November 21, 2019 at 5:30 PM - Hamilton County Board of Education Board Meeting - Regular Session
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. **Approval of the Agenda
III. Woodmore Elementary - Remembrance
IV. Executive Session - No
V. Pledge to the Flag and Meditation - Angie Cass, Principal of Ooltewah High School
VI. Exemplars of Excellence
VI.A. A. F. Bridges Award Recipients - Dr. Justin Robertson
VI.B. Tennessee Principal of the Year - Stephanie Hinton and Dr. Zac Brown
VII. Delegations
VII.A. Jeanette Omarkhail, HCEA
VII.B. Heather Modrow - Request to speak regarding substitutes
VIII. Presentations
VIII.A. Recognition of Plaque Commemorating Senate Bill No. 26 - Senator Todd Gardenhire
VIII.B. Future Ready Update - Great Teachers and Leaders - Keith Fogleman
IX. **Approval of the Consent Agenda
IX.A. Approval of the Minutes of the October 17, 2019 Regular Session
IX.B. Executive Committee Report
IX.C. Chief Schools Officer - Dr. Justin Robertson
IX.C.1. Field Trips
IX.C.1.a. Dr. Larrie Reynolds and Dr. Robert Sharpe - Executive Directors (18)
Pulled from Agenda: # 3. Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences Upper School - Ten students enrolled in high school will travel to Madrid, Spain June 6-20, 2020 for language immersion and cultural enrichment. # 4. Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences Upper School - Ten students enrolled in high school will travel to Tono, Japan June 18-July 2, 2020 for language immersion and cultural enrichment.
IX.C.1.b. b. Dr. Neelie Parker and Dr. John Tharp - Executive Directors (5)
IX.D. Chief Business Officer - Brent Goldberg
IX.D.1. Bids/Contracts
IX.D.2. Financial Reports
IX.D.3. Budget Amendments
IX.D.3.a. Federal Grants and Self-Funded Programs
IX.D.3.b. Priority School Principal Incentive
IX.D.4. Use of Fund Balance Assigned for Technology and Textbooks
IX.D.5. Tyler Technologies, Inc (Munis ERP) Contract
IX.E. Chief of Staff - Dr. Nakia Towns Edwards
IX.E.1. Board Policies - Second and Final Reading
IX.E.1.a. Board Policy 3.213 - Lead Testing in Drinking Water
X. Administrative Business Matters
X.A. Director of Maintenance and Operations - Justin Witt
X.A.1. **Deed Transfer - Mowbray Mountain Property for Fire Hall
XI. Board Matters
XI.A. **Direct Administration to Issue Request for proposals to provide security services for Hamilton County Schools - Tucker McClendon
XII. Information Only
XII.A. Legal Services Report
XIII. Events/Announcements
XIV. Adjourn - The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.