September 8, 2022 Swearing In Ceremony Starting at 4:45pm - Bradley County Board of Education Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Swearing In of Board Members - Juvenile Judge Andrew Morgan
1.a. District 2 - Vicki Beaty
1.b. District 4 - Josh Taylor
1.c. District 5 - Rachel Goins
1.d. District 6 - Amanda Lee
1.e. District 7 - Dr. Jeff Lovingood
2. Words of Encouragement - Dr. Jeff Lovingood
3. Pledge to Flag
4. Call to Order
5. Election of Officers
5.a. Election of Chairman - Dr. Cash
5.b. Election of Vice Chairman - Chairman
5.c. Election of TN Legislative Network Representative - Chairman
6. Consent Agenda
6.a. Meeting Agenda
6.b. Minutes
6.c. Field Trips
6.d. Bids
6.d.1. Charleston Sewer Reline
6.e. Policies 1st Reading
6.e.1. 2.806 - Bids and Quotations
6.e.2. 3.202 - Emergency Preparedness Plan
6.e.3. 4.101 - Instructional Standards
6.e.4. 4.212 - Virtual Education Program
6.e.5. 4.402 - Reconsideration of Textbooks and Instructional Materials
6.e.6. 4.403 - Library Materials
6.e.7. 5.106 - Application and Employment
6.e.8. 5.802 - Qualifications and Duties of the Director of Schools
6.e.9. 6.204 - Attendance of Non-Resident Students
6.e.10. 6.318 - Admission of Suspended or Expelled Students
6.e.11. 6.409 - Reporting Child Abuse
6.f. Policies - 2nd Reading
6.f.1. 1.8011 - Emergency Closings
6.f.2. 4.700 - Testing Programs
6.f.3. 5.117 - Teacher Tenure
6.f.4. 5.119 - Employment of Retirees
6.f.5. 5.200 - Separation Practices for Tenured Teachers
6.f.6. 5.201 - Separation Practices for Non-Tenured Teachers
6.f.7. 5.701 - Substitute Teachers
6.f.8. 6.202 - Home Schools
6.f.9. 6.319 - Alternative Education
6.f.10. 6.402 - Physical Examinations and Immunizations
6.g. Extended Contacts Approval
6.h. Change to Special Education Bus Disposal
7. Persons Requesting to Address the Board on Agenda Items
8. Director of Schools Report
8.a. Above and Beyond Award
8.b. On Point's Outcomes - Amy Pearson
8.c. Progress Update
9. PIE Center Update - Corbett Drew, Kyle Page and Brittany Cannon
10. SRO Equipment - Scotty Hernandez and Sheriff Steve Lawson
11. Capital Outlay Amendment - Susan Wilcutt
12. Capital Outlay Proposal
13. Board Chair to Appoint Members to Capital Outlay Committee
14. Policy Review - 1st and 2nd Reading - Vicki Beaty
14.a. 4.205 - Enrollment in Advanced Classes
14.b. 6.200 - Attendance
15. Policy Review - 1st Reading - Vicki Beaty
15.a. 4.406 - Use of the Internet
16. Announcements
16.a. October 13 - Next Board Meeting
16.b. November 1 - PIE Grand Opening
17. Agenda Items for the Next Board Meeting
18. Adjournment