March 8, 2025 at 8:00 AM - Bedford County Board of Education Spring Retreat
Minutes |
I.A. Call to Order
The Bedford County Board of Education met for their annual Spring Retreat on March 8, 2025 at 8:00 am in the Board of Education Central Office located at 500 Madison St., Shelbyville, TN. Board members Michael Cook, Brian Crews, Glenn Forsee, Lana Craig, Andrea Anderson and Shanna Boyette were present. David Brown, Dan Reed and Barton Williams were absent. Dr. Tammy Garrett and Tim Harwell were also present.
Breakfast was catered by the Shelbyville Central High School Culinary Arts class taught by Michael Walker. The food was cooked and served by students in the class. Chairman Michael Cook opened the meeting. |
I.B. Opening Remarks
II. Board Member Compensation
There was discussion on board member compensation. Bedford County’s compensation was compared to other counties of similar size. They talked about possibly raising the amount to promote more interest in the public office of school board member.
III. Finalize 5/10 Year Plan
Dr. Garrett and Tim Harwell got the board caught up on the ongoing projects in our school system. Athletic lights, concession stands, vestibules and other projects were discussed. The Newcomer Academy was brought up along with an MOU with Remington Farms about land that will possibly be given to the school system. A Liberty High School was mentioned to help take pressure off of the other high schools since they are all growing.
IV. 2025-2026 Budget
. Dr. Garrett said she was going to recommend that they hire 3 full-time athletic trainers. Dr. Garrett explained that it will take $3 million to cover raises for certified and classified positions. She also told the board that this is Science book adoption year.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 12:00 pm.