August 11, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Agenda
Mike Keny
Members present were Kristen Gold, Susan Hunter, Barbara Kennedy, Mike Keny, Ken Lilly, Sheryl McClintock, Donnie Moses, and Randy Perryman. Harvey Jones was absent.
Mr. Lilly made a motion, with a second by Ms. McClintock, to approve the agenda. The motion passed 8-0.
2. Minutes
Mr. Moses made a motion, with a second by Mr. Lilly, to approve the minutes of the July 17, 2014, regular session, and the July 23, 28, and 31, 2014, executive committee sessions. The motion passed 8-0.
3. MCEA Report
Nicky Randolph
In the MCEA report, MCEA president Nicky Randolph stated the organization provided lunch for new teachers during the new teacher orientation; during that event, MCEA welcomed 26 new members.
4. Committee Reports/Schedule Committee Meetings
Committee Chairmen
There were no committee reports.
5. Policy 4.700 Testing Programs
Ms. Kennedy made a motion, with a second by Ms. Gold, to approve the changes to policy 4.700 Testing Programs. The motion passed 8-0.
6. Opening Enrollment Figures (Annual Agenda Item)
The board reviewed the opening enrollment numbers. Ms. Abernathy will provided updated numbers following Labor Day, when they are typically more accurate.
7. Bids
7.1. Custodial Supplies Bids
Mr. Perryman made a motion, with a second by Mr. Moses, to award the custodial supplies bid to low bidder Kelsan. The motion passed 8-0.
7.2. Motor Oil Bids
Before discussing motor oil bids, Ms. Abernathy stated that she is recommending awarding the bid to Barber Oil, although the company is not the low bidder. She explained that Barber was recently awarded the diesel bid, and the service Barber has provided in the past has been outstanding; she added that there may be a variance in delivery fees. Mr. Moses made a motion, with a second by Mr. Lilly, to approve the motor oil bid submitted by Barber Oil Company. Following discussions, Mr. Moses withdrew his motion pending more information on delivery fees.
8. Surplus Van
Ms. Gold made a motion, with a second by Mr. Perryman, to declare a 2003 Ford Windstar van as surplus. The motion passed 8-0.
9. Contractor's Pay Request (Orion)
Concerning the contractor's Pay Request, Ms. Abernathy stated that Finance Director Janet Wiles has checked each item on the request to assure they tally correctly. She added that the additions at Oak Grove and Marshall Elementary should be ready for the system to take ownership around the end of November and Westhills in December. Ms. Kennedy made a motion, with a second by Mr. Lilly, to pay the Contractor's Pay Request. The motion passed 8-0.
10. New Business
There was no new business.
11. Director's Report
To begin the Director's Report, Ms. Abernathy introduced new administrators in the audience, as well as new board member Julie Keny Cathey, who will be replacing Mike Keny on the board.
Continuing Director's Report, Ms. Abernathy announced the system was awarded the Bridges Grant for WES, MES and CVES worth $300,000, plus $85,000 in an existing grant at OGES. Ms. Abernathy explained that the PA system at Westhills is not working properly. Two quotes have been received: Southeastern Sound, $10,787, two to six weeks before than can begin work, does not cover the new rooms (additional work will be required once rooms are complete); SimplexGrinnell, $14,635, can be installed within a week, comes with a rack, will cover new rooms. Maintenance is recommending SimplexGrinnell. Ms. Kennedy made a motion, with a second by Mr. Moses, to go with SimplexGrinnell. The motion passed 8-0.
Mr. Perryman made a motion, with a second by Ms. Gold, to use the salary of a resigned academic coach to hire RTI2 administrative assistants (grades K-5) to assist interventionists with paperwork and testing. The motion passed 8-0.
Mr. Moses made a motion, with a second by Ms. McClintock, to approve hiring a crossing guard at Marshall Elementary School. The motion passed 8-0. Deputy Director Jacob Sorrells will check on a training program for crossing guards.
To conclude the meeting, Ms. Abernathy thanked Wil Wilson and Comfort Research for donating 60 bean bag chairs to Westhills, and Al Henderson at Lewisburg Industrial for delivering the chairs. She thanked departing board members Barbara Kennedy and Mike Keny for their service on the board.
11.1. Move September Board Meeting
She then explained that she is scheduled to attend the 2014 Superintendent Fall Conference in Gatlinburg September 7-10; therefore, she is requesting the September meeting be moved to September 15. Mr. Perryman made a motion, with a second by Ms. Hunter, to move the meeting to Monday, September 15. The motion passed 8-0.
Since the October board meeting falls within Fall Break, Ms. Abernathy requested the October meeting be moved to Monday, October 6. Ms. McClintock made a motion, with a second by Ms. Gold, to move the meeting to Monday, October 6. The motion passed 8-0.
11.2. Student Disciplinary Hearing Authority
Ms. Hunter made a motion, with a second by Mr. Perryman, to approve the Student Disciplinary Hearing Authority. The motion passed 8-0.
11.3. Surplus Portable (Westhills Elementary)
Ms. Kennedy made a motion, with a second by Ms. Hunter, to declare a portable at Westhills as surplus. The motion passed 8-0.
12. Adjourn
Mr. Keny thanked all the employees of the Marshall County School System for their dedication, the board members for their friendship, the voters for entrusting him to do this, and his family for allowing him the opportunity and the time to serve on the board.
The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
13. FYI
13.1. Use of Facility