October 31, 2015 at 9:00 AM - Board Retreat
Minutes |
1. Update School District Goals for ACS Strategic Plan Development
Technology: Tammy Mason and Kevin Yates
"To prepare students and staff for success in an ever-changing world."
Recruiting and Retaining Effective Teachers and Support Staff: Jeff Mayo and Barbara Fletcher
"To recruit, develop, and retain innovative, and highly qualified teachers, administrators and support staff."
Student Achievement/Academic Programming: Todd Goforth and Kay Williams
"To create and support an environment of active engagement, accountability, and collaboration between all stakeholders to maximize student achievement."
Finance: Miracle Meeks and Dale Viox
"To pursue public and private funding and be accountable in providing quality comprehensive education for all students."
Community Involvement: Felicia Turner and Danny Young
"To increase family, public and private partnerships through active and sustained communication and collaborative relationships."
2. OPEB (Other Post Employment Benefits)
Presentation by Miracle Meeks.
3. Lunch
4. TN/Ready Accountability/State Report Card
Presentation by Todd Goforth.
5. Tennessee Task Force on Student Testing and Assessment - Recommendations
Presentation by Todd Goforth.
6. Discussion
Open platform.
7. Adjourn