February 8, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Jackson-Madison County School Work Session
Minutes |
A moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
James Johnson called the February Work Session to order at 5:38 pm with a moment of silence followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
a. Office of the Superintendent King i. Budget Amendments ii. Financials iii. Policies (1.403 - 1.906) iv. Policy 5.3051 FFCRA Leave v. Appropriation Bill: Teacher Pay vi. Strategic Plan Activity (Goals) b. Academics Williams i. School Calendar ii. CyberSchool Status & Update iii. Teachers of the Year - District Level & School Level iv. New School Approval Process c. Operations Catlett i. Human Resources 1. Vacancies 2. Absenteeism ii. Capital Projects 1. JCM & Madison School Project 2. January Master Timeline - Maintenance/Projects a. Safety Enclosure at Central Office b. Multipurpose Room at Central Office iii. JCM zoning clarity d. Communications Hammond e. Board Committees (January Reports) i. Budget Massey ii. Long Range Planning Black iii. Policy Hampton iv. Technology Darnell f. JMCEA Davis
Reports & Updates
a. Office of Superintendent i. Budget Amendments requiring board approval Fund #141 General Purpose 1. 2,467 Insurance recovery for repairs to two buses involved in incidents. 2. $29,200 CTE Local due to COVID-19 related issues Fund #142 School Federal Projects 1. $2,000 consolidated administration, 2. $35,393 Title I-A, 3. $19,000 Title 1 A neglected, 4. $176,952 District Priority School Improvement Grant, 5. $5,000 Title III, 6. $35,328 Perkins Basic, 7. $266,272 Covid 19 Grant #1 ii. Financials - 53.1% expenditures spent in January iii. Policies (1.403 - 1.906) to be adopted at Board meeting as is with corrections See attachments and revision has been made in green, deletions are in red iv. Policy 5.3051 to be adopted and approved at board meeting (see attached) v. Appropriation Bill Teacher Pay would like to give teachers and support staff of a 2% bonus to show how much we appreciate them and to be issued Spring break. Pay out in the amount $250 for certified and $200 for non certified. est. amount $540,000 will use BEP funds. vi. Strategic Plan Activity: 1. SAT/ACT Camp, 2. Invest/Inventory Career choices, 3. School Wide Reading, 4. Literacy Night 5. Faithbase Church support reading, 6. Data Driven professional learning, 7. LOOP expansion, 8. HS Soft Skills, 9. MS- College Awareness, 10. Literacy Leader in Elementary, 11. Ed Assistants, 12.Summer Reading Programs b. Academics i. School Calendar- to approve the 2021-22 and 2022-23 calendar (See attached) ii. CyberSchool Status & Updates CyberSchool leadership team are constantly coming up with ways to improve for next school year. The new name will be JASA (Jackson Academic Success Academy) moving forward with a lot of great ideas, contacting other states for teacher that are already doing Cyberschool. iii. Teacher of the Year PreK-4 Amelia Coleman Alexander, 5-8 Jennifer White Community Montessori, 9-12 Jada Seaton Madison iv. New School Approval Process Will need to do an addendum for School approval for JCM Middle (6-8), JCM HHS (9-12) and JASA (K-12) for the applications to apply for new schools. c. Operations i. Human Resources 1. Vacancies at this time there are only 3 vacancies. 2. Absenteeism (See attachment) ii. Capital Projects Updates were read and given on JCM and Madison still on target. Met with Long Range committee for updates and did a traffic study to get recommendation on how traffic was going to impact each school. New projects on Safety Enclosure at Central Office and remodel the Multipurpose Room at Central Office. iii. JCM Zoning clarity Dr. Chandler presented maps of each zone area for the board to review. d. Communications Greg Hammond announced we have 2 students in our LOOP program working at Owens Corning 20 hours per week. In person instruction from 2 days to 4 days a week. We recognized 37 District School Counselors last week in appreciation for all they do and Moe's provided lunch. JMCSS celebrated Black History Month along with the schools and will spot light in the JMCSS Chronicle. North East Middle School won the area 5 basketball tournament, while North Parkway Middle area 5 girls won their tournament. e. Committee Reports updates were given by each chair person. JMCEA- Mr. Davis thanked Dr. King and staff for working under certain conditions. He met last week with Dr. King and the Superintendent Cabinet concerning the values and concerns of the teachers. Thank him for sharing information with them. Happy Board Appreciation Week to the board members. |
i. Budget Amendments ii. School Calendar 2021-22 & 2022-23 iii. Policies (1.403 - 1.906) iv. Policy 5.3051 FFCRA Leave
Tomorrow at 5:30 pm will have the Ed Vision meeting.
Need JCM Zoning maps in public locations so the public can see. Mr. O'Neal resigned and the county commissioner will appoint someone. |
Meeting was adjourned at 7:29pm