April 2, 2015 at 5:00 PM - Putnam County Board Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
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III. Announcements
III.A. Recognize the Capshaw Choristers Selected for the American Choral Director's Association (ACDA) National Children's Honor Choir in Salt Lake City, Utah in February to sing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir
III.B. Recognize Misty Brown, Special Education teacher, with a demonstration of the Lightaide Device for visually impaired students
III.C. Recognize the 2015 Tennessee School Board Association's SCOPE (Student Congress on Policies in Education) delegates from CHS, MHS, and UHS
IV. Approval of Minutes
IV.A. Minutes Regular March Board Meeting - March 5, 2015, @ 3:30 PM
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V. Approval of Consent Agenda
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V.A. Payments/Purchases
V.A.1. Approval of payment to HFR, Inc. - Brentwood, Tennessee for professional services, reimbursable and consultant expenses as of February 28, 2015, rendered in connection with the Long Range Facility Plan in the amount of $6,417.67 to be paid from 141-72310-599-02008, Other Contracted Services to be transferred from Undesignated Fund Balance with a future Budget Amendment, as submitted.
V.A.2. Approval to purchase seven (7) VEX Principals of Engineering kits from Project Lead the Way - Indianapolis, Indiana in the total amount not to exceed $11,000 to be paid from 142-72210-429-581-1504, First to the Top grant funds, as submitted.
V.A.3. Approval to purchase the National Ready! For Kindergarten training materials from Children's Reading Foundation - Kennewick, Washington in the amount of $14574.78 to be paid from U-Trust grant, as submitted.
V.A.4. Approval to purchase forty-seven (47) Samsung Chromebooks and one (1) cart for Northeast Elementary School in the amount of $11,809.48 to be paid from 142-71100-722-101.
V.A.5. Approval to purchase Testing Kits and Materials for school psychologists from Pearson Clinical Assessment - San Antonio, Texas in the amount of $15,607.00 to be paid from 141-72220-499, as submitted.
V.A.6. Approval to purchase Crazy Traits kit and full module on genetics from Frey Scientific - Nashua, New Hampshire in the amount not to exceed $20,000 from 142-71100-429-963, MSP Grant funds, for the implementation of the MSP SciMath grant.
V.A.7. Approval to purchase engineering curriculum from the sole provider, EIE - Boston, MA, in the amount not to exceed $16,000 from 142-71100-429-963, MSP Grant funds, for the implementation of the MSP SciMath grant.
V.A.8. Approval to purchase medical and science products from Flinn Scientific - Batavia, Illinois in the amount not to exceed $26,000 from 142-71100-429-963, MSP Grant funds, for the implementation of the MSP SciMath grant.
V.A.9. Approval to purchase PAStrack Dynamics System and accessories from the sole provider, Pasco - Roseville, California, in the amount not to exceed $22,000 to be paid from 142-71100-429-963, MSP Grant funds, for the implementation of the MSP SciMath grant.
V.A.10. Approval of the emergency purchase of a Market Forge Steamer from Strategic Equipment and Supply - Knoxville, Tennessee for Monterey High School in the amount not to exceed $15,000.00 to be paid from food service funds.
V.A.11. Approval to purchase four (4) New Blue Bird Buses from Mid-State Bus Sales - Lebanon, Tennessee at $89,990 each in the total amount of $359,960 to be paid from 141-72710-729, Transportation Equipment.
V.B. Bids/Quotes/Sealed Bids
V.B.1. Approval to bid Framing and Finish Materials for the Construction Technology Housing Projects for the 2015-2016 school year at Cookeville, Monterey, and Upperman High School.
V.B.2. Approval to bid Walk-In Freezer for Northeast Elementary School to be paid from grant funds
V.C. Budget Amendments/Line Item Transfers (None Submitted)
V.C.1. Federal Budget Amendment - Fund 142
V.C.1.a. Federal Programs - Title I (101)
V.C.1.b. Replacement Special Education - To budget additional funds awarded for students with disabilities ages 3-5 years
V.C.2. Food Service Budget Amendment - Fund 143
V.C.2.a. Food Service - To budget for additional revenue from student paid lunches
V.D. Approval of Out-of-County & Overnight Trip Report (None Submitted)
V.E. Approval of Grant Report (None Submitted)
V.F. Other
V.F.1. Approval to enter into the Gallup Teacher Insights' Survey contract with Gallup, Inc. - Omaha, Nebraska in the amount of $20,000 to be paid from TIF Grant funds - 142-72210-599-222, Other Charges, as submitted.
VI. Building Projects Discussion & Approval of Payments/Purchases
VI.A. New Monterey High School Project Update
VI.A.1. Change Order
VI.A.1.a. Change Order #015
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VI.A.2. Proposed Change Orders (PCOs)
VI.A.2.a. PCO #107
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VI.A.2.b. Estimated PCO #104
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VI.A.2.c. PCO #81 or PCO #81b
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VI.A.3. Payments
VI.A.3.a. GEOServices, LC - Knoxville, Tennessee for construction monitoring services
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VI.A.3.b. redChair: architects - Knoxville, Tennessee for architectural services and reimbursable expenses
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VI.A.3.c. Rouse Construction Company - Farragut, Tennessee
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VI.B. New Upperman Middle School Project Update
VI.B.1. Change Order
VI.B.1.a. Change Order #016
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VI.B.2. Proposed Change Orders (PCOs)
VI.B.2.a. PCO #108
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VI.B.2.b. PCO #109
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VI.B.2.c. PCO #95
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VI.B.2.d. PCO #107
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VI.B.3. Payments
VI.B.3.a. GEOServices, LLC - Knoxville, Tennessee for construction monitoring services
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VI.B.3.b. redChair: architects - Knoxville, Tennessee for architectural services and reimbursable expenses
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VI.B.3.c. redChair: architects - Knoxville, Tennessee for the Additional Design Services (AS009) for water pump building design
VI.B.3.d. R.G. Anderson Company, Inc. - Nashville, Tennessee
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VI.B.4. UMS Furnishings Bid
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VII. Discussion/Presentations
VII.A. Baxter Transition Committee Report
VIII. Adjournment
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