January 10, 2012 at 5:30 PM - Special Called Meeting
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1. Application
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
After discussions, the board voted yes or no on each applicant for Director of Schools; the candidates with at least five votes would be granted an interview with the board. The following reflects the votes for each candidate:
Abernathy - 7
Banyard - 1
Francis - 3
Garrison - 2
Kline - 1
Miller - 8
Murrey - 0
Porter - 3
Royal - 6
Shanks - 0
Tisdale - 5
Treece - 1
Williams - 3
Applicants receiving five or more votes: Jackie Abernathy, Larry Miller, William Royal, and Paul Tisdale. The board then took a vote on the candidates receiving three votes to determine if any would receive five votes, and therefore, an interview. The vote was as follows:
Francis - 2; Porter - 3; Williams - 1.
The board asked board secretary Ms. Poole to perform an employment/background check on the two out-of-town candidates (Royal and Tisdale) before interviews are scheduled. The local applicants (Abernathy and Miller) have been/are long-term employees of this system; therefore, a verification of employment is not warranted for these candidates. Inquiries will include: confirm details on the application, including employment history and salary.
Applicants not selected for the initial interview process will not be notified they were not selected in the event the board chooses to interview others on the list.
The board decided to wait until after the four interviews to determine whether or not to narrow the field, and whether or not to take the narrowed field on school tours.
While discussing interview questions, concerns were expressed that the questions would become public record prior to interviews. This could result in an unfair advantage for some candidates. The board will seek legal advice on keeping interview questions private before the interviews. Other questions for legal opinion: does the board have to ask every candidate the same questions; can a board member contact a candidate with questions not on the interview sheet; can questions be given to the candidates in advance of the interviews? Decision was made that the chairman, vice chairman and chairman pro-tem would go through the questions used in the 2008 Director's Search, choose questions from that list, and bring them back to the board.
In addition to questions used previously, the board decided to come up with a list of their own, requested the schools be asked for faculty-submitted questions, and announce in the newspaper and on the radio stations for members of the community to submit questions that could possibly be used during the interview process. The deadline to submit questions to Ms. Poole was set at 4:00 p.m. Friday, January 13. Board members mentioned that the public could also contact a board member to submit questions.
(See Motion)
During discussions, the board tentatively decided to interview the week of January 23-26 (one per night) beginning at 6:00 in the evening; a blind draw will decide the order of interviews.
The meeting recessed at 6:46 p.m. to continue Tuesday, January 17 at 6:00 p.m.
The Special Called meeting of the Marshall County Board of Education reconvened at 6:10 p.m. on Tuesday, January 17.
Members present were Curt Denton, Kristen Gold, Harvey Jones, Barbara Kennedy, Mike Keny, Donnie Moses, Randy Perryman, and Ann Tears. Sam Smith was absent.
(Covered in the January 12 board meeting during "Director's Search Update": TSBA's answers to board members' concerns voiced in the January 10 Special Called meeting; Saturday, January 28 will be the interview date; questions will be given to candidates ahead of time.)
Mr. Keny opened the meeting by asking for suggestions on the number of questions to ask and the timeframe of the interviews. Following discussions, the board agreed to require all candidates to be at the Central Office at 9:30 a.m. to answer a Chairman-selected essay question. An hour-and-fifteen-minute interview will be conducted, take a five-minute break, and begin the next interview; take a quick lunch (brought in), and conclude interviews by 4:00 p.m.
The board took a 15-minute break to allow each member a chance to study other members' questions, as well as previously used questions and the faculty- and community-submitted questions.
Each board member selected three questions from the lists; from these, the board narrowed the list to 18, with some being combined into one. The board categorized each question as Ms. Poole read them aloud. The board asked that submissions by faculty and the community be indicated as such when appearing on the final list.
After further discussions on the timeframe, the board agreed to wait until the morning of the interviews to draw names to determine interview order. Each candidate will be interviewed for one hour and five minutes, plus a ten minute wrap-up by the candidate. Board members will have a fifteen-minute break between interviews. Interviews will be conducted at 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:15 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. with a short lunch break following the 11:30 interview.
Board members requested the questions be sent to them for a final review before sending them to the candidates.
The board decided to have the candidates in the Central Office at 9:00 a.m. to complete the essay question between 9:15 and 9:45; the board will draw names at the conclusion of the essay portion and begin interviews at 10:00.
(See Motion)
The meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.
2. Dr. Teresa Williams
3. Dr. Larry Miller
4. Jackie Abernathy
5. Scott Porter
6. Dr. William Royal
7. Dr. James Francis
8. Dr. James Garrison
9. Darrell Treece
10. Beverly Murrey
11. Duane Kline
12. Dr. Julius Shanks
13. Dr. Paul Tisdale
14. Dr. Spurgeon Banyard