February 20, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Bedford County Board of Education
Minutes | ||
I.A. Call to Order
The Bedford County Board of Education met in a regular monthly session on February 20, 2025 at 6:00 pm in the Board of Education Central Office located at 500 Madison St., Shelbyville, TN. Board members Glenn Forsee, Michael Cook, Brian Crews, Dan Reed, Barton Williams, Shanna Boyette and Lana Craig were present. David Brown and Andrea Anderson were absent.
Chairman Michael Cook called the meeting to order, followed by a moment of silence, and the Pledge of Allegiance lead by Kylan Thompson who is a student at Learning Way Elementary School. |
I.B. Moment of Silence
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance - Led by Kylan Thompson and Griffin Grant, students at Learning Way Elementary School
I.D. Opening Remarks
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Consent Agenda was approved by acclamation upon the motion and seconded by Shanna Boyette and Barton Williams.
II.A. Approval of Agenda
II.B. Minutes from January Monthly Meeting
II.C. Minutes from January 16, 2025 Closed Meeting
II.D. Community HS FBLA Trip Request
II.E. Community HS Spanish/History Clubs Trip Request
II.F. Community HS Key Club Trip Request
II.G. Community HS Science Bowl Teams Trip Request
II.H. Community HS JAG-TN Trip Request
II.I. Community HS FFA Trip Request
II.J. Thomas Magnet Jr. Beta Club Trip Request
II.K. SCHS DECA Trip Request
II.L. SCHS FFA Trip Request
II.M. SCHS JAG-TN Trip Request
II.N. SCHS HOSA Trip Request
II.O. SCHS Art Society Trip Request
II.P. SCHS FCCLA Trip Request
II.Q. SCHS Boys Soccer Trip Request
II.R. Cascade HS Band Trip Request
II.S. Cascade HS FFA Trip Request
II.T. Policies for Review
II.T.1. 1.700 School District Goals
II.U. Policy for Deletion
II.U.1. 5.112 Extended Contracts - Old, no longer get extended contract money from state, Jennifer White confirmed Ok to delete
II.V. Policies for Revision
II.V.1. 5.200 Separation Practices for Tenured Teachers
II.V.2. 5.201 Separation Practices for Non-Tenured Teachers
II.V.3. 5.106 Application and Employment
II.V.4. 5.202 Separation Practices for Non-Certified Employees
II.V.5. 5.117 Teacher Tenure
II.W. FY 2025 - Consolidated Revisions
IDEA Preschool - Rev 3 IDEA, Part B - Rev 3 Title I, Part A - Rev 3 Title I, Part D - Rev 3 Title II, Part A - Rev 3 Title III - Rev 3 |
There was no public comment.
IV.A. Good News Report
Mr. Cook informed everyone that Mrs. Garrette would not be giving an oral Good News Report this evening but the copy was in their folders and also online for all to read about the good things going on in Bedford County Schools.
V.A. SCOPE Student Representatives
The Student Representatives for SCOPE that attended the meeting were Chandler Cates (Shelbyville Central High School), Caroline Cook (Cascade High School), Aidan Roberts (Community High School), Isabella Craig (Cascade High School), and Taylor Duff (Community High School). Seth Sharp was unable to attend. Glenn Forsee welcomed them to the board meeting and then explained about SCOPE (Student Congress on Policies in Education) and what it is.
V.B. Legislative Update with TN State Senator Shane Reeves and TN State Representative Pat Marsh
State Representative Pat Marsh and Senator Shane Reeves gave an update on the 114th legislative session. Pat Marsh began with an overview of the state budget. The state budget is $58.4 billion, with $30 billion coming from the federal government and $25 billion from the state. The rest comes from tuition, sales tax, business tax and fees for licensure and other things like that. He talked about how much TDOT was getting for road repairs and new roads, how much money UT and MTSU were getting for various projects. He added that the state is putting $124 million for the Duck River and trying the help sustain it over many years. He then spoke on education stating that there are one million students, K-12, in Tennessee. The state is putting more than $3.7 billion into K through 12 education. He said every school system is getting the base figure per student of $7075. He talked about how the legislature is working on a bill that will let teachers teach a class they do not have a certificate for but yet they know all about the subject. That will, hopefully, help with the teacher shortage. He gave a handout that listed education bills that the legislature is currently considering.
