February 10, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes | |||
1. Agenda
Mike Keny
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Before beginning the meeting, Mr. Keny wished fellow board member Donnie Moses a happy birthday.
The following additions were made to the agenda: Ms. Gold - Under New Business, discuss the accreditation process and minimum credits to graduate.
2. Cenergistic Progress Update
Jacob Sorrells/Roy Haislip
Energy Specialist Roy Haislip gave a presentation on the progress of the Cenergistic program.
3. Minutes
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4. MCEA Report
Nicky Randolph
During the MCEA Report, MCEA president Nicky Randolph stated that she and other members attended a presentation about TEA's legislative agenda and the trouble with TVAAS at Columbia Central; thanked Ms. Abernathy for allowing the Director's Advisory Council to attend the meeting with Sen. Tracy and Rep. Spivey; MCEA has a spring symposium in March; she has a presidents' meeting this month; teachers are getting more involved in the legislature.
5. Committee Reports/Schedule Committee Meetings
Ms. Gold will set a Curriculum Committee meeting upon the availability of Courtney Wood.
Mr. Lilly scheduled a Five-Year Strategic Plan committee meeting for Monday, February 24 at 5:30 p.m.
5.1. Maintenance Committee - January 27
Randy Perryman
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In the Maintenance Committee report, Mr. Perryman stated the committee met on January 27, during which Kevin Turner with Stephen Ward & Associates presented a plan of design and schedule for maintenance and replacement of roofs. Mr. Turner's company will oversee this for a fee of 8% of the construction cost; the committee voted unanimously to send this to the Budget Committee for available funding. Mr. Sorrells shared information on maintaining gym floors, and he will develop a schedule for this process. A discussion was held on paying a yearly supplement to each school for maintaining ball fields; this topic is still pending upon further study.
(After Curriculum Committee report) Bringing the discussion back to roof repairs (see motion).
The board requested that Rick Daughrity of Orion attend maintenance committee meetings to provide building updates; the board will receive quarterly updates.
5.2. Budget Committee - January 27
Donnie Moses
During the Budget Committee report, Mr. Moses said the committee met immediately following the Maintenance Committee meeting on the 27th. In discussing the four topics on the agenda, the committee learned that both expenditures and revenue were in the mid- to high-$40s, which was expected for this point in the year. Property taxes coming in at this tinme of year will boost revenues and expenditures. The committee discussed differentiated pay, adjusting the pay at the maintenance and bus garages, and funding roof repairs. Mr. Moses explained that repairing roofs is a priority, and the system has some county commission money set aside for repairs. He went on to say the system has unused funds in capital money, which is in fund balance and would require a resolution to the commission to access the funds. He concluded that the issue would be referred back to the Maintenance Committee to determine the priority of repairs.
5.3. Curriculum Committee - February 10
Kristen Gold
In the Curriculum Committee report, Ms. Gold stated the committee met prior to this evening's board meeting. Agenda items included End of Course tests (no information to give out at this point), changes to secondary math (will discuss further at next curriculum meeting), programs of study in the CTE program, accreditation process (to be discussed in New Business), minimum credits to graduate (to be discussed in New business). Integrated math and potential changes to scheduling will be addressed during the next curriculum meeting.
Ms. Gold set a Curriculum Committee meeting upon the availability of Courtney Wood.
6. Surplus
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7. Bids
7.1. Mowing
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Due to the low bidder's unsatisfactory performance during the 2011 mowing season, the board rejected the bid of Douglas Lawn Care.
7.2. Paper
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8. Calendar
Jackie Abernathy
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
9. Director's Evaluation Instrument
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10. New Business
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The board suspended the rules to allow coordinator Ginger Tepedino to address the board.
11. Director's Report
Jackie Abernathy
In the Director's Report, Ms. Abernathy discussed differentiated pay, announced that our system did not qualify for the small school equity money, and the system will receive a $59,500 increase in growth money this month.
11.1. Resolution
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12. Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
13. FYI
13.1. Fundraiser Authorization
13.2. Use of Facilities
13.3. Volunteer Assistant Coach (CVMS Girls Softball)
13.4. Assistant Boys Soccer Coach
13.5. CVHS FBLA State Conference request