September 8, 2016 at 4:30 PM - Bradley County Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||||
1. 4:30 - New Teacher/Retiree Reception
2. 5:30 Call to Order-Vice-Chair Vicki Beaty
3. Invocation - Kelvin Page, Pastor, Westmore Church of God
4. Pledge to Flag
Axel Lee, son of Amanda Lee, lead the group in the pledge to the flag.
5. New Board Members Sworn In-Judge Swafford
Mrs. Beaty congratulated the new Board members.
5.a. Nancy Casson - District 1
5.b. Ted Bryson - District 3
5.c. Rodney Dillard - District 5
5.d. Amanda Lee - District 6
5.e. Jerry Frazier - District 7
6. Election of Officers
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7. Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve Consent Agenda Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.a. Meeting Agenda
7.b. Minutes
7.c. Field Trips
7.c.1. BCHS-National FFA Convention, Indianpppolis, Indiana-10/17-21/2016
7.c.2. LFMS-Revolution Show Choir, Oak Mountain, AL, Feb. 10-11, 2017
7.c.3. LFMS-Revolution Show Choir, Loveland, OH, Feb 24-26, 2017
7.c.4. LFMS-Revolution Show Choir, Albertville, AL Feb 3-4, 2017
7.c.5. LFMS-Revolution Show Choir, Montgomery, AL Jan 27-28, 2017
7.c.6. WVHS- FFA to Indianapolis, Indiana Oct 18-20, 2016
7.c.7. WVHS-Marching Band Contest, Canton, GA-Oct 29, 2016
7.d. Bids
7.d.1. Ocoee Middle School Gym Flooring
7.e. Policies
7.e.1. 2nd Reading for 1.407, 3.202, 4.700, 6.304, 6.305, and 6.411
7.f. Bus Route 5 Transfer
8. Persons Requesting to Address the Board on Agenda Items
No one signed up to address the Board.
9. Director of Schools Report
9.a. Introduction of Student Representatives
Dr. Cash introduced the Student Representatives to the Board. Cade Baker from Bradley Central High School is 17 years old. He attended North Lee and TCPS before coming to BCHS. He participates in DECA, FCA, Sprit Club, and Student Council. He is looking forward to being a voice for the students at Bradley. Mya Patel was not able to attend due to a varsity soccer match. She attends Walker Valley High School and is also 17 years old. She attended Black Fox Elementary and Ocoee Middle School. She is active in Anchor Club, National English Honor Society, Key Club, Oceanography Club and Mustang Mentors. She is looking forward to getting to help serve all of the local schools.
9.b. TSBA Fall District Meeting - Brnik
Rebecca Brnik from Michigan Avenue was named the Tennessee School Board Association School Volunteer of the Year.
9.c. Lion's Club Screening Results - Dianna Calfee
Dianna Calfee gave a report to the Board about the number of Bradley County students that were screened by the Lion's Club for glasses. They screened in kindergarten - 659, second grade - 693, and fourth grade - 686. They referred 200 to the doctor and 70 students took no action after the referral. Because of this high number of students that took no action, teachers were asked to send any student to be screened if they thought there might be a problem. Screening will begin by the Lion's Club for the 2016-17 school year the first of October. Thanks to the Lion's Club.
10. GAPP-German American Partnership Program-Lisa Eulo
Lisa Eulo from Walker Valley High School and Carole Dale from Cleveland high School came before the Board to give a report of the GAPP program for 2016. The goal is to unite with the teachers of our partner schools to foster cultural understanding and to education students to be world citizens who understand political and economic issues from a global perspective. We are here to seek permission for our students to travel to Burghausen, Germany for the GAPP program for 2017. We will travel from June 23-July 10, 2017. Dr. Cash suggested that Ms. Eulo put the request in writing and present it to the Board.
11. Ocoee Middle School to Partner with Lee University on Track Field-Ron Spangler
Mr. Spangler, Principal of Ocoee Middle School, gave the Board some history of the partnership between OMS and Lee University in regards to the baseball field and explained a new venture that he would like to explore. Last year, Lee University began the first ever track team and won the conference with no track field. Lee is looking for possible sites for a track field. Mr. Spangler has been talking with them about the possibilities of developing a track/soccer/football practice field with land at OMS. He would like to proceed with Lee on some cost analyst and sketches to see what the possibilities might be. Dr. Cash stated that in her opinion this would be a win, win for OMS and Lee University. Mrs. Beaty asked if a vote was needed. Dr. Cash told her that they did not need a vote until they were ready to move. They just wanted to inform the Board. |
12. Extended Contracts-Danny Coggin
Mr. Coggin asked the Board for permission to proceed with the 25 Extended Contracts for the 2016-17 school year. The schools distribute the contracts and they have a list of priorities to go through as they look at how to distribute them. Mrs. Beaty stated that there was no money from the state to fund these contracts. Mr. Coggin told them that this was the second year that there was no money. Chairman Dillard asked if this was already passed in the budget and Dr. Cash told them yes.
