September 29, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Prayer
2. Pledge
3. "Good News"
4. MCCTC Presentation by Tim Steelman's class
5. Agenda
7. Audience Participation
8. Consent Agenda
8.A. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of Tuesday, September 1, 2015
8.B. Next Regular Monthly Meeting - Tuesday, November 3, 2015 6:30pm @ Central Office
8.C. Regular Monthly Workshop - Tuesday, October 27, 2015 6:30pm @ Central Elementary School
9. Teaching and Learning
10. Update of the General Purpose Budget
11. Appeal for Grad Rate Cohort
12. MOU with Morgan County Head Start
13. Sick Bank Committee
14. Budget Amendments
15. Field Trip Approvals
15.A. Oakdale November 19-21, 2015 State Beta Convention in Nashville
15.B. Oakdale December 17-19, 2015 Operation Christmas Child Boone, North Carolina
15.C. P.J. November 21-24, 2015 Junior Beta Club Nashville
15.D. Central High School November 19-21, 2015 Beta Club Convention Nashville
16. Surplus Vehicles
17. Face Book for Schools and District
18. Policy Revisions-Administrative Procedures
18.A. Background Investigations(2nd Reading)
18.B. Testing Programs Policy 4.700 EOC 15% Requirement
19. Director's Announcements
19.A. TSBA Leadership Conference November 13-16 Gaylord Opryland Resort
20. Adjourn