April 11, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes | |||
1. Agenda
Donnie Moses
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2. Appointment of Director/Contract
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Mr. Moses opened the floor for discussion on the matter of Appointment of Director/Contract stating that this is the most important job the Board is responsible for. Mr. Lilly asked about the process and Mr. Moses indicated there were three ways to handle this: appointment with approval, post job (take applications), and third party search. Mr. Moses stated that there was no set process and that the Board determines the process it feels is best. There was discussion concerning each process. Mr. Moses stated that appointing a director would not only save costs but also be a time efficient process. Mr. Dippold, Ms. Hunter, and Ms. McClintock were in favor of posting the position in order to open the field for local individuals that may be interested in the position. Mr. Moses explained the timeline involved with the posting process. Mr. Moses then provided insight regarding the use of a third party search indicating a broader field of candidates would be available, but that there are high costs and extensive time involved. Ms. Gold indicated that she has been involved in appointing a new director on several occasions and is familiar with the various processes. She believes there are benefits related to any of the processes, but feels that we are in a fortunate position of having someone that has been in some way trained to take over that position. When Mrs. Abernathy did her original organization chart and requested a deputy director be a part of it, it was with the hope that it would be someone in training, understanding there were no guarantees that that person would automatically be the person to take over. The decision would be based on their performance, how Ms. Abernathy viewed their performance, as well as how the Board viewed their performance. Mr. Moses agreed that that was his understanding as well. Ms. Gold continued to say that she didn't believe that the Board was in the position to bring someone in from the outside because we are doing really well and things are falling into place. That conducting a search or posting the position could be disruptive at this time. A smooth transition would be good. Additionally, the sooner someone is in place, that individual can be involved in the preparation of the organizational chart and upcoming budget process. Mr. Moses stated as clarification that we cannot change directors of schools within 45 days before or 30 days after a general election according to State law. Ms. Gold stated that we must provide the 2016-2017 budget to the Marshall County Commission by May 15, 2015.
There was continued open discussion by Board members concerning posting the position and opening it up for local individuals, to see what might be available. Board members on both sides shared their thoughts. Ms. McClintock asked if there was a way to put a time limit on contract negotiation. Mr. Moses stated that contract negotiation between the Board attorney and incoming director will only take place after an offer has been made. The Board could put a 5 or 7 day window on this to expedite the process. Could potentially include a Board member as part of the negotiating team. (Motion) Mr. Moses opened the floor again for discussion. Ms. Hunter and Ms. McClintock stated they both felt the job should be posted with a disclaimer of nothing against Mr. Sorrells, just believe it should be opened for other candidates. Mr. Moses then called for a roll call vote. (6-3)
Mr. Moses stated that for informational purposes, TOSS pays for contract negotiation for the Board; this is not an expense that will be incurred. They will contact Chuck Cagle, the Board attorney and Mr. Sorrells to begin that process. Ms. Gold will participate in the negotiation process.
Mr. Moses stated that a special called meeting was necessary to approve the director's contract. Mr. Lilly believes that we need to get this process moving in order to get the 2016-2017 budget to the Marshall County Commission by May 14, 2016. (Motion)
3. Recognitions
3.1. Sorrell Martin, Cornersville High School
Director Abernathy introduced Sorrell Martin from Cornersville School. She is presenting the speech that won her first place in the Tennessee Beta Convention's level 2 competition. She will be competing at the National Beta Convention in June in New Orleans, LA.
3.2. Classified Employees of the Month
Jackie Abernathy
Ms. Abernathy recognized the Classified Employees of the Month.
4. Minutes
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5. MCEA Report
Nicky Randolph
Nicky Randolph presented the MCEA report as follows - TEA helped to fight the legislation that would take away payroll deduction; had several teachers attend the Spring Symposium in Gatlinburg; MCEA will be holding their end of the year luncheon on May 23, 2016, and invitations will be sent out shortly. Stated that MCEA is thankful for the relationship that has been formed with Ms. Abernathy and is hopeful that the same relationship will continue with the new director. MCEA appreciates that they are on the agenda each month as well as there being an appointment on the Director's Advisory Council.
6. Committee Reports/Schedule Committee Meetings
Mr. Lilly scheduled a Maintenance Committee meeting for Thursday, May 3, 2016, at 5:00 p.m.
