August 8, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Consent Agenda
3.a. Board Minutes from July 11, 2016 Meeting
3.b. Field Trip Requests
List coming soon |
3.c. Balfour Yearbook Contract at Sullivan South
3.d. Copier Lease Agreement - Holston Middle
3.e. Disposition of Materials
4. Public Comment
5. Communications to the Board
5.a. Director's Comments
5.a.a. Lowe's of Kingsport - Weaver Elementary
5.b. Board Chairman Comments
5.b.a. September Meeting Date Change
6. Unfinished Business
6.a. Policy 3.202 Emergency Preparedness Plan - Adoption on 3rd Reading
6.b. Policy 6.4031 Pediculosis (Head Lice) - Approval on 2nd Reading
6.c. Policy 6.411 Student Wellness - Approval on 2nd Reading
6.d. Architect Contracts
7. New Business
7.a. United Way Sports Pass
7.b. Math Textbook Committee Members
7.c. Board Attorney Contract
7.d. Focus Schools Grant
7.e. SCORE Grant Resolution
7.f. Fixed Asset Reporting Guidelines
Per advice from the state auditor, the Fixed Asset Guidelines have been written and should be approved retroactively back to the 15-16 year. These guidelines are a formal representation of what has been verbally set and utilized over the past several years. One change that has been made to these guidelines as compared to the past is the revision of the capitalization threshold to match the bidding threshold in our Purchasing Policy. Previously, assets were only reported if they were acquired at a cost greater than $5,000. Under these guidelines, assets will be reported that were acquired at a cost greater than $15,000. This will allow for much easier tracking and reporting of assets.
8. Adjournment