August 23, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Chair Butch Campbell
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
In attendance: Chair Butch Campbell, Vice Chair David Settles, Wes Ballard, Roseann Barton, Becky Goff, Amanda Moore, and Jimmy Richardson. New board members Barbara Long and Karen Dodd were also in attendance.
Staff: Dr. Trey Duke, Sheri Arnette, Ralph Ringstaff, Kim Williams, Lisa Trail, Angela Fairchild, Adam Bryson, Ynetia Campbell, Sandy Scheele, Sonya Cox, April Zavisa, and Maria Johnson Assistant City Attorney Elizabeth Taylor and City Liaison Bill Shacklett. |
I.A. Pledge of Allegiance
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ollie Young, a 5th grade student at Northfield Elementary and Annabelle Mallette, a second grade student at John Pittard Elementary.
I.B. Moment of Silence
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
Chair Butch Campbell
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Mrs. Lisa Trail
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Mitchell-Neilson would like to thank Third Baptist Church for celebrating our teachers and staff at our annual Back to School lunch at their church. We love this annual tradition. We'd also like to thank the church for their generous donation to our uniform fund.
Bradley Academy is hosting a series of listening sessions and invites the community to join them for these feedback sessions. Two more listening sessions are scheduled for August 25, 6 p.m at Patterson Park and August 30, 5 p.m. at the school. The City Schools Foundation's Back to School Dash and 911 Heroes Run is Saturday, September 10, 8 a.m. beginning at the Murfreesboro Civic Plaza. We are still looking for runners and volunteers. Money raised by the Foundation goes directly to schools in the form of teacher and parity grants. The grant cycle is open through mid-September for educators across the district wishing to request a Foundation Grant. Reading in the Schools Day is scheduled for September 16. We look forward to working with Read to Succeed and community members to make this day a huge success for our students. Please mark your calendar for Thursday, September 22, 8 a.m. MCS will be hosting a community State of the Schools meeting at Redstone Federal Credit Union. More details will follow. Thank you to the great volunteers at United Way for a successful school supply drive. MCS received thousands of items thanks to their efforts. Plus, a huge thank you to the many churches and community members that donated school supplies, haircuts and more as a group or as an individual. Our students had the tools they needed to begin school successfully. The Foundation would like to recognize and congratulate past board chair Travis Lampley on his successful bid for Juvenile Court Judge. Travis will be stepping down from our board, but we want to thank him for his years of support. |
III.A. Swearing In of Incoming Board Members
Mayor Shane McFarland
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
After the swearing in ceremony, Chair Butch Campbell told the board that a new board member orientation was held on Monday, August 22, before the new board members took office. He thanked Dr. Duke and the leadership team for a well-prepared and well organized orientation.
III.B. Introduction of Principal at Cason Lane-Sonya Cox
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
Chair Butch Campbell
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Agenda
IV.A. Approval of 8-9-22 Board Minutes
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
IV.B. Approval for Director of Schools to Instruct at MTSU
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
Chair Butch Campbell
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.A. Recognition of Outgoing Board Members-Resolution for
Roseann Barton and Becky Goff
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
V.B. Approval of Capital Improvement Plan
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Dr. Duke explained that the Capital Improvement Plan outlines projects and major purchases over the next five years, with the Plan being revised each year as needed. The board had the opportunity to review the plan at the August 9 work session. This plan does include a new school on the west side of town to address overcrowding at Overall Creek, Salem, and Scales. The plan would be to open that school August 2025.
Amanda Moore said that she did review the CIP and is not opposed to it, but would like to ask the board and Dr. Duke to please look at one of the items that had to be pulled from the CIP because of the increased cost, and that is the renovation of the entry at Reeves Rogers. Dr. Duke agreed that Reeves Rogers renovation is a need, and there were projects at this time that were more immediate, such as HVAC, but he and his staff will continue to look at that. Roseann Barton reiterated what Amanda Moore said about the need at Reeves Rogers. Dr. Duke said he plans to bring Reeves Rogers back to the board hopefully sooner than next year's CIP review. Wes Ballard asked if the Reeves Rogers project would need to be requoted, and Dr. Duke said that it would need be requoted and looked at again.
V.C. Approval of Board Policy 2.804 Expenses and Reimbursements
on First Reading
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.D. Approval of Board Policy 2.806 Bids and Quotations
on First Reading
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Mr. Ballard had some questions regarding bids and quotations. He stated that on lines 9-12, the policy states the lowest and/or best bids will be accepted. He felt that left bids wide open.
Kim Williams explained that historically we go with the lowest bid, unless we have had unfavorable dealings in the past with companies. At that point, we won't necessarily take the lowest bid, but the best bid.
V.E. Approval of Board Policy 3.202 Emergency Preparedness Plan
on First Reading
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.F. Approval of Board Policy 4.101 Instructional Standards
on First Reading
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.G. Approval of Board Policy 4.400 on First Reading
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.H. Approval of Board Policy 4.403 Library Materials on First Reading
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
There was discussion with Sheri Arnette at the podium explaining the recent law to catalog library books.
