September 8, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Swearing In of Re-Elected Board Members: Krista McKay and Carolyn Ingram. Swearing in of New Board Member: Nate Tucker.
Discussion (Visible on Public Minutes):
Chairman, Dawn Robinson, opened the meeting by introducing Mayor Kevin Brooks to the podium. Mayor Brooks asks the three board members to stand and swears Krista McKay, Carolyn Ingram, and Nate Tucker into the Board of Cleveland City Schools. They all recite the duties of the office repeating after Mayor Brooks.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Discussion (Visible on Public Minutes):
Our student representative, Skyler Stone, led us with a moment of silence and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. *Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3.A. *Approval of Regular Agenda
3.B. *Approval of Minutes from August 3 Board Meeting
3.C. *Approval of Second Reading of Policies
3.D. *Position Requests for 20-21 School Year
3.E. *D.C. Field Trip Addendum
4. Regular Agenda
4.A. Dr. Dyer named Superintendent to Watch for 2020
Discussion (Visible on Public Minutes):
Dawn Robinson wants to recognize Dr. Dyer for being named Superintendent to Watch for 2020 by NSPRA. She asks Dr. Dyer to tell us more about the NSPRA organization. Dr. Dyer says NSPRA is made up of school organizations across the United States. Julie Smith and Kelly Kiser sent in a nomination, and he still doesn't know what they put in that nomination. NSPRA picks 25 superintendents each year to watch. The nomination deals with communication, and we have tried to up our game the last couple of years in the world of communication.
Dawn Robinson reads part of the press release. "Under Dyer’s leadership, Cleveland City Schools has launched multiple initiatives that have required extensive communication with the Cleveland community. From the Blended Learning and Digital Enhancement (BLADE) Project that provided student technology devices to the rezoning efforts required due to the opening of Candy’s Creek Cherokee Elementary School, communication has been a cornerstone of all projects during his tenure as Director of Cleveland City Schools. Even with these accomplishments, Dr. Dyer continues to push Cleveland City Schools forward by making communication one of four key areas in Cleveland City Schools’ recently adopted strategic plan." We are proud of you, and this highlights the many good things you have brought to the school system. She knows that Dr. Dyer says its a team effort, but every team needs a leader, so congratulations. We would like to present you with this framed certificate. The Board members thanks Dr. Dyer for his communication to them and the community. |
4.B. Director's Update
Russell Dyer
Discussion (Visible on Public Minutes):
Dr. Dyer thanks Carolyn Ingram and Krista McKay for being sworn back in, and thank you to Nate Tucker for serving on the board.
Ross Elementary and Yates Primary will have a good month of transition before Stephanie Stone takes over both schools. We have had over 20 people apply for the assistant principal position. As of now, through the end of the school year, both of those schools will be remain separate. Toward the end of the semester we will bring together a committee to look at what it would look like to bring both of those schools under one umbrella. Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) held a COVID-19 Tabletop Exercise for every core region of the state. It was a great zoom of running through scenarios on "what if this happened" or "what if that happened". He wanted to thank TEMA for holding these zooms. Superintendent Study Council was held in McMinn County a week ago, which was our regional meeting that meets once a month. It was good to have those other superintendent connections to be able to call and get feedback and ask questions on challenges that occur in our district. Since it was just Labor Day weekend I wanted to say thank you to all of our employees, but especially school nurses. They have stepped up and are doing an amazing job. We are doing a lot of contact tracings within the system along with the health department. The plan you, the board, approved is working. I wanted to share some pictures of the schools since you are not able to go to the schools right now. (Pictures of: CHS football game, Thank you notes from TVEC, Candy's Creek Cherokee Elementary School, Ross Elementary School, Mayfield Elementary School and CMS Archery) |
4.C. Reopening Task Force
Discussion (Visible on Public Minutes):
Dr. Jeff Elliott reports they have had a successful first month in the traditional and virtual school. The reopening team has met a couple of times over the past month to review our plan, and we are excited for the month of September. The Reconnection Week was a great opportunity, and we heard a lot of positive comments on the success of this week. Our traditional enrollment is doing well, and our virtual enrollment is doing well. Although, we did have some students who chose to switch back to traditional after the first few weeks of school. We will look in December and see how many students want to transition back to traditional school and we will make those arrangements.
