are invited to Washington, D.C. to compete in the inaugural National Civics Bee national championship on November 12, 2024.
In partnership with local and state chambers of commerce across the country, the National Civics Bee competition encourages young Americans to engage in civics and contribute to their communities. Participating middle school students (Grades 6-8) use their civics knowledge for a chance to win recognition and cash prizes. Students submit an essay online, which should identify a problem facing the community and how a citizen might solve it. Students should include how they can contribute to the community, and how others might view the problem. The competition is modeled on traditional spelling and geography bees, and encourages students to share ideas for improving their communities and show their enthusiasm for civics. National level prizes are as follows:
2.2. Adams Elementary School Named a National Model Professional Learning Community at Work School
(Mr. Todd Golden)
Mr. Golden will recognize Adams Elementary School for being named by Solution Tree as a National Model Professional Learning Community (PLC) at Work School for sustained success in raising student achievement. The implementation of the PLC at Work process was a major contributing factor in the improved achievement of its students. Adams Elementary School is one of approximately 600 schools and districts in the United States and Canada to receive this honor. Adams is one of only seven schools in Tennessee to earn this status and one of only two elementary schools in the state.
PLCs are schools and districts in which educators recognize the key to improved learning for students is ongoing job-embedded learning for the adults serving those students. PLC's call upon educators to focus on learning, build a collaborative culture, and create a results orientation. Schools are recognized based on strict criteria, including demonstration of a commitment to the above PLC concepts, implementation of these concepts for at least three years, and clear evidence of improved student learning over that period. Once results can be seen, the school must submit an application explaining its practices, structures, and culture for consideration by the PLC Review Committee. Schools and districts selected for this recognition have shown a sustained commitment to helping all of their students achieve at high levels and have been willing to alter the structure and culture of the organization to reflect their commitment. |
2.3. Rotary Club of Kingsport Book Donation
(Dr. Brandon Fletcher)
Dr. Fletcher will recognize the Rotary Club of Kingsport for their Book Donation during National Children's Book Week (May 6-12, 2024). Mrs. Heather Cook is president of the Rotary Club of Kingsport.
The Rotary Club of Kingsport celebrated 100 years of service to the community by providing a free copy of a newly published children's book to all pre-k and elementary students in Kingsport City Schools. The book, "Grace and Grumpy: A Tail of Giving" is about two puppies who are neighbors that set off to change the world by giving to others. At the back of the book is an activity section intended to provide a more in-depth learning experience about the message of "Service Above Self".
This is the time when members of the audience are invited to comment on agenda items. It is not the time to speak about personnel issues, as there are more appropriate ways in which these can be addressed. If you are not sure how to do this, please ask one of us after the meeting. In your remarks, you may not refer to students by name without permission from the parent or guardian. If you would like to speak on a topic not included on the agenda, you are asked to submit your request in writing to the Superintendent of Schools at least three (3) business days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting. If you would like to speak about an item included on the agenda, you will be asked to state your name and limit your remarks to a maximum of three (3) minutes. Thank you. |
4.1. Personnel Considerations
(Mrs. Jennifer Guthrie)
4.2. Approval of Minutes - May 14, 2024 BOE Regular Monthly Meeting
(Mrs. Melissa Woods)
4.3. Approval of Request to Apply for a Dobyns-Bennett High School Sparkle Squad Grant through Palmer Foundation
(Dr. Rhonda Stringham)
Board approval is recommended for Dobyns-Bennett High School's Sparkle Squad Coach to apply for a Palmer Foundation grant in the amount of $4,900.00 for the 2024-2025 school year. The grant funds will be used to provide uniforms, yoga mats, banquet supplies, and awards to students.
4.4. Approval of Surplus Property
(Mr. David Frye)
The Disposal of Surplus Equipment memo and listing of surplus property is attached for review. Mr. David Frye, Chief Finance Officer, recommends declaring the property surplus and transferring it to the custody of the City Recorder.
4.5. Approval of Consolidated Application for Federal Program FY 2024-2025
(Dr. Rhonda Stringham/Ms. Magen Jones)
Dr. Rhonda Stringham, Assistant Superintendent - Instruction, and Ms. Magen Jones, Director of Special Education, have provided a memo and the Consolidated Application for Federal Programs for the 2024-2025 school year. The application is considered a preliminary document subject to change within the next few weeks. Board approval of the application is recommended, with the stipulation that Dr. Hampton is authorized to make any necessary minor changes to the application without seeking further Board approval.
4.6. Approval of Differentiated Pay Plan for 2024-2025 School Year
(Mrs. Jennifer Guthrie)
Mrs. Jennifer Guthrie, Chief Human Resources Officer, has submitted the 2024-2025 Differentiated Pay Play for Board approval. This document describes teacher compensation-related proposals being considered for the 2024-2025 school year.
5.1. Approval of Policy on Second Reading
(Dr. Andy True)
Dr. Andy True, Assistant Superintendent - Administration, reviewed new Policy 6.3071 - Student Drug Testing at the April work session and the Board approved it on first reading at the May meeting. Since then, the policy title has changed from "Student Alcohol and Drug Testing to "Student Drug Testing."
5.2. Approval of Student Drug Testing Procedures
(Dr. Andy True)
Dr. True will review the proposed regulations and procedures for random student drug testing for the 2024-2025 school year. Randomly throughout the academic school year, students in grades 9-12 who voluntarily participate in extracurricular activities will be subject to urine testing for drugs. No student shall be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities until the student and parent/guardian (if the student is under the age of 18) have signed a written consent. By completing the Consent Form, the student agrees to participate in the Random Drug Testing program. The student and parent/guardian will be required to submit the completed Consent Form before the student is allowed to participate in any aspect of an extracurricular activity, including training, practice, conditioning, or games. Drug testing will be overseen by an independent drug testing company, which will be minimally intrusive and provide maximum privacy to the tested students.
5.3. Approval of Districtwide Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
(Dr. Andy True/Mr. David Frye/Mrs. Jennifer Walker)
Dr. True, Mr. David Frye, Chief Finance Officer, and Mrs. Jennifer Walker, Supervisor of School Nutrition Services, will present information regarding the U.S. Department of Agriculture Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), which is an option for eligible schools to offer meals at no cost to all enrolled students without collecting household applications. The CEP Program provides free breakfast and lunch (standard meal) to all students in program schools, regardless of income/benefit eligibility. The proposal is to include all KCS schools in the program beginning with the 2024-2025 school year. The eligibility window is four years.
5.4. Approval to Award Bid for Nutrition Program Equipment for School Nutrition Services
(Mr. David Frye)
Mr. Frye will present a bid award recommendation for Kingsport City Schools Nutrition Services Equipment. Two bids were opened and reviewed on May 30, 2024. Trimark USA, LLC was the lowest responsible compliant bidder at a total cost of $256,780.75. All expenditures from this award are fully funded by the School Nutrition Services budget.
6.1. July 9, 2024 - BOE Regular Monthly Meeting (6:00 PM)
6.2. July 19-20, 2024 - TSBA Summer Law Institute (Gatlinburg)
6.3. July 23, 2024 - BOE Work Session (6:00 PM)
6.4. August 13, 2024 - BOE Regular Monthly Meeting (6:00 PM)