Roseann Barton said that teachers feel that they are not being trusted under this new law. Jimmy Richardson asked what would be the effect if the board did not adopt the policy. Elizabeth Taylor said that there could be a potential lawsuit or injunction to make the board adopt the policy as the law requires. She added that the law states that by the 2022-2023 school year, each district must adopt a policy. Dr. Duke added that both our legal authority and the state agree that this law applies to classroom and school libraries Jimmy Richardson added that since this is an unfunded mandate, he will abstain from the vote.
V.I. Approval of Board Policy 4.406 Use of the Internet on
First Reading
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.J. Approval of Board Policy 5.106 Application and Employment
on First Reading
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.K. Approval of Board Policy 5.1061 Employment of Retirees
on First Reading
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.L. Approval of Board Policy 5.200 Separation Practices for Tenured
Teachers, Board Policy 5.201 Separation Practices for Non-Tenured Teachers, and Board Policy 5.701 Substitute Teachers on First Reading
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.M. Approval of Board Policy 6.318 Admission of Suspended or
Expelled Students on First Reading
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.N. Approval of Board Policy 6.409 Child Neglect and Abuse on
First Reading
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.O. Approval of Extended School Advisory Board
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.P. Approval of PreK Advisory Council
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.Q. Approval of Family Resource Center Advisory Board
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.R. Approval for all Field Trips under $20
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.S. Approval of Omnia Partners Resolution
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
V.T. Approval of Jatheon Email Archiving
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Chair Butch Campbell
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
VI.A. Revenue and Expenditure Report for June
Ms. Kim Williams
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
VI.B. Summer Feeding Report
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Duke thanked Ms. Scheele and her staff for a job well done during summer feeding in the midst of staffing shortages and food scarcity.
VI.C. School Opening Update
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
VI.C.i. Enrollment Update
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Duke presented a PowerPoint to the board with updated enrollment numbers at this time in the school year. He explained that we are at capacity and expect more students in the coming days.
Angela Fairchild also spoke about numbers in CDC. She said that kindergartners are coming in from other districts. She said that MCS is dedicated to students with disabilities. Dr. Duke added that Mrs. Fairchild works closely with him and principals to make sure that schools have what they need for special needs students in regards to staff. Jimmy Richardson said he hoped that staffing needs in this area could be re-evaluated mid-year instead of the end of the year. Amanda Moore asked what is the date for calculations for growth, and Dr. Duke told her that he would find out the exact date.
VI.C.ii. Review of District Organizational Chart
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
VI.D. Director's Update
Dr. Trey Duke
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Dr. Duke congratulated board members, Ms. Roseann Barton, Mrs. Becky Goff, and Mrs. Amanda Moore on their recent level increase in boardsmanship. These will all be recognized at the Fall District meeting.
Dr. Duke went over a PowerPoint presentation explaining the new 3rd grade retention law. He explained that school districts have little to no wiggle room regarding this new law. There was much discussion and frustration from the entire board on this topic. Ms. Barton felt that this is just another unfunded mandate that the State is trying to impose on education. The consensus of the board was that they did not like this law and wanted to voice their opinion to that effect. Dr. Duke told the board that and he and Ms. Taylor would be happy to draft a resolution to present to the board for their review at the September 13th meeting. David Settles said that he was very leery of the appeals process for parents. He asked what the appeals process will look like. Dr. Duke said that he is expecting the Department of Education to release a guidebook in the coming weeks explaining the appeals process, and he will update the board in September regarding this. Chair Campbell said that the State should have contacted the boards of education regarding this new law. Amanda Moore said that she was very frustrated with another rigid law being placed on education. She stated that we are looking at approximately 60% of our students falling into this group of 3rd graders not being promoted. She was also concerned about students with dyslexia and how this would affect those students and if there was funding for them. Dr. Duke said that there would be funds for students with dyslexia under the TISA direct allocations. He said that he will get the dollar amount per student. Dr. Duke said that we want to continue to make sure that the right people are at the table locally when it comes to making a decision to retain a student. |
Chair Butch Campbell
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Chair Campbell welcomed Ms. Sheila Bratton and Ms. Claire Maxwell from Rutherford County Board.
Roseann Barton thanked her colleagues on the board, central office staff, and Dr. Duke for being such a great group to work with over the past years. She said that she feels so good about the work that Dr. Duke and his staff are doing for Murfreesboro City Schools. She thanked the voting public for voting her in as a board member. She said that she loves MCS. Becky Goff also stated that it was an honor to serve on the board with her colleagues. She thanked MCS leadership for keeping our school system on track, especially during the past difficult times. She is also so thankful for the teachers that have stuck with education and with MCS. She said that it has been an honor to serve on the board. Chair Campbell said that the board appreciates both of them and will miss them. He added that we have two very capable upcoming board members to take their places. |
Chair Butch Campbell
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.