June 11, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Board Budget Workshop #7
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1. BEP June Estimate of Revenue for 2013-14 (Reduction of $25,000)
2. State salary increase (1.5%) on BEP earned positions = $131,298 (FICA, Medicare, TCRS)
3. Increases for 2013-14
3.A. Added $109,594 BEP Bonus 243 certified staff members ($451 each)
3.B. Professional Insurance Increase 6% - Jan, 2014 ($70,000)
3.C. Added $98,816 for support medical insurance (39 GP employees estimated)
3.D. Cover loss of Extended Contract Funds - Principal & Supervisor salaries; other student needs served by teachers
3.E. Contract Spanish Teacher at Oakdale - 1 block class per semester ($11,500)
3.F. Nova Net Software Licenses (28) for ISP and Alternative Programs - $14,000
3.G. Professional salaries - Step-up on salary schedule & Advanced Degrees
3.H. Bus Driver - Salary scale adjustment - $7,500
3.I. Consideration of increase to supplement paid to Finance Director (2012-13 - $9,874)
4. 2013-14 Budgets
4.A. Elimination of 6 teaching positions and 1 TA position
4.B. Proposed 2013-14 GP Budget (Latest Draft)
4.C. Explanation of Other Line Items (Categories - Contract Services)
4.D. 2013-14 Food Services Budget
4.E. 2013-14 Carl Perkins Budget
5. School Budget to County Commission Budget Committee - Monday, June 17, 2013 6:00pm @ Central Office