Senator Reeves spoke on the great things happening in Bedford County with the new TCAT building and what is going on with MTSU and the airport. He told us the Governor has put another $27.3 million in the summer learning program and next year he’s putting $25 million in a growth fund for fast growing school districts. The Governor is also putting $5 million into a facilities fund that you can pull from specifically to help with school facilities and he’s putting $50 million in public security grants for school safety. He mentioned that every high school is getting one million dollars and every middle school $500,000. Also, the goal with TISA is for every single teacher in the state to be making $50,000 a year by 2026 - 2027. They both then spoke on the vote for school vouchers. According to Mr. Marsh, "There’s never any way that you all could go back in money that you’re getting right now." He said there is a "floor" amount of money and each system will not go down below that amount but can go up. Mr. Reeves said it only impacts 1 to 2% of the entire state, a very small number. "No matter how many kids you lose, the state’s gonna make you whole. You’re not going to be out a dime as far as losing kids because of it" per Mr. Reeves. Shanna Boyette replied "I would respectfully disagree." She said there are some great magnet schools that they could apply for. She went on to say that the bill could be better. It needs to have a Special Education component and also accountability to private teachers versus public teachers. She struggled with making 95 counties buy into what only 44 counties have eligible. Mr. Marsh then stated that this has to go back before the legislature every year to get funded. So if it’s not going right or we can’t afford it we won’t fund it. Dr. Garrett expressed gratitude for our Homeland Security Agent. She said that was a great thing the Governor did and she hoped it would continue. She also asked them to support the coding situation on the economically disadvantaged. We used to have 48% economically disadvantaged and it has now dropped down to 23%. The coding changed and will impact our funding. Mr. Marsh talked about the $2000 bonus for teachers. Mr. Cook asked them to remember the classified employees when they do this kind of thing because they are just as valuable as teachers. He also mentioned that 80% of internet gambling money will come to schools for capital projects, right at $8 million a year divided by 147 school systems. Mr. Cook thanked Mr Marsh and Mr. Reeves for coming and speaking with them. Glenn Forsee noticed a couple of bills the would reduce the amount of state-mandated assessment. He said this is a good thing, to whittle down all those levels of assessments to make it easier for the teachers to teach. Brian Crews also thanked them for coming tonight. |
VI.A. Teacher Tenure Recommendations for 2024-2025
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Thirty-two teachers recommended for tenure. Motion was made by Glenn Forsee and seconded by Barton Williams. Motion was carried with a 7-0 vote.
VI.B. Tenure Reinstatement Request
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Tim Miller requested reinstatement of his tenure. Motion was made by Barton Williams to approve and a second was by Brian Crews. Motion passed with a 7-0 vote.
VI.C. Tenure Transfer Request
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Phebe Forster requests her tenure transfer from Rutherford County. Motion to approve made by Shanna Boyette and seconded by Lana Craig. Motion passed by a 7-0 vote.
VI.D. Learning Way Request to Install Playground Equipment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
This is a request to install a climbing wall with money from the TVA Grant Program. Motion to approve by Glenn Forsee and seconded by Shanna Boyette. Motion carried with a 7-0 vote.
VI.E. Policy 6.200 Attendance
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Under Tier III this adds a line stating parents are to participate in a court affiliated truancy board. Motion was made to approve by Dan Reed and seconded by Barton Williams. Motion carried with a 7-0 vote.
VI.F. Budget Amendment #2
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
These are grants and department transfers recommended by principals or supervisors that are approved by Dr. Garrett. Motion to approve by Shanna Boyette and seconded by Barton Williams. Motion passed by a 7-0 vote.
VI.G. January Monthly Financial Report
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Cook spoke with Robert Daniel and he stated that there is nothing out of the ordinary with the financials. Motion to approve by Glenn Forsee and seconded by Brian Crews. Motion passed by a 7-0 vote.
VII.A. Monthly Tax Analysis
Mr. Cook spoke with Mr. Daniel and he said everything is normal.
VII.B. Attendance Report
Terise Rhodes reported the numbers down a little bit. We had 61 graduates in December but will still receive funding for those for the remainder of the year.
VII.C. Executive Committee Report
Mr. Cook announced the next board meeting is March 20th at the Central Office, Spring Retreat is March 8th and SCOPE is March 11th at Belmont University. Also, February 22nd is School Bus Driver Appreciation Day, March 3rd - 7th is Read Across America Week and it is School Social Work Week. March 7th is Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day. He mentioned that the July meeting needed to be moved because of traveling to Summer Law on that Thursday, he asked to move to the Tuesday the 16th.
Surplus property declared for Transportation, Community Elementary and Learning Way. |
VII.C.1. Surplus - Transportation
VII.C.2. Surplus - Community Elementary
VII.C.3. Surplus - Learning Way
VII.D. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Garrett announced Kindergarten registration will be April 4th, 8 am to 2 pm, at each elementary school. Pre-K registration will be April 4th at Harris Middle School, 8 am to 4 pm.
VIII.A. Additional Acknowledgements
Dan Reed asked about lights and the concession stand at Community. Work is to start next week on the concession stand. Waiting for the weather to dry up a bit so they can get the machinery out.
Daniel Kleindienst said the addition to Thomas should be finished by March 15th and Liberty is about a month behind. The Community Elementary roof repair is over budget and they are going to look at this again. |
VIII.B. FYI - Personnel
Glenn Forsee made motion to adjourn at 6:55.