October 26, 2023 at 6:00 PM - JOINT BOARD OF EDUCATION
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
Rick Tipton
II. Pledge to the Flag
III. Recognition of Visitors
IV. Special Recognition
(5 minutes)
V. Public Comment Period
(20 Minutes)
VI. Approval of Agenda
VII. Consent Agenda
(5 minutes)
VII.A. Consideration of Approving Minutes of June 22, 2023 Joint Board Meeting
Steve Starnes
___ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation
___ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________
_X_ Action requested at this meeting
___ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date)
Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action ___ Previous review/action date: ________________
action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: In accordance with State law, the Board of Education must approve the minutes of the previous meeting of the Board. The draft of the minutes of the previous meeting shall be sent to all Board members with the agenda for the subsequent meeting.
Summary of Major Elements: Meeting minutes are attached for Board review. Following approval by the Board, the minutes shall be signed by the Board Chair and Director of Schools. The minutes will become permanent records of the Board and shall be made available to any interested party upon request.
Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action:
None |
VII.B. Consideration of Approving Disposal of Surplus
Aaron Flanery
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation
__ Board of Education policy
Other: __________________________________________
_X_ Action requested at this meeting__ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date)
Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________
action: ________________________________________________
Background Information: Greeneville City and Greene County School Board policy states that when equipment no longer has an intended use by the system or is no longer capable of being used due to condition, the Boards shall declare it surplus property and authorize its disposal. Board approval was unanimous for disposal of surplus. Summary of Major Elements: A request is submitted for permission to dispose of the equipment listed on the attached spreadsheet. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. Consideration of Accepting GTC September 2023 Financial Statements
Steve Starnes
___ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: ___ State or federal law or regulation
_X_ Board of Education policy
Other: __________________________________________
___ Action requested at this meeting___ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date)
Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action ___ Previous review/action date: ________________
action: ________________________________________________
Background Information: Financial Statements are presented to the Board of Education each month. Summary of Major Elements: Attached are the following September Financial Statements: · Local Revenue Tracking Report · General Purpose/Federal Statements of Revenue & Expenditures Director of Schools' Recommendation: Acceptance Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action: None
(5 minutes)
VIII.B. Consideration of Approving Fiscal Year 2024 Greene Technology Center Budget Amendment #1
Steve Starnes
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: Budget Amendments are made periodically throughout the year to more accurately reflect anticipated revenues, expenditures, timing of expenditures, and grant award allocation Summary of Major Elements: X Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: As presented in the attached Budget Amendment. Timetable for Further Review/Action: None
(5 Minutes)
VIII.C. Consideration of Approving Partnership for Greene Technology Center for the 2024-2025 School Year
Steve Starnes, David McClain
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: Since 1973, Greene County Schools and Greeneville City Schools have collaborated in a partnership involving the Greene Technology Center. To reaffirm that partnership for the 2024-25 school year, each Board will need to vote to commit to the partnership for 2024-25. Both parties agree to review the partnership no later than the January Joint Board meeting annually for the following year. Summary of Major Elements: X Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: X Timetable for Further Review/Action: None
(5 Minutes)
IX. Reports
X. Adjournment