November 16, 2024 at 8:00 AM - Bedford County Board of Education Fall Retreat
Minutes |
I.A. Call to Order
The session began at 8:00 am. Mr. Cook welcomed everyone to the fall retreat.
I.B. Opening Remarks
I.C. Dot Maps
David Parker did a presentation with maps of how the students are spread across the county per school. The maps showed how many students went to each school that lived outside of the bus zone area. This showed the need for a new middle school and high school. He talked on county growth for the next 5 years and how many possible students that would bring to our schools. Jeff Sweeney told how many lots have already been approved for houses to be built in the next 5 years and in what part of the county that would impact the most. Mr. Sweeney also spoke a little on the bypass that, when finished, would impact the Liberty area. This bypass is in the state’s 10-year plan.
There was discussion on possibly building on the Liberty property and how to pay for the new schools. |
I.D. Renovation plan with for TCAT
Mr. Harwell presented the transition plan for the TCAT building. Everything to be done in phases.
I.E. Athletic Field Lights
Robert Daniel stated there was $2.4 million available to spend on the Athletic Field Lights. This money must be spent by April. Mr. Daniel said they could go ahead and start the bid process for the outdoor field lighting. This is money left in the Cartwright bond.
I.F. Prioritize 5 yr./10 yr. plan
Dr. Garrett presented the Strategic Building Plan for the next ten years. She also spoke on the Proposed 5-year and 10-year Capital Outlay Plans. It was determined that these would be finalized at the Spring Retreat.
The retreat was adjourned at approximately 10:10 am.