February 6, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Consent Agenda
3.a. Meeting Minutes from January 9, 2017 Meeting
3.b. Field Trip Requests
3.c. Disposition of Materials
3.d. Copier Lease Agreement - Indian Springs
4. Public Comment
5. Communications to the Board
5.a. Director's Comments
5.b. Board Chairman Comments
6. Unfinished Business
6.a. Policy 4.207 English Learners - Adoption on 2nd Reading
This policy has been re-titled and revised to align with ESSA. Under ESSA, students for whom English is a second language are no longer referred to as ESL students. Instead, these students are referred to as English learners or ELs. Additionally, districts must ensure that parental notification requirements are met.
6.b. Facilities Update
6.c. County/City Transfer of Property Agreement
7. New Business
7.a. Policy 3.500 Food Service Management
REVISED Policy This policy was revised to incorporate a meal charging provision that complies with new information released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. We have also added a provision regarding the option for students with disabilities to request meal modifications. It is particularly important to note the parent/guardian notification requirements in this policy.
7.b. Policy 6.313 Discipline Procedures
Page 3, line 8 of this policy was modified to more closely align with the language required by federal law. This policy now lists "Use, possession, sale, and/or distribution of tobacco, drugs, and/or alcohol” as an offense. Some systems have policies that deal with tobacco separately. However, including all of these offenses in one policy makes it clear that the district is in compliance with the Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, 20 USC § 7114.
7.c. Policy 6.505 Foster Care
This is a new policy that we developed in response to ESSA's amendment of the McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Assistance Act. Previously, students in foster care were treated similarly to homeless students. After these new amendments, however, there are separate processes governing the placement and transportation of students in foster care or students awaiting foster care placement.
7.d. 2017-2018 Work Ethic Diploma
7.e. Federal Projects Amendment
7.f. GPS Fund Amendment
7.g. IDEA Discretionary Budget
7.h. Naming Facilities
8. Adjournment