April 19, 2018 at 5:30 PM - Board Meeting - Regular Session
Minutes | ||||||
I. Roll Call
II. **Approval of the Agenda
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III. Executive Session - No
IV. Pledge to the Flag and Meditation - Kelvert Scruggs, Instructor at Tyner Academy
V. Administrative Business Matters - Amended
V.A. **Approval of FY 2019 Budget for Presentation to County Commission - Don Hall/Christie Jordan and Dr. Bryan Johnson
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V.B. **Approval of Erlanger for District Wide High School Athletic Training Program
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There was a motion by Mr. Smith Seconded by Mr. Wingate. Mrs. Jones recused herself from voting since she is an employee of Erlanger. Mrs. Thurman began discussion asking about the difference in the cost from Erlanger and the group being referred to as the "Trio" or "conglomerate". Mrs. Thurman stated that this is very hard because Benchmark has been very good to the school system and they stepped up and did a lot of things nobody else would and she felt there is a lot to be said for loyalty along with the fact that some didn't get the RFP. Dr. McDade stated the RFP was placed online as well as the ones being sent out to those who requested. Based on all the things given to our schools and students for free Mrs. Thurman stated she was not sure the approximately $25,000 difference was really that amount. Dr. Highlander clarified that the other entities could not cover all schools and asked Mr. Galloway if there were any major differences from the committee other than the $25,000 difference. Mr. Galloway stated that he was not aware of any other major differences. Mr. Wingate asked for clarification of what the struggle was in regard to the recommendation. Mrs. Thurman explained that there was a $5.00 different in the total for each student ($30 by Erlanger and $35 by the others) and with approximately 5,000 students that would be approximately $25,000. Dr. McDade stated there were 3,553 this year. Mrs. Thurman continued discussion stating that with all the others (Sports Medicine) had given there might not really be a difference and she wasn't sure we could pay them for what they have done. Mrs. Thurman made a motion to instead of voting for Erlanger to give the bid to the "conglomerate". Chairman Highlander stated there was a motion on the floor and that whoever made the motion would have to amend it and asked Mr. Bennett for clarification. Attorney Bennett said she could do a substitute motion and if it was seconded then the Board could proceed from there. Chairman Highlander asked Mrs. Thurman if she was making a substitute motion. Mrs. Thurman stated she was making a substitute motion. Chairman Highlander asked if the Board would now vote for Erlanger or the "trio". Attorney Bennett stated that procedurally the Board would vote to substitute Mrs. Thurman's motion for the main motion and if that passed then the Board would have to vote on the main motion. Mrs. Robinson stated she would recuse herself from the vote also since she has a business relationship more than one of these companies. Attorney Bennett reminded the Board that in order to get anything passed, there would still have to be five votes even though two people had recused themselves. Mrs. Jones asked if changing the motion to vote for the "trio" or "conglomerate" was defeating the purpose of the RFP. Attorney Bennett explained that the RFP was simply a request for proposal. The RFP stated that the contract could be split so that allows flexibility. The final decision lies with the Board. Mr. Wingate explained that many schools in the district had not had coverage for many years and even though those that worked with our schools have done many things for them but we still had schools that were not covered. The goal of this is to get coverage for everyone. Mr. Wingate recommended that the Board act in a responsible manner to cover every one not based on loyalty or based on a feel good story but what covers every one including the least of these. Mr. Testerman asked to make a motion to accept all four bids and that we do what we intended to be doing and get our principals and coaches some authority to choose whom they wish to serve them. Mrs. Thurman seconded the motion. Mrs. Jones asked if the Board was sure the companies want to divide the process. She continued discussion by saying you have to choose. Dr. McDade explained that the RFP was written to be all inclusive and what we have right now is not working. Mrs. Thurman stated that she has received calls from coaches giving their opinions and thoughts so it's not just her making the vote on her own. Attorney Bennett stated that the two Board members who had recused themselves, at least Mrs. Jones, could legally vote on this matter. While she is an employee of Erlanger that gives an indirect conflict of interest not a direct. State law prohibits a direct conflict of interest where she would personally benefit for accepting the contract. If Mrs. Jones personal ethics allows her to vote on this as long as she discloses to the public, and she has, and she certifies she is casting her vote in the best interest of the school system, she may legally vote. Dr. Highlander asked if that applied to Mrs. Robinson as well. Attorney Bennett stated he did not know what Mrs. Robinson's interest is. Mrs. Robinson stated that it is a business relationship, they are a client. Mrs. Robinson stated she would not benefit directly from this contract. Attorney Bennett stated that is seems as though, at most, both individuals have an indirect conflict of interest. As long as the two of them disclose publically and certify that your vote is in the best interest of the system, you may legally vote. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Robinson both made disclosure statements.
