March 12, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Kingsport City Schools Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
(Aminata and Ollie Sonpon)
Jackson Elementary School students Aminata and Ollie Sonpon will lead the Board of Education and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Aminata is a 5th grader and Ollie is in 2nd grade. They are the children of Ernest Sonpon and Callie Bellamy.
1.2. Additions to and/or Acceptance of the Agenda
(Mrs. Melissa Woods)
Mrs. Woods will ask for a motion to accept the agenda, which includes the consent agenda. Once the agenda is accepted, the Board mutually agrees not to discuss any item of business or take any action that has not been accepted for the agenda. |
1.3. Public Input on Agenda Items
(Mrs. Melissa Woods)
This is the time when members of the audience are invited to comment on agenda items. It is not the time to speak about personnel issues, as there are more appropriate ways in which these can be addressed. If you are not sure how to do this, please ask one of us after the meeting. In your remarks, you may not refer to students by name without permission from the parent or guardian. If you would like to speak on a topic not included on the agenda, you are asked to submit your request in writing to the Superintendent of Schools at least three (3) business days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting. Now, if you would like to speak about an item included on tonight's agenda, please raise your hand. I request that you state your name and limit your remarks to a maximum of three (3) minutes. Thank you. |
2. Recognitions
2.1. 2023 Tennessee Department of Education Reward Schools
(Mr. Tim Dean)
Mr. Tim Dean will recognize two KCS schools that have been named among Tennessee's best, announced as 2023 Reward Schools by the Tennessee Department of Education. Adams Elementary School and Jefferson Elementary School received the designation based on results from the 2022-2023 TCAP assessment. Reward status is the top designation a school can earn in Tennessee. These schools were identified as improving overall student academic achievement and student growth for both all students and student sub-groups. Reward School status is a key designation under Tennessee's school accountability system. |
3. Consent Agenda
3.1. Personnel Considerations
(Mrs. Jennifer Guthrie)
3.2. Approval of Minutes - February 13, 2024 BOE Regular Monthly Meeting
(Mrs. Melissa Woods)
3.3. Approval of Biennial Policy Review
(Dr. Andy True)
Biennial Policy Review - To approve/renew on consent Per Board Policy 1.600 - Policy Development and Adoption, the Board is required to renew its policies biennially. The Superintendent and Policy committee are available to review adopted policies in the Kingsport Board of Education Policy Manual:
Link to online Policy Manual:
3.4. Acceptance of Donations
(Mr. David Frye)
Attached is a list of multiple donations from various sources for Board consideration.
3.5. Approval of Surplus Property
(Mr. David Frye)
Board approval to declare the Shadow Master 12' x 6' dual axle enclosed trailer used by the Dobyns-Bennett High School Band as surplus property is recommended. The trailer, which was donated to Kingsport City Schools in 2003, will be sold via sealed bids and the proceeds used to purchase a used 26' box truck. The KCS maintenance department would also assist in the purchase of the box truck and, when not in use by the band, would be used by the maintenance department.
4. Business Items
4.1. Approval of Additional Tenure Recommendations
(Mrs. Jennifer Guthrie)
Mrs. Jennifer Guthrie, Chief Human Resources Officer, reports that Carletta Fields (Jefferson Elementary School) and Sarah Lovell (Dobyns-Bennett High School) have met the requirements for tenure and Board approval is recommended.
4.2. Approval of Budget Amendment #7
(Mr. David Frye)
Mr. David Frye, Chief Finance Officer, will present Budget Amendment #7 for Board consideration.
4.3. Approval to Purchase Student Chromebooks and Chrome Licenses
(Mr. Andy Arnold/Mr. David Frye)
Mr. Andy Arnold, Chief Technology Officer, and Mr. Frye will present a request to purchase 2,000 Chromebook 3110s (unit cost is $215.00) and 1,000 Chrome licenses ($32.30 each) utilizing the Wilson County Schools Cooperative Purchasing Agreement from Dell Marketing, L.P. for a total cost of $462,300.00. Funding will be from ESSER 3.0 funds.
4.4. Approval to Purchase One School Bus
(Mr. David Frye)
Mr. Frye will present a recommendation to purchase one 43-passenger Blue Bird All American special education school bus for total cost of $182,027.00 utilizing the State of Tennessee contract with Sourcewell.
4.5. Approval to Award Bid for Tribe Athletic Complex
(Mr. David Frye)
Mr. Frye will review bids for the Tribe Athletic Complex Re-Roofing project that were received at the bid opening on February 22, 2024. The six bids received included a base bid and two alternates. The base bid was for the re-roof of the gym, gym lobby, restrooms and a portion of the hallway leading to the old vocational area. Alternate #1 was for the re-roof of the old vocational area, which is currently being used by the Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT). The City of Kingsport has agreed to fund this portion of the project. Alternate #2 is for the re-roof of the hallway area that joins the other two spaces, but are separate roof systems. Barnard Roofing Company, Inc. submitted the low bid which consisted of a Base Bid of $470,838.00, Alternate #1 bid of $283,473.00, and Alternate #2 bid of $243,353.00. The total construction cost for the base bid and both alternates was $997,664.00 and a duration of 120 days for the project. The total cost of the project will be $1,116,274, including a six percent contingency of $59,860.00.
4.6. Approval of Preston Construction Dome Renovation Contract Amendment #2
(Mr. David Frye)
Mr. Frye will present a recommendation to approve amendment #2 to the Preston Construction Dome Renovation Contract to add alternate #3 for additional LED ceiling lighting attached to the new steel roof support structure. The cost for alternate #3 for additional LED ceiling lighting is $272,000.00 and the four percent increase to the contingency is $10,880.00. The amended contract total will be a not to exceed amount of $20,820,585.00. The contingency will be increased by $10,880.00 for an amended amount of $832,823.00. Funding will be from the D-B Done Renovation Project.
5. Reports
5.1. Quarterly Financial Report for 2nd Quarter FY 2023-2024
(Mr. David Frye)
6. Time and Dates of Meetings
6.1. April 9, 2024 - BOE Regular Monthly Meeting (6:00 PM)
6.2. April 23, 2024 - BOE Work Session (6:00 PM)
6.3. May 14, 2024 - BOE Regular Monthly Meeting (6:00 PM)
6.4. June 11, 2024 -BOE Regular Monthly Meeting (6:00 PM)
7. Adjournment