January 11, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Consent Agenda
3.a. Minutes from the December 14 and December 21, 2015 Meetings
3.b. Field Trip Requests
3.c. Disposition of Materials
The attached items are from Food Service and Maintenance. Items will be placed on GovDeals.
4. Public Comment
5. Communications to the Board
5.a. Director's Report
5.a.a. School Board Appreciation Week January 24-30, 2016
5.a.b. Luke Meade, Sullivan East High School, Cross Country State Champion
5.b. Board Chairman Report
6. Unfinished Business
6.a. Policy 1.400 School Board Meetings - Approval on 2nd Reading
Recommended by TSBA: Policy 1.400 has been updated to more accurately reflect the language of Tennessee Attorney General Opinion 95-126 which opines that a governing body may only regulate access to its public meetings in a manner that reasonably serves public safety and welfare, or its ability to conduct orderly and efficient proceedings. Many board policies currently require approval of the board prior to allowing recording equipment access. The revised policy allows boards to conduct orderly and efficient proceedings while ensuring access for the public.
6.b. Policy 1.8011 Emergency Closings - Adoption on 3rd Reading
7. New Business
7.a. Policy 4.605 Graduation Requirements - Review on 1st Reading
Strikethrough = delete Bold and Underline = addition
7.b. Naming of Press Box at Sullivan South - "Larry Harris Press Box"
7.c. IDEA Discretionary Budget
7.d. Renovation Fund Amendment
8. Adjournment