March 5, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Consent Agenda
3.a. Meeting Minutes from February 6, 2020
3.b. Field Trip Requests
4. Public Comment - Agenda Items
5. Communications to the Board
5.a. Director's Comments
5.a.a. Alex Overbay, South Wrestling, Placed 4th in State
5.a.b. Policy 6.300 Attendance/Exam Exemption (Work Session Discussion)
5.a.c. ROTC for West Ridge High School (Work Session Discussion)
5.a.d. Tennessee School Climate Survey (Work Session Discussion)
School Climate Survey from the TDOE. Parents may sign a form to opt out their student if they choose.
5.b. Board Chairman Comments
6. Unfinished Business
6.a. Policy 6.506 Students from Military Families - Adopt on 2nd Reading
6.b. Survey Results - Retirement of Facilities
6.c. Bluff City Middle School Property
6.d. Holston Valley Middle School
6.e. Old Holston Institute Property
6.f. Holston Ballfield Property
7. New Business
7.a. Policies for Review on 1st Reading
7.a.a. Policy 3.202 Emergency Preparedness Plan
Strike through = delete
Bold & Underline = addition
7.a.b. Policy 4.302 Field Trips/Excursions/Competitions
Adopt Policy as recommended by TSBA.
7.a.c. Policy 4.100 Instructional Program
Recommended by TSBA
7.a.d. Policy 4.201 Class Size Ratios
Recommended by TSBA to comply with state law. This policy will replace current 4.201 Basic Program, as those provisions are found in 4.100 and 4.200.
7.a.e. Policy 4.209 Alternative Credit Options
TSBA updated this policy to include a provision on the recently created Course Access Program. This program is scheduled to be available to students in the 2019-2020 school year. It will allow students across the state the same access to certain "course access courses" that may not otherwise be available at their schools. The recently created State Board of Education Rule 0520-01-14-.03 outlines the process for the application, approval, and monitoring of the program. It also requires all local boards to adopt a policy for hearing appeals form denials of Course Access Program course enrollments. The updated policy includes suggested model language from TSBA.
7.a.f. Policy 4.603 Promotion and Retention
State Board Policy 3.300 now includes a new parental notification requirement for students in kindergarten through third grade who are not meeting the expectations of grade-level standards in reading, which must be included in local policy. This State Board policy also now requires districts to compile a list of students that may be considered for retention by February 1st. Local board policies must also list specific circumstances under which students may be considered for retention after that date. We are including examples in the model policy but encourage boards to evaluate which reasons they want to include based on experiences in their individual school systems.
The attached policy will replace the current policy.
7.a.g. Policy 5.606 Political Activities
7.b. Policy 6.300 Code of Conduct - Waiver of Rules/Adopt on 1st Reading
A new state law requires the Department of Education to develop a guidance on trauma-informed discipline practices. Local boards are then required to adopt discipline policies that align with this guidance. This policy has been revised to incorporate trauma-informed components.
7.c. eRate
Ms. Nave requests board approval to enter into a contract with the winning vendor of the Category 2 eRate Bid.
See attached.
7.d. Perkins Amendment
7.e. Resolution - Delayed Land Purchase
8. Public Comments - Non-agenda Items
9. Adjournment