6.1. Budget Committee
Kristen Gold
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Budget Committee meeting report was given by Ms. Gold. The committee met on Thursday, April 7, 2016. First thing on the agenda were two resolutions presented by Ms. Wiles, Director of Finance. The first one was basically moving budgeted funds around from category to another to bring the budget in line with where expenses are for this year. The second resolution goes back and corrects the beginning budget numbers. The committee passed both resolutions 8-0. (Motion)
Next the committee reviewed the first numbers of the budget provided by Ms. Wiles based on where we are this year. Discussed items that needed to be included or excluded for next year. There were recommendations but this is the first pas at the budget. Ms. Wiles will update the budget when she gets the first BEP estimate in. She will then send that information out to the committee prior to the next committee meeting, which will be on Thursday, May 3, 2016.
7. Consent Agenda
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7.1. Cornersville Middle School BETA Club National Convention
7.2. MCBOE - Surplus
8. Summer Workers
Jackie Abernathy/Jackie Morris
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Ms. Abernathy discussed the request for 10 summer workers, 5 hours for 30 days and 2 painters 6 hours for 30 days for a total not to exceed $17,000. Ms. Wiles has assured me that we have the funds for these workers. These workers will be used in the schools as needed to move furniture, strip floors, etc.
9. Annual Agenda
9.1. Director of Schools Performance Evaluation
Julie Keny Cathey
During Annual Agenda, Mr. Moses stated that the Evaluation of Director of Schools will be used more as a lay-of-the-land as to where the new director takes over. Mrs. Abernathy's aggregate score was 4.76 on a 5-point scale. No action necessary; just informational.
10. Federal Budget Revision #4
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Ms. Abernathy explained that these were just normal adjustments due to people coming and going with no additional funds requested. (Motion) Mr. Moses moved to suspend the rules so that Ms. Thomas to address these revisions. It is additional money that the State allocated to us and we have added it into the budget. Mrs. Abernathy is correct; we put it where we believe we are going to need additional funds.
Mrs. Abernathy stated that we will not have Title VI money next year because we did not meet the poverty level requirement. Will have lower funds in Title because of the lower free/reduced rates. The loss of Title VI equates to about $107,000 (1-1/2 positions). Mr. Moses moved to suspend the rules to allow Mrs. Julie Thomas to speak. Title VI allocation is based on the 2010 Census and only three counties in the State lost Title VI funds (Coffee, Lincoln, and Marshall). The poverty level criteria is 20% and Marshall County dropped to 19.19%
10.1. Revision Title 1 16.01 Budget
10.2. Revision Title II 16.01 Budget
10.3. Revision Title III 16.01 Budget
10.4. Revision Title VI 16.01 Budget
10.5. Revision IDEA-B 16.01 Budget
11. Contractor's Pay Request
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12. New Business
There was no new business.
13. Director's Report
Jackie Abernathy
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
During the Director's Report Ms. Abernathy stated that the bleacher repair at MCHS that was discussed during the Budget Committee meeting are going to cost about $28,000 or not to exceed that. The work needs to be completed before graduation. (Motion)
Reception for the valedictorians and salutatorians will be on Monday, May 9, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. prior to the Board meeting.
Kinder Camp will need to be funded out of instruction; it will cost approximately $3,000. (Motion)
Ms. Abernathy thanked CKNA for the desks and chairs. Mr. Lilly asked if we had a need for 40 desks and 40 chairs. This generous donation saves us a lot of money and it is greatly appreciated.
Ms. Abernathy thanked Oak Grove Elementary School for the beautiful artwork that was hanging in the board room tonight. A big thank you to Ms. Warf for her work with the students at OGES.
Ms. Abernathy thanked the Board for the evaluation report.
13.1. Reception for Valedictorians, Salutatorians, 13-Year Perfect Attendance
14. Adjourn
Mr. Moses thanked Mr. Wagner for being present at tonight's meeting. Mr. Moses stated there were a few items under FYI involving fundraiser, travel requests, use of facilities, and personnel updates.
The meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m.
15. FYI
15.1. Approved Fundraiser Authorizations
15.2. Use of Facilities
15.3. Travel Requests
15.4. Personnel Changes