November 21, 2023 at 3:00 PM - Workshop
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Discussion of School Security Upgrades
III. Academics
III.A. 2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027 School Year (academic) Calendar Options
IV. Business/Finance
IV.A. Monthly Financials
IV.B. Request for Assistant Girls' Wrestling Coach for Daniel Boone High(1) and David Crockett High(1); $3,660.10; Line Item 141E 71100-116
($1,700 Annual Gross Pay per position) |
IV.C. Purchase Orders
IV.C.1. Purchase Order 1200; Snap-On Industrial, Crystal Lake, IL; Meter Certification Kit; David Crockett High CTE; $11, 601.25; Funded by CTE ISM Grant; Line Item 71300-730-002
IV.C.2. Purchase Order 1201; Snap-On Industrial, Crystal Lake, IL; Meter Certification Kit; Daniel Boone High CTE; $11,391.25; Funded by CTE ISM Grant; Line Item 71300-730-002
IV.C.3. Purchase Order 1205; Apple Store for Education Institution; 10.9 in. iPad Wi-Fi GB Silver(26); Sole Source; $10,894.00; Funded by CTE ISM Grant; Line Item 71300-429-002
IV.C.4. Purchase Order 35247; Benchmark Education Company, New Rochelle, NY; Sole Source; Phonics Skill Bags Grades K-2 Classroom Sets; System-wide; $36,831.38; Funded by TN All Corp Grant; Line Item 142E 71100 429 930
V. Operations
V.A. Facilities Update
V.B. West View Elementary Structural Floor Repair Update
V.C. Apptegy Content Management System (replaces Blackboard); agreement term is five years; year 1 $42,675.00, years 2-5 $33,475.00; Line Item 141E 72250-399
V.D. Bids for Security Camera Upgrades (Bids to be opened November 21, 2023); Funded by ESSER Line Item 142E-72130-599-937 (allotted amount to be determined); Line Item 141E-72620-701 ($335,172.42); County Educational Capital Fund ($600,000.00)
VI. Policy
VI.A. Policy 4.704 Promotion and Retention (2nd Reading)
VI.B. Policy 1.105 School Board Legislative Involvement (Review: no updates)
VI.C. Policy 1.701 School District Planning (2nd Reading)
VI.D. Policy 2.400 Revenues (2nd Reading)
VI.E. Policy 2.601 Fundraising Activities (2nd Reading)
VI.F. Policy 2.8051 Debit Cards, Credit Cards, & Credit Lines (2nd Reading: New Policy)
VII. Student Supports
VII.A. School Social Worker Monthly Report
VIII. Superintendent
VIII.A. TDOE 2023 LEA Compliance Report
IX. Adjournment