March 27, 2012 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Workshop
Minutes |
1. Prayer
2. Pledge
3. "Good News" - Rosa Dotson - Interim Oakdale Principal; Staff and Students
4. Agenda
6. Audience Participation
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Approval of Minutes-Regular Meeting of March 6, 2012
7.B. Workshop - Tuesday, April 24, 2012 6:30pm at Central Elementary School
7.C. Regular Board Meeting - May 1, 2012 6:30 p.m. @ Central Office
7.D. Approval of Field Trips
7.D.a. Oakdale Jr. Beta National Convention June 23-27, 2012 in Greensboro, SC
7.D.b. HOSA State Conference - Opryland Hotel, Nashville April 15-18,2012
7.D.c. Discussion Oakdale 8th grade trip to Gettysburg National Military Park in Gettysburg, PA. Tentative date of May 4th-7th, 2013.
7.E. Surplus: Oakdale piano; 2 Biodiesel tanks; 1990 Chevrolet maintenance truck
8. Monthly Expenditure Report - February, YTD
9. Budget Amendments
10. Review Well Child Contract for 2012-13
11. Consider various payment options for three buses ($293,295) for 2012-13
12. Approve Sunbright Project - Storage, dressing room under football bleachers
13. Revisit 2012-13 School Calendar
14. Discussion - Maintenance & Transportation
14.A. Update - Old Maintenance & Transportation Facility
14.B. Roof Repairs - MCCTC & Oakdale Schools; Consider ask for assistance from County Commission (April 9th Meeting)
14.C. Update - Sunbright Drainage Repair Plan (Phil Dickson, USDA) - Dwight Hamby
15. Policy Revisions-Administrative Procedures
15.A. 5.310 - Vacations and Holidays (GCRH)
15.B. 4.600 IHA - Grading System (Administrative Procedures)
16. Director's Performance Contract Report/Announcements
16.A. Community/School Forums - Spring, 2012.
Oakdale Thurs, March 1 6:30pm Library; Coalfield School Thurs, March 15 6:30pm Library; Central Middle Thurs, March 29 6:30pm Library;
16.B. District-level AMO (Annual Measurable Objectives) for Achievement and Gap Closure Measures
16.C. TEAM Evaluation - Overview of OASYS database
16.D. SCORE Report - State of Education 2011-12
16.E. School Board Long-Range Strategic Planning Retreat - March 30-31, 2012
16.F. School Board Budget Workshop #4 - Thursday, April 19th?
16.G. 2012-13 School Budget to Budget Committee of County Commission - Tuesday, May 22, 2012
17. Adjourn
17.A. Workshop - Tuesday, April 24, 2012 6:30pm at Central Elementary School
17.B. Regular Board Meeting - May 1, 2012 6:30 p.m. @ Central Office