The Board asks what the numbers are in the virtual school? Dr. Elliott states it is a little over 1,100. We have several virtual teachers learning everyday how to teach in that online setting. Enrollment numbers: Mr. Michael Kahrs presented the demographics on a live dashboard. 90% of the families completed the online process this school year. This demographic form breaks down enrollment by school, by grade, ethnicity, gender, economically disadvantaged, ESL, and special education. This also includes virtual students. We have a total of 5,554 students. The board asks if the traditional classrooms become smaller since students were transitioned out to virtual school? Mr. Kahrs said it depends on the school, but there are some classrooms that are smaller. The board asks if a student is out for 14 days for quarantine how do they keep up with their assignments? There is an attendance code in powerschool, and the teachers are communicating with the students/families, and uploading lessons in canva on a daily basis at the high school level. If the student does not have access to a computer or wifi there will be a paper packet in front of the school to be picked up. The board asks if the progress bar on the Florida Virtual School curriculum is working? Dr. Elliott states it is working but, its like traditional school, students work at their own pace. Dr. Elliott reminds them there is another meeting next Monday, September 14 for the reopening task force. The Board asks if the team has heard the discussions online where the Governor might suggest we go to virtual school, has the task force had any discussions aobut this? Dr. Elliott states in the reopening plan we have an at home learning plan, so we are prepared to do this. Dr. Dyer states the Governor so far has let each school decide what is best for each school system. The Board asks if the virtual school students have had any issues, especially with technical support? Dr. Elliott states there have been individual issues, but not a widespread issue. The Board asks if there is a hot line if there are technical issues? Dr. Elliott states they first speak with the teacher, then communicate with the Blade Facilitators and technology department. The Board asks if there has been any more information on when the chromebooks will be deployed? Dr. Raper states we are hoping to have them in at the end of September to deploy them at the beginning of October. |
4.D. Strategic Plan Focus
Discussion (Visible on Public Minutes):
Dr. Dyer decided to speak about Safe and Healthy Schools, specifically School Nutrition. School nutrition has implemented a tracking program to better understand daily participation. The goal is to find out why certain trends exist to create improve meal planning. This started last year and will continue through our current strategic plan. The objective is to increase participation rates at all schools. The new area of service is the supper program. Students are eligible for a free supper K-12. This is available currently for any students who stay after-school for clubs, tutoring, sports, band, etc. Sodexo operations are going well at CMS and CHS. Reviews are positive from administrators, teachers, and students! COVID-19 procedures have changed how cafeterias operate, but our staff and students have adjusted well.
The Board asks when the supper program will start? Gena Reed states it has already started. USDA extends funding for free student meals. This is effective immediately, all children 0-18 years of age are eligible for free breakfast and lunch between 9:00 am and 10:00 am. Supper is not included in this waiver. They do not have to be a student of Cleveland City Schools. This is due to a temporary USDA waiver that extends until 12/31/20. Virtual students may pick-up meals via our curbside service at each school. Pick-up will be available between 9:00 am - 10:00 am each day schools are open. This service will also be available in case a school must close due to COVID-19. Families with children who are not school age or enrolled in a Cleveland City School may participate in this program and pick up a free meal at any of our school sites between 9:00 am - 10:00 am each day schools are open. For additional information, families may contact our School Nutrition department. Dr. Dyer shares pictures from multiple school cafeterias, as well as a menu from CHS. Dr. Dyer states we are still looking to hire substitutes in the nutrition department as well as substitutes in the classroom. The board asks if we are still short on substitutes? Mr. Kiser states we are still needing substitutes, but we have received several new substitutes over the last couple of weeks. |
4.E. Student Representative's Update
Sklyer Stone
Discussion (Visible on Public Minutes):
Student Representative Skyler Stone notes that the reconnection week was a success. COVID-19 updates: Many students are wearing their masks correctly, sanitizing all the time, using one way hallways, and basic COVID procedures. Anna Ingram was named SGA President, Mariyah Person was named Vice President. Sports and theater have been getting back into things this month. The majority of the students are enjoying the lunch this year since they have more choices.
4.F. Site Committee
Discussion (Visible on Public Minutes):
Dawn Robinson needed to nominate a new site committee chairman. She has appointed Charlie Cogdill as the Site committee chairman. Krista and Carolyn are on the committee as well, and Tom is an alternate.
5. "B" Agenda
Discussion (Visible on Public Minutes):
Dr. Dyer wants to remind everyone we will be having a facilities management meeting at the end of October.
Dawn Robinson reminds everyone that Carolyn Ingram is running for TSBA Southeast Area Director . Since the meeting on Thursday is virtual, you will still be able to vote. |
5.A. Financial Report
5.B. Personnel Report
5.C. School Highlights
5.D. Dates to Remember
Discussion (Visible on Public Minutes):
Mrs. Robinson adjourned the meeting by general consent. |