13. Insurance Update-Sarah Crispin
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Sarah Crispin, HR Director, reported to the Board the Insurance Options Effective January 2017 are that the Board of Education traditionally pays for the "Employee Only" premium for Partnership PPO, Limited PPO, and HEALTHSAVINGS CDHP. The rate for Employee Only Partnership PPO is $571.00 effective January 2017. The rate for Limited PPO and HEALTHSAVINGS CDHP are both lower rates from the Partnership PPO so they can be offered at zero cost for the employee only tier. The $571.00 is the rate that the Board bases all of the single coverage rates. The Board of Education pays $571.00 and the employee only tier pays the difference. The following tiers: employee plus child(ren), employee plus spouse, and employee plus spouse and child(ren) are paid 58% by the board and 42% by the employee. If both spouses are employed by BCS, then the board pays the rate of two employee only premiums and the employee pays the difference. We have additional benefit plan choices along with a new network effective January 2017. These options are available for an additional cost. We are recommending to continue with the same maximum board share of $571.00 (Partnership Promise PPO) with the remainder being paid by the employee. Also, we are recommending the additional tiers in the Cigna Open Access to use the following cost share of 58% Board portion of the lower network cost and the employee pay the remainder of the cost. She also explained the retiree rates paid by the Board of Education are currently under the Bradley County Education Association’s negotiated agreement and the following statement needs to be approved to remove the language regarding the agreement. Below wording would be added to Policy 5.205 The Board of Education requires that the employee have at least fifteen (15) years of full-time service with the Board in order to receive an insurance benefit paid by the Board. Therefore, an employee who does not have at least fifteen (15) years of full-time service with the Board would also have to pay the Board share of the cost. Mrs. Calfee asked Mrs. Crispin to explain the CDHP option. All four options cover preventive items but co pays and co insurance are where the biggest differences are. CDHP only has co insurance - no copays. They pay deductibles first which is $2,000.00 in network for employee only and employee plus spouse or any other tier is $4,000.00. The way it works is that you go to the doctor. You get a bill then the insurance company negotiates the bill. Maybe a $300.00 will be negotiated to $96.00. The employee would pay $96.00 when they went to the doctor. The way to put money back for these bills is in a HSA account. The employ and employer can put money in. If district decides $1000.00 for employee only and $2000.00 for any other tier - you are looking at maybe five doctor's visities and precriptions being filled with nothing out of pocket for the employee. The money put into HSA accounts is the employee's money and it can be rolled if not used in that year. If the Board voted to put this money into accounts, it would already be what is budgeted for insurance, Mrs. Crispin told the Board. Dr. Cash explained to the Board that to cover the increase we put 6 1/2 percent (around $600,000.00) into insurance. The state mandated that to stay with the state we could no longer offer the GAP insurance. According to Mrs. Crispin, families with Limited paying $464.52 back to Partnership at $622.86 for family coverage is a big increase. Employee only can move back and it will still be covered. CDHP cost $417.90 for family coverage. There will be no new money - only shifting money from one insurance category to another. If we shift money from one plan to another - our cost will not change but the employees will. Chairman Dillard asked Mrs. Crispin if she had researched this and is this the best plan for our employees. She told him that she had researched it and maybe the additional option could be an option for January 2018. This is something that we need to look at but we need some research to see what we can offer and sustain for years to come. Mrs. Lee reminded them of all the families that came to them last year that could not afford the family coverage. That is when they implemented the GAP and their rates when from $590 to $377 a month. They loved because it was affordable. Then this year the sate changed it. To go from $377 up to $622,86 this year is a lot for families. Vicki Beaty asked how much time do we have? Mrs. Crispin told them next week because she is going out to schools to get the message out the following week. Mr. Dillard asked about going outside the state to get insurance. Mrs. Crispin told them that if we go outside the state insurance plan and we found something cheaper but then decided to come back. The retirees can not come back. Mr. Dillard asked the Board that if that is not an option why what are we wanting to meet. Dr. Cash asked about letting the Business office run numbers and see if they are able to make any changes that will help with the family coverage. They will get them back to the board to see if there is something to offer and see if they need to have a called meeting. Mr. Frazier told them that the board previous to us, put 600,000 into insurance. They were trying to do all they could and that is why there was no money for raises. I think we need to adopt the policy and take Dr. Cash's recommendation. Mrs. Calfee asked about looking at a 80/20 or 70/30 split. Dr. Cash said that she would want to do a survey with all teachers if we were looking at a change that big and that it would be something to look at for next year. Chairman Dillard asked for a motion to make the change to policy 5.205.
14. Policy Review
14.a. 3.219 - Use of Unmanned Aircraft System (DRONES) - 1st Reading
The recommendation was to adopt the model policy from TSBA because we currently do not have a policy.
14.b. 1.106 - Code of Ethics - 1st and 2nd Reading
The mission and vision statement will be updated to the current statements. All other policies in Section 1 were reviewed and need no changes.
15. Resolutions
The Board will send these three resolutions to TN School Board Association for discussion at the Annual Convention.
15.a. Charter School Authorizer Fee
15.b. Funding of RTI2 Positions
15.c. Broadband
16. Announcements-The Board will be invited to meetings with the AdvancED group on Monday (9/12/16), from 2:30 – 3:30 for Interviews and Wednesday (9/14/16), from 2:30 – 3:00 for the exit meeting.
There will be a joint meeting between the Cleveland City and Bradley County Board of Educations on Tuesday, September 20, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. at the Star Center.
October work session is Tuesday, October 18th and the Board meeting is Thursday, October 20th. Both meetings begin at 5:30 p.m.
17. Adjournment - Chairman Rodney Dillard