January 16, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Bedford County Board of Education
Minutes | |
I.A. Call to Order
Chairman Michael Cook called the meeting to order, followed by a moment of silence, and the Pledge of Allegiance lead by Camryn and Bryson Brown who are students at Community Elementary School.
I.B. Moment of Silence
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance - Led by Camryn Brown and Bryson Brown who are students at Community Elementary.
I.D. Opening Remarks
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Consent Agenda was approved by acclamation upon the motion and seconded by Shanna Boyette and Andrea Anderson.
II.A. Approval of Agenda
II.B. Minutes from December Monthly Meeting
II.C. Harris Middle Band Trip Request
II.D. Cascade HS HOSA Trip Request
II.E. Cascade HS FFA Trip Request
II.F. Cascade HS FFA Trip Request (2)
II.G. Cascade HS Girls Basketball Trip Request
II.H. Community HS HOSA Trip Request
II.I. Community Middle Band Trip Request
II.J. Cascade HS Interact Club Trip Request
II.K. Cascade HS Girls Soccer Trip Request
II.L. SCHS Band Trip Request
II.M. SCHS Band Trip Request (2)
II.N. FY 2025 - CTE Perkins Basic - Rev 3
II.O. FY 2025 - ARP Homeless 2.0 - Rev 1
II.P. Policies for Revision
II.P.1. 5.118 Background Investigations
II.P.2. 4.603 Promotion and Retention
There was no public comment.
IV.A. Good News Report
Mr. Cook stated that the Good News Report was in their folders and on the website. He asked that everyone take a look at it and see all the good things that going on here in Bedford County.
V.A. Thomas Magnet School Beta Club
Members of the Jr. Beta Club won 1st place at the state in the Performing Arts Competition. The eight members were presented certificates of appreciation. A video was also shown of the skit they performed that won the competition. Courtney Bogle, sponsor of the club, gave a brief description of what Jr. Beta Club is about.
V.B. RTI2, Academic + Behavior by Susan Huff and Lindsay Wiley with Ground-breaker Award by Dr. Julie Daye with Vanderbilt.
Susan Huff, District RTI and Data Coordinator, and Lindsay Wiley, Social Emotional Health Coordinator, both gave a brief overview of some of the work that our team and our district does around RTI (Response to Intervention). Mrs. Daye then presented the Ground-Breaker Award to the board for all the work that has been done in our district concerning the tiers and different levels of RTI.
VI.A. SCOPE Representatives (March 11th)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Cook asked for volunteers to attend the conference on March 11th and Belmont University. Glenn Forsee, Barton Williams, and Lana Craig volunteered to go. It was decided that Mr. Forsee would be the group leader. Motion was made by David Brown and seconded by Brian Crews. Motion was carried with a 9-0 vote.
VI.B. Bid 25-21 Basketball Court Mapping Projection System for Community High School
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Money for this system was raised through donors. The system uses videos and pictures so that when the team is announced a video or picture will be displayed on the floor of the gym. Similar to what they use in college basketball games. The company Luxedo was the low bid at $25,000. Motion was made by Dan Reed to approve and a second was by Shanna Boyette. Motion passed with a 9-0 vote.
VI.C. Bid 25-22 Lease of Unimproved School Property
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Robert West was the high bid on the Cascade property ($1,000) and Russ Uselton was the high bid on the Liberty property ($8,300). The leases are for 3 years and for farm purposes only. The leases have termination provisions should the school system need the property. Motion to approve made by Glenn Forsee and seconded by Barton Williams. Motion passed by a 9-0 vote.
VI.D. December Monthly Financial Report
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Cook stated there are a couple of areas with a little high on expenses. Mr. Harwell met with finance to get a plan on how to rectify the situation. Motion to approve by Barton Williams and seconded by Brian Crews. Motion passed by a 9-0 vote.
VI.E. Quarterly Financials
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Motion to approve by Shanna Boyette and seconded by David Brown. Motion passed by a 9-0 vote.
VII.A. Monthly Tax Analysis
Mr. Cook talked with Robert Daniel earlier in the day and Mr. Daniel felt good about where we are with the revenue numbers.
VII.B. Attendance Report
Terise Rhodes reported the numbers are a little down from this time last year. She said that last year there were 75 students that graduated early but we have less that 50 for this year.
VII.C. Executive Committee Report
Mr. Cook declared the surplus for SCHS Technology. He announced the State Representative Pat Marsh and State Senator Shane Reeves will be at the February meeting to give a legislative update. He spoke about the board preparing a resolution to show where they stand on school vouchers. The Legislative and Legal Institute will Feb. 10-11, the spring retreat will be March 8th, and he announced several special appreciation days coming up (School Counselor appreciation week, SRO appreciation week, school bus driver appreciation day, school social worker week, Read Across America Week, and maintenance worker appreciation day).
VII.C.1. Surplus - SCHS Technology
VII.D. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Garrett stated that January 26th through February 1st is School Board Appreciation Week. She said we want to extend our appreciation to all the hours of dedication that you show to our educators, our families, our students, and our communities. We appreciate everything you do. The theme is Leading with Vision, Serving with Purpose. Thank you and hope you enjoy the treats and gifts that our schools and departments gave you.
VIII.A. Additional Acknowledgements
VIII.B. FYI - Personnel
Glenn Forsee moved to adjourn the meeting at approximately 6:35.