June 12, 2012 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Director of Schools Evaluation - Consideration of Contract
2. Prayer
3. Pledge
4. "Good News" - Reach2Teach Program - TN Board of Regent Colleges (Kathy Carroll)
5. Agenda
7. Audience Participation
8. Consent Agenda
8.A. Approval of Minutes-Regular Meeting of May 1, 2012
8.B. Approval of trip for Central High Football team to camp (July 29-31 Tennessee Tech)
8.C. Approval of Sunbright Girls' Basketball trip to Florida Camp (June 7-14, 2012)
8.D. Approval of Coalfield Lady Jackets Basketball Camp June 13-16 @ UT - Chattanooga
8.E. Approval of Oakdale Basketball Camps
8.F. Approval of Basketball Camp at Central High July 9-13, 2012.
8.G. Central High Girls' Basketball Camp - TTU June 16-18, 2012
8.H. Approval of Food Service Renewal Bids
8.I. Budget Workshop #8 - Thursday, June 14, 2012 6:30pm at Central Office
8.J. Special Board Meeting - Approval of 2012-13 Budget. June 14, 2012 7:30pm @ Central Office
8.K. Workshop - Tuesday, June 26, 2012 6:30pm at Central Office
8.L. Regular Board Meeting - July 3, 2012 6:30 p.m. @ Central Office
9. Monthly Expenditure Report - May, YTD
10. Approval of Roof Repair Project @ Oakdale School (Phases 1-3)
11. Acceptance of bid for Oakdale Kitchen/Cafeteria renovation project
12. Budget Amendments
13. Approve application for Special Education Federal Budget 2012-13
14. Update - 2012-13 Budget Process
15. Review Well Child Contract for 2012-13
16. Annual Review of Copier Contract (5 year contract ending with current vendor)
17. Review of Insurance Proposal - Sequoyah Group
18. Update - Annual School Board Self-Evaluation (TSBA)
19. Discussion - Maintenance & Transportation
19.A. Consider sale of Old Maintenance & Transportation Facility
19.B. Update MOA - Ambulance Service & other agencies (Fuel & Routine Vehicle Maintenance)
19.B.a. Fuel System Bids
19.C. Update - Sunbright Drainage Repair Plan (Phil Dixon, USDA) - Dwight Hamby
20. Policy Revisions-Administrative Procedures
20.A. 5.310 - Vacations and Holidays (GCRH) Revised June, 2012. (1st reading)
20.B. Consideration of Dress Code for School Staff (Wanda Lane, Assistant Director)
20.C. Grievance Procedure - TN Board of Education Teacher and Principal Evaluation Policy #5.201. Board policy 5.109 Evaluation - Approved 1/3/12.
21. Director's Performance Contract Report/Announcements
21.A. tnAchieves Report - Morgan County Year 1 (Wanda Lane)
21.B. Community/School Forums - Summary
21.C. School Board Long-Range Strategic Planning Retreat - March 30-31, 2012 (Next Steps)
21.D. Summary - Student Interviews (Class of 2012)
21.E. Staff Development Plan 2012-13
21.F. Update - Lawsuits (Consider private session with attorney)
21.G. 2012-13 School Budget to Budget Committee of County Commission Monday, June 18, 2012 6:00pm at Central Office
21.H. Collaborative Conferencing Training Program - Monday, June 25 - Loudon County
21.I. TSBA Leadership Conference - November 3-4, 2012 Opryland Resort and Convention Center
21.J. TSBA Annual Convention November 4-6, 2012 Opryland Resort and Convention Center (Registration deadline - October 19, 2012)
22. Adjourn
22.A. School Board Budget Workshop #8 - Thursday, June 14, 2012 6:30pm at Central Office
22.B. Special Called Board Mtg - Thursday, June 14, 2012 7:30pm. (Budget amendments; Approval of 2012-13 Budget, Consideration of settlement - Woods lawsuit)
22.C. Regular Monthly Workshop - June 26, 2012 6:30pm @ Central Office
22.D. Regular Board Meeting - July 3, 2012 6:30 p.m. @ Central Office