February 4, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Consider Director of Schools Contract Extension
2. Prayer
3. Pledge
4. "Good News" - Central High Faculty, Staff, Students (Dallas Davis, Principal)
5. Agenda
7. Audience Participation
8. Written Monthly Reports (Principals & CO Supervisors)
9. Consent Agenda
9.A. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of January 7, 2014
9.B. Regular Monthly Workshop - Tuesday, February 25,2014 6:30pm @ Petros Joyner School
9.C. Regular Monthly Meeting - Tuesday, March 4, 2014 6:30pm @ Central Office
9.D. Special Course Approval - Jobs for Tennessee Graduates (PG 1: Obj. 1b, c, j.)
9.E. Overnight Student Incentive Trip - Petros Joyner
10. Teaching and Learning
10.A. Bridge Math Report - Wanda Lane (PG 1: Obj. 2f)
10.B. Discussion of CTE Programs of Study for 2014-15 (Dr. Miller, CTE Director) (PG 1: Obj. 1j)
10.C. School Calendar Proposal 2014-15 (PLCs) (PG 1 - Obj. 1i; PG 3 - Obj. 1b) Schedule School/Community Meeting(s)
10.D. The "Why" of PLCs (PG 3: Obj. 2B)
11. Resolution - Teacher Licensure (State Board)
12. Monthly Expenditure Report - January, 2014 (PG 5 - Obj. 2)
13. Budget Amendments
14. Discussion - Supplemental Compensation for Distance Learning Teachers (PG 1; Obj. 4)
15. Advertise for Bids - Petros Joyner Stream Bank Stabilization Project ($22,663.50) (PG 2: Obj. 5)
16. Approve RFP for Wireless Network Upgrades (E-Rate) - Chris Rogers (PG. 1 - Obj. 3)
17. Discussion of 2014-15 Budget Preparation Timeline (Re-schedule 1st workshop) (PG 5; Obj. 2)
18. Update - Strategic Compensation Design Team for 2014-15 (PG 3, Obj. 3d)
18.A. 6th Team Meeting - Tuesday, February 18, 2014 6:00pm @ Central Office
19. Maintenance & Transportation
19.A. Update - Road Project @ Oakdale School
19.B. Construction of Football Field House @ Oakdale
19.C. Update - Price Quotes for Air Compressor @ MCCTC (PG 1: Obj. 1j) Declare Old Compressor Surplus
19.D. Report - Arrival of New Propane Bus (PG 2: Obj. 5)
19.E. Proposed Legislation - Extend Life of Service for School Buses (Senator Yager Letter) (PG 2: Obj. 5)
20. Policy Revisions-Administrative Procedures (PG 2 - Obj. 2a)
20.A. Policy 6.406 - Sports Related Concussions (2nd reading)
20.B. TSBA Resolutions Passed at Convention
21. Director's Performance Contract Report/Announcements
21.A. School Board Appreciation Week (January 19-25, 2014)
21.B. TSBA Day on the Hill - Tuesday, February 18, 2014 Double Tree Downtown Nashville (PG 2 - Obj. 3a)
21.C. TSBA SCOPE Conference - Monday, March 10, 2014 @ MTSU, Murfreesboro
22. Adjourn
22.A. Regular Monthly Workshop - Tuesday, February 25,2014 6:30pm @ Petros Joyner School
22.B. Regular Monthly Meeting - Tuesday, March 4, 2014 6:30pm @ Central Office