June 20, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Workshop
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Academics
II.A. Summer Learning Session Update(s)
II.B. Lost and Damaged Textbooks Report - None submitted
III. Business/Finance
III.A. Monthly Financials
III.B. Review of Allowances and Reimbursements Guidelines
III.C. Federal Disposition
III.D. Purchase Orders
III.E. Purchase Order 8452; Global Industrial, Port Washington, NY; Gray Elementary; Picnic Tables; Funded by School Uplift Grant; $11,611.43; Line Item 141E 71100499 0008
III.F. Purchase Order 8463; Benchmark Education Company; Summer Learning Camps; $33, 396.00; Line Item 141E 71100-429-0003
III.G. Purchase Order 8466; ACT, Iowa City, IA; District-wide ACT Testing; $25, 160.00; Line Item 72130322
III.H. Purchase Order 8470; Kaplan; Jonesborough Elementary; Early Learning Classroom Supplies; Jonesborough Elementary; $11,570.17; Line Item 141E 73400-599
III.I. Purchase Order 35183; Instructure; Salt Lake City, UT; Contract for District Full Year-Case Assessments; $109,663.75; Line Item 142E 71100-471-937
IV. Operations
IV.A. Transportation Report (Inspection Report)
IV.B. Purchasing Cooperative List; Request to add AEPA (Association of Education Purchasing Agencies) and Schools/Communities USA
IV.C. West View Gym Floor Project
IV.E. Athletic Programs -- Supports, Communications, and Consistency
V. Student Supports
VI. Superintendent
VI.A. Key Education Legislative Updates from Spring 2023 TN General Session (includes review of policies)
VII. Disposal of Surplus Property: Land and Buildings
VII.A. InterGovernmental Agreement (WCBOE/Washington County/Town of Jonesborough)
VII.A.1. JMS Facility and Property
VII.A.2. JES acreage -- road frontage
VII.A.3. Midway Facility and Property
VIII. Long Range Facilities Plan
VIII.A. Recommendatoin 1: School Campus Security Upgrades
VIII.B. Recommendation 2: Enrollment Zone Adjustments
VIII.C. Recommendation 3: Land Purchase for New School in North Sector
VIII.D. Recommendation 4: Addition(s) to DBHS
IX. Review of Annual Agenda
X. Adjournment