August 13, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Bradley County Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. 4:30 Reception and 5:00 Recognition for Teachers of the Year (Building and System Level)
2. Call to Order - Chairman Weathers
3. Invocation
The Invocation was given by Wayne Finnell, Westwood Baptist Church.
4. Pledge to Flag
The Pledge was led by Rodney Dillard, Vice Chair.
5. Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve Consent Agenda Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
5.a. Meeting Agenda
5.b. Minutes
5.c. PIE Center Abatement Bid - Executive Approval 7-16-20
6. Persons Requesting to Address the Board on Agenda Items
No one signed up to address the Board.
7. Director of Schools Report
We are thrilled to be back in school. We know there is still some uneasyness around coming back but it is a joy to see students back in schools, Dr. Cash told the Board. Schools are following all the protacols and doing a great job. We are back with caution and will continue with caution. Students should be in school, learning, having access to counselors, hot meals, and friends. She thanked the Board for supporting us going back to school.
8. Technology Common Sense Presentation - Scott Webb, Instructional Technology Director
Bradley County Schools is now a Common Sense District. There are only two in the state and we are one of them. You must have 75% of your schools certified as Common Sense Schools to become a Common Sense District. It is a big deal, Donna Mitchell, Bradley County Tech Coach, told the Board. The curriculum has been established, trusted, and in use since 2010. It is an award winning curriculm for grades K-12 that is research based and was developed in partnership with Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. And, it is free to schools. The curriculum empowers K-12 students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibility in our digital world.
9. Bus Route Transfers - Routes 3 & 22 - Gary Austin, Director of Pupil Personnel
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10. Bid for a New Special Education Bus - Gary Austin, Director of Pupil Personnel
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11. Budget Amendments - Susan Willcutt, Finance Director
11.a. Fund 141 General Purpose School (141-2021-3,4,5,7,8,9 and 10)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11.b. Fund 141 General Fund (141-2021-2)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11.c. Fund 141 General Fund (141-2021-6)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11.d. Fund 141 General Fund (141-2021-11)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11.e. Fund 177 Educational Capital Projects (177-2021-12)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11.f. Fund 141 General Fund (141-2021-15)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12. Policy Review - Vicki Beaty
12.a. Policy 2.501 - Accepting Credit Card Payments
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12.b. Policy 5.400 Health Examination/.Communicable Diseases
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Scott Bennett, Attorney for Bradley County Schools, spoke to the Board about Policy5.400. He told them that one of the critical issues that school systems are dealing with is how will they stay open in the mist of having to quarantine people which is dictated by the TN Health Department. The CDC allows us to designate certain employees as essencial and part of the critial infrastructure. To have them come into work even if they have been exposed provided they are A-symtomatic and wear mask. The TN Health Department is more conservative than that. We have been under the assumption that the TN Department of Health does not want us to follow the CDC guidelines. We have gotten some indications this week from the State Deptment of Education that we will have some latitude moving forward if the local board of education adopts a policy that gives the director the descretion to designate certain people as essential. They may come into work, when other wise they would be quarantined, provided they wear PPE, is an essential worker and the risk of exposure is low. Mr. Bennett told the Board that he spoke with Christy Ballard, General Counsel, for the Tennessee Department of Education today and he understands the guidance is coming out from them tomorrow. The policy before you is what she thinks the Department will issue tomorrow. Mr. Bennett told the Board that he wanted them to understand that Dr. Cash is a leader in the state on this issue. Statewide everyone is complimenting her for her work on this and for taking on such a hugh task.
13. North Lee Elementary and Black Fox Elementary Addition Update - Dr. Cash
Dr. Cash gave the update on the North Lee and Black Fox Additions.
North Lee is complete and the final punch list will be completed at the same time as the Black Fox punch list. Black Fox:
14. GOAL Academy update for the PIE Center - Dr. Cash
Dr. Cash gave an update to the Board for Angie Lyons, MBI..
1) Design items that have been completed:
15. PIE Update - Corbett Drew
The PIE Ground Breaking was a success and now you ask "When is the real ground breaking", Corbett Drew told the Board. To get to groundbreaking we still need permits and contracts. We will finalize the guaranteed maximum price contract with TU Parks. The contract is ready but TU Parks is working to get the number of local subs where we want them. Dr. Cash ask the Board for permission to call them back in for a meeting when the contract is ready. We need to get the contract approved before the September meeting so we can get started.
16. Announcements - The next meeting of the Board will be Thursday, September 17th @ 5:30. We will have New Teacher and Retiree Recognition beginning at 4:30.
17. Agenda Items for the Next Board Meeting
18. Adjournment