VI. Board Matters Amended
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VI.A. **Proposed Legal Retainer Agreement
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VII. Exemplars of Excellence
VII.A. Teachers of the Year - Dr. Justin Robertson
VII.B. Annual National School Library Month Recognition - Dr. Justin Robertson and Becky Covington
VII.C. Removed from Agenda - Recognition of Jump Rope for Heart Winners - Dr. Neelie Parker
Representatives from Jump Rope for Heat unable to attend.
VII.D. Recognition of STEM Cart Teams - Dr. Neelie Parker and Saunya Goss
VII.E. Signal Mountain Middle/High School Mock Trial Team - Dr. Robert Sharpe
VIII. Delegations
VIII.A. Natalie Cook - UnifiEd - Apex Project
VIII.B. DID NOT ATTEND - Tron Wilder - Kindergarten Start Date Policy
VIII.C. Dan Liner, HCEA
IX. **Approval of the Minutes of the March 22, 2018 Quarterly Session
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X. **Approval of the Consent Agenda
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Mrs. Thurman began the discussion of school fees. She stated the amounts are all over the map. Some have $10, some have $75, some have $80, some have $100; Signal Mountain is $100 and that's saying that everyone on Signal Mountain has a lot of money and that is not true and says that some of the students who go to Hardy Elementary - their parents can just afford $10 and that is not the truth either. Mrs. Thurman stated she didn't like the fact that the amounts are all over the map. This is why she wanted more of the money to go to the schools so this could be stopped because when some parents put their kids in school, it costs them $400. That should not be happening. She stated she knows they are not mandatory but the parents feel bad when they can't do it, its embarrassing when their parents can't do it and sometimes that makes us look like bullies and she doesn't like that. Mrs. Thurman stated she felt there should be some way to make them more fair or more uniform.
X.A. Executive Committee Report
X.B. Chief Schools Officer - Dr. Justin Robertson
X.B.1. Field Trips
X.B.1.a. Dr. Robert Sharpe and Le Andrea Ware - Secondary Operations Directors (14)
X.B.1.b. Karen Hollis and Dr. Neelie Parker, Elementary Operations Directors (1)
X.B.1.c. John Maynard - Director of College, Career, and Technical Education (2)
X.B.1.d. Garfield Adams, Director of Exceptional Education (2)
X.C. Chief Business Officer - Don Hall
X.C.1. Bids/Contracts
X.C.2. Conferences and Consultants
X.C.3. Financial Reports
X.C.4. Budget Amendments
X.C.4.a. General Operating Amendments
X.C.4.b. Federal Grants and Self-Funded Programs
X.C.5. Approval of School Fees
X.C.6. Grant Acceptance Request – Camp Kindergarten (Funded by Smart City Venture Fund through the Community Foundation)
X.D. Chief Operations Officer - Dr. Lee McDade
X.D.1. Bullying Compliance Report (through 3rd Quarter)
X.D.2. Board Policy 1.803 - Tobacco Free Schools - Second and Final Reading
XI. Administrative Business Matters
XI.A. Chief Operations Officer - Dr. Lee McDade
XI.A.1. Board Policy 3.501 - Wellness Policy - First Reading
XI.A.2. **Approval of Proposed Breakfast and Lunch Meal Prince Increase for 2018-2019 SY for HCDE Employees and Visitors - Carolyn Childs
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
XI.A.3. MOVED TO TOP OF AGENDA - Approval of Erlanger for District Wide High School Athletic Training Program
XI.A.4. **Approval of 2018-2019 Tuition Rates
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
XI.A.5. **Old East Brainerd Elementary Time Extension - Justin Witt
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
XI.B. **Textbook Adoption of Instructional Resources - Dr. Justin Robertson
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
XI.C. Exceptional Education - Garfield Adams
XI.C.1. **Approval of MOU with Blue Cross Blue Shield for Project SEARCH
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
XI.C.2. **Stellar Therapy Amendment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
XII. Board Matters
XII.A. **Zero Tolerance Appeal - Dr. Lee McDade (2)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
XII.B. **Schedule of Sessions 2018-2019
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
XII.C. School Safety Update
Several of the Board members spoke regarding safety meetings they had attended including the Safety Summit presented by TSBA.
XIII. Information Only
XIII.A. Legal Services Report
XIV. Events/Announcements
XV. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:24 p.m.