May 13, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Hamilton County Board of Education Board Meeting - Regular Session
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. **Approval of the Agenda
III. Executive Session - No
IV. Pledge to the Flag and Meditation - Gary Kuehn, Coordinator of Harrison Bay Future Ready Center
V. Exemplars of Excellence
V.A. Recognition of outgoing student board representative - Macy Tidmore
V.B. Recognition of Incoming student board representative - JaMaal Macon
VI. Presentation(s)
VI.A. Partnership Network Presentation - Dr. Sonia Stewart, Community Superintendent
VII. Delegations
VII.A. Meg Day, parent speaking regarding suggestions for digital wellbeing
VII.B. Heather Modrow, East Ridge Elementary Teacher - Speaking about social emotional learning
VII.C. Angie Nunley, Allen Elementary Parent - Speaking regarding the mask requirement
VII.D. Larissa Robinson, parent speaking regarding reflections
VII.E. Justin Wilkins, parent speaking regarding health and safety
VIII. Board Member Disclaimer Statement - I declare that I have a [spouse, parent, grandparent, child, sibling, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, relation-in-law or member of my household] who works for the school system and that the Board's vote on [budget, policies, etc.] may have an effect on my relative's employment. Even so, I hereby certify that I will cast my vote in the best interest of the school system.
IX. **Approval of the Consent Agenda
IX.A. Approval of the Minutes of the April 15, 2021 Regular Session
IX.B. Executive Committee Report
IX.C. Chief Business Officer - Mary Ellen Heuton
IX.C.1. Bids/Contracts
IX.C.2. Financial Reports
IX.C.3. Budget Amendments
IX.C.3.a. Federal Grants, State Grants, and Self-Funded Programs
IX.C.3.b. General Operating Amendments
IX.C.3.c. School Nutrition Budget Amendments
IX.C.4. Proposed School Fees - FY22
IX.C.4.a. Fiscal Year 2022 Schools Fees - Proposed
IX.C.5. Grant Application Requests
IX.C.5.a. Chief of Innovation and Choice - Dr. Jill Levine
IX.C.5.a.1. Ratification of Grant Submission Approval - Innovative High School Models (TDOE)
IX.D. Chief Equity Officer - Dr. Marsha Drake
IX.D.1. Bullying Report - Third Quarter - Karen Glenn
IX.E. Chief Operations Officer - Dr. Justin Robertson
IX.E.1. Ratification of Early Approval for McConnell Re-roof
IX.E.2. Ratification of Early Approval for Middle Valley Ele. Sinkhole Repairs
IX.F. Chief of Staff - Jennifer Bronson
IX.F.1. Addendum to Previously Approved Instructional Support Contract - TNTP
X. Administrative Matters
X.A. Chief Operations Officer - Dr. Justin Robertson
X.A.1. **Approval Request to Renew/Extend the Erlanger District Wide High School Athletic Trainers Program
X.B. Chief Talent Officer - Penny Murray
X.B.1. **Differentiated Pay Plan 2021-2022
XI. Board Matters
XI.A. Deputy Superintendent - Dr. Nakia Towns
XI.A.1. Board Policies - First Reading
XI.A.1.a. Chief Talent Officer - Penny Murray
XI.A.1.a.1. Board Policy 5.311 - On-the-Job-Injury
XI.A.1.b. Chief of Equity - Dr. Marsha Drake
XI.A.1.b.1. Board Policy - 6.409 - Child Abuse and Neglect
XI.B. Chief Talent Officer - Penny Murray
XI.B.1. New Position Requests
XI.B.1.a. **ESOL Welcome Center and Outreach Facilitator
XI.B.1.b. **ESOL Support Specialist
XI.B.1.c. **Driver Safety Support
XI.C. Chief Operations Officer - Dr. Justin Robertson
XI.C.1. **Mechatronics Akademie - Memorandum of Understanding
XI.D. **School Security Officers Resolution - Mr. McClendon and Mrs. Robinson
XI.E. **Discussion and Vote on Mask Mandate - Mrs. Thurman and Mr. Smith
XII. Information Only
XII.A. Legal Services Report
XIII. Events/Announcements
XIV. Adjourn