January 18, 2018 at 5:30 PM - Board Meeting - Regular Session
Minutes | ||
I. Roll Call
II. **Approval of the Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The following request to amend the agenda was received:
Change Item XI. to Board Matters and renumber remaining items. Add A. PECCA – Appointment of Special Question Committee –Chairman Highlander Under Delegations add: Melissa Barrett, Signal Mountain Parent |
III. Executive Session - No
IV. Pledge to the Flag and Meditation - Dr.Rodney Knox, Principal of Washington Alternative
V. Exemplars of Excellence
V.A. National Merit Semifinalists - Dr. Robert Sharpe, Director and Le Andrea Ware, Director, Secondary Operations
The following students were recognized for their selection as National Merit Semifinalists from the 2018 Merit Scholarship Competition:
V.B. Outstanding Middle Level Social Studies Teacher of the Year - Dr. Justin Robertson
The National Council for the Social Studies annually recognizes a middle level Social Studies Teacher for their exceptional teaching abilities. Erin Glen was recognized for winning the "Outstanding Middle Level Teacher of the Year" award. |
VI. Presentations
VI.A. Retreat Follow-up - Dr. Bryan Johnson, Superintendent
Dr. Johnson gave a mid-year update regarding progress/changes made since the Board Retreat. After the update, Mrs. Thurman asked when the organizational chart would be ready. Dr. Johnson stated it would be available at the next Board meeting. Dr. Johnson stated that he had talked with the Chiefs and asked them to look at their departments and determine how and what shifts they may make so that a final document can be presented; understanding that things may continue to move and change.
VII. Delegations
VII.A. Dan Liner, HCEA
Mr. Liner spoke on behalf of teachers of Hamilton County regarding a piece of legislation connected to ESSA which is the A-F Grading system that was passed or signed by the Governor last Spring. Mr. Liner asked that the Board present a resolution against this legislation. Discussion continued with Mr. Liner asking that the Board adopt a resolution just as their fellow Board members did in Knox County most recently stating opposition to the A-F grading system for every school in Hamilton County and every school in the State. Dr. Highlander stated he is strongly in favor of drafting a resolution to present to the State. After continued discussion it was decided that Dr. Highlander would draft a resolution to add to the February agenda for a vote.
VII.B. Melissa Barrett, Signal Mountain
Ms. Barrett thanked the Board for coming up to the meeting that was held a couple of weeks ago at Signal Mountain M/H and was very appreciative of the changes taking place.
VIII. **Approval of the Minutes of the December 21, 2017 Quarterly Session
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IX. **Approval of the Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mrs. Thurman asked that item IX. D. Human Resources 1. Differentiated Pay Plan (2017-2018) Revised be pulled for discussion. After discussion, a motion was made to add the item back to the agenda for approval. |
IX.A. Executive Committee Report
IX.B. School Operations - Dr. Justin Robertson
IX.B.1. Field Trips
IX.B.1.a. Dr. Robert Sharpe – Director, Secondary Operations
Le Andrea Ware – Director, Secondary Operations (15)
IX.B.1.b. Karen Hollis, Director and Dr. Neelie Parker, Director - Elementary Operations (1)
IX.B.1.c. Garfield Adams, Director - Exceptional Education (2)
IX.C. Business and Finance - Christie Jordan
IX.C.2. Financial Reports
IX.C.3. Budget Amendments
IX.C.3.a. General Operating Amendments
IX.C.3.b. Federal Grants and Self-Funded Programs
IX.C.3.c. Appropriation of Fund Balance Committed for Capital Maintenance
IX.C.4. Grant Application Requests
IX.C.4.a. Hixson High - Joint Use Marksmanship Range
IX.C.4.b. Opportunity Zone Schools - Teach to One: Math
IX.C.5. Transmittal of School Activity Fund Audit Report
IX.D. Human Resources - Penny Murray
IX.D.1. Differentiated Pay Plan (2017-2018) Revision
X. Administrative Business Matters
X.A. Campus Support - Dr. Lee McDade
X.A.1. **Board Policy 6.203 - School Admissions - Second & Final Reading
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
X.A.2. **Zero Tolerance Suspension Appeal
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
XI. Board Matters
XI.A. **PECCA - Appointment of Special Question Committee - Chairman Highlander
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Chairman Highlander stated that according to the law two Board members need to serve and he and Mr. Galloway agreed to serve. They will work in conjunction with Mr. Liner, HCEA, and Kevin Aslinger and Steven Hinkle. In the past they have also worked with Dr. McDade and will continue to do so.
XII. Information Only
XII.A. Legal Services Report
XII.B. FY2019 Budget Calendar
Hamilton County Department of Education Administration January 2-25, 2018 Departmental work on the FY2019 Budget. a. Staffing Information is distributed to Cabinet.
XIV. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.