January 21, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Also present:
Tammy Mason, Superintendent
Jeff Mayo, Chief of Staff
Valerie Speakman, General Counsel
Jana Gore, Board Secretary
Glenda Haskins, Assistant to General Counsel
Russell Overby, Technology Support Specialist
2. Discussion
2.A. Legislative Agenda
Work Session to discuss Legislative Agenda.
First item discussed was HB 1453 which is requesting 2-year Waiver from Utilization of TNReady Data for Teacher and Principal Evaluations for the 2015-2016 School Year. ACS’ Agenda is asking for only 1-year waiver. Discussion held that this was the biggest change in TN since 1983. Ms. Fletcher asked why we don’t also ask for 2 years. Mr. Young pointed out the current school year (2015-2016) is already half over. General discussion had regarding how “timely” the information is given to the schools. Ms. Speakman read the portion of HB 1453 that is pertinent to ACS. Mr. Viox said that he likes it. It was agreed by all to endorse HB 1453 with a 2-year waiver (change Resolution).
Authorizer Fees for Charter Schools
Discussion was held that this was not currently an issue for ACS but could become one at a later date. Ms. Speakman explained the background of authorizer fees for large school districts since charter schools get off scot-free with paying no costs or fees. Ms. Williams asked for questions and there were none. – To be withdrawn from Agenda.
Appointed Director (Superintendent) of Schools - SB 1606
This is for elected Superintendents of the school districts and Ms. Williams pointed out this is brought up every year by the Legislature. Mr. Viox said they do NOT want to compromise on this point. No more discussion was had and Ms. Speakman advised ACS reject SB1606 and support the TSBA in their resolution for Appointment only.
Publically Funded Vouchers (SB 999 / HB 1049)
This item passed Committee today in the Legislature and states that vouchers will be provided to people who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Ms. Speakman pointed out it has ALREADY been amended and could possibly be further amended before it is final. The matter is headed to the Finance Committee now. A lengthy discussion was held regarding taking up front money from schools and accountability and Ms. Speakman advised this would only affect ACS if we had a school in the bottom 5% of schools in the State and that money/for profit charters is driving this effort. Ms. Williams advised that the Legislature changed the language to include special ed so it would get passed and Ms. Mason pointed out this would apply to ACS for ADHD students and if we don’t oppose it we are saying that it’s okay to give public education funds to private schools. More discussion was held and it was decided to oppose this item.
Fees for Inspection of Records (SB 326)
Ms. Williams opened this discussion stating that as a former principal she has personal knowledge of the tremendous amounts of records requested by parents and others. Ms. Speakman advised that a new State position was created to deal just with open records “complaints”. The State attorney writes the opinions regarding compliance and that is it. We cannot charge for only inspection of records. Ms. Mason pointed out that the first day of the New Year ACS received a records request from The Commercial Appeal. Ms. Speakman reminded everyone that we are not required to create any documents in response to a records request nor are we required to respond if it is outside the scope of information that is public record. Ms. Mason advised that early last year an organization outside the State of Tennessee wrote all municipalities for information regarding Muslim studies. Outside counsel, Chuck Cagle, wrote a response for several districts in the entire State. Ms. Speakman advised that we are not required to respond to out of state requests. It was agreed to endorse this item.
Fund BEP Recommendations
Ms. Williams began discussion advising that the State has never fully funded the BEP. Ms. Speakman advised there were several bills pending regarding funding and the Governor advised he will put more money in the budget for salaries and insurance. Ms. Mason pointed out that at the end of the day there is one “pot” of money for education and that pot must get bigger and in the past the Governor has given more money for salaries and insurance, etc. but has cut the summer school money to make up for the “extra” money he put in for the salaries and insurance. So the schools actually got no more money. Mr. Viox said it was like a shell game. No further discussion was held and it was agreed to endorse this item.
Ms. Speakman asked if ACS would like to add 2 more bills –
First is SB1664 which states retired teachers can return to teach without it affecting their retirement pay IF they come back at 1st year teacher salary and they cannot get tenure, medical insurance, etc. This would help greatly with any potential teacher shortages. Mr. Mayo advised this was a GREAT idea and he has someone who would fit that bill right now. Mr. Young asked what keeps these teachers accountable. Ms. Speakman advised they can be terminated and disciplined. And Mr. Mayo pointed out he could see no disadvantage. They are only given 1 year contracts and must (or can) reapply the next year. It was agreed to endorse this bill.
A lengthy discussion was held on SB1656 regarding any teacher who is convicted of a misdemeanor sexual misconduct offense can lose their TCRS retirement (which will go to a relative upon their death) if the misconduct occurred in the classroom, or while coaching or on a field trip. Mr. Viox was in agreement but Mr. Young wanted to think about it longer stating many innocent people are in jail. Ms. Speakman pointed out this would be only if the teacher had been convicted. Everyone except Mr. Young was for this one but it was decided to leave this off the Agenda.
3. Adjournment