March 6, 2025 at 5:00 PM - Putnam County Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Announcements
III.A. Two Upperman Bees won in the state championship and finished as the state runner-up in the TSSAA Division I Class A Individual State Wrestling Tournament. Grady Phelps won the 126lb State Champion and Jake Stinnett placed as runner-up in the 106lb division.
III.B. Director's Personnel Report
IV. Approval of Minutes
IV.A. Minutes of the Regular February Board Meeting - February 6, 2024, @ 5:00 PM
V. Public Comment
VI. Approval of Consent Agenda
VI.A. Payments/Purchases
VI.A.1. Approval to pay Maffett Loftis Engineering for mechanical design work treated to the Frontier Building HVAC Upgrade project in the amount of $7,840.00 from 141-76100-599-02528. The contract was Board approved on 11/14/2024 as VI.F.8.
VI.A.2. Approval to purchase a replacement double-stack, convection oven for Avery Trace Middle School kitchen at the lowest quote of $18,986.54 from Mobile Fixture. This amount includes installation and will be paid out of fund 143.
VI.A.3. Approval to pay Maffett Loftis Engineering for electrical engineering work related to the Avery Trace Middle School softball field project in the amount of $6,300.00 from 141-72600-399. The contract was Board approved on 2/5/2025 VI.F.2.
VI.A.4. Approval to pay Maffett Loftis Engineering for engineering design work related to the Northeast Elementary School HVAC Upgrade project in the amount of $28,258.00 from 141-72600-399. The contract was Board approved on 9/5/2024 VI.F.12.
VI.A.5. Approval to pay Maffett Loftis Engineering for engineering design work related to the Baxter Primary School Chiller replacement project in the amount of $14,200.00 from 141-72600-399. The contract was Board approved on 9/5/2024 VI.F.11.
VI.A.6. Approval to pay Maffett Loftis Engineering for engineering design work related to the Sycamore Elementary School HVAC Upgrade project in the amount of $24,630.50 from 141-72600-399. The contract was Board approved on 9/5/2024 VI.F.4.
VI.A.7. Approval of the purchase of (19) Viewsonic touch Screen Boards from Danmark Technologies in the amount of $53,335.00.
VI.A.8. Approval of the purchase of IFP-EW-7550-E1 (wall mounted) from Quote 3809 v2 from account number 142-72210-790-101 for the following school(s)
VI.A.9. Purchase of (232) Asus Chromebooks and Chrome OS Management , item #CR1104CGA-YZ84 for Putnam County Schools from Danmark Technologies in the amount of $70,992.00 per quote #3811, contract TIPS 240101 to be paid from 142-71100-722-101 for the following schools:
VI.A.10. Approval of the purchase of (11) Apple Mac Minis 16GB, 256GB SSD per quote proposal #2112027560 Item MU9D3LL/A to be paid from 142-71100-722-101 for the following schools:
VI.A.11. Approval to pay Mid State Construction Company in the amount of $19,224.03 for pay application #1 related to the Cookeville High School Student Entry Security Upgrades project to be paid from 141-72620-399-02529.
VI.A.12. Approval to pay Lee Company in the amount of $384,750.00 for pay application #1 related to the Cookeville High School Chiller Replacement project to be paid from 141-72620-799.
VI.B. Bids/Quotes/Sealed Bids/RFPs
VI.C. Budget Amendments/Line Item Transfers
VI.C.1. General Purpose School Budget Amendments - Fund 141
VI.C.1.a. CTE ISM - To move monies to pay for water, gas, and electrical to the ATMS greenhouse
VI.C.1.b. Student Services - Budget for donations received for counselor appreciation from PEP
VI.C.1.c. Finance - To amend incentive pay budget to account for actual payments
VI.C.1.d. Finance - To move budget for large maintenance projects from 76100 to 72620
VI.D. Approval of Out-of-County and Overnight Trip Reports
VI.E. Approval of Grant Report
VI.F. Other
VI.F.1. Approval to enter into a "data share" agreement with Empower Upper Cumberland.
VI.F.2. Approval of permission to allow Capshaw PTO to purchase upgraded classroom door locks. The locks were approved and will be installed by school maintenance.
VI.F.3. Allow permission to add the Frontier Building to the cleaning contract with ABM services for the amount of $1,248.33 per month, to begin once the building is occupied.
VI.F.4. Approval of the 2025-2026 Audit quote from Tamara Beckman, CPA, professional services rendered for twenty schools' activity and cafeteria funds year ending June 30, 2026, in the amount of $16,000.00 to be paid from 141-72310-305 and approval to authorize for the Director of Schools to sign the audit contract.
VI.F.5. Approval of the recommendation by the School Nutrition Program to award the Upper Cumberland Buying Group Bid for School Year 2025-2026 Commodity Processing to the following vendors:
VI.F.6. Approval of the members to the calendar committee for the school calendar cycle 2026-2027, 2027-2028, and 2028-2029 as attached.
VI.F.7. Approval of the Quarterly Reports for quarter ending 12/31/24 for the following funds:
VI.F.8. Approval of the continuation of membership for PCSS with Comprehensive Educational Resources (CER) at the cost of $22,546.00 from account #141-72310-599. CER is an educational consortium that currently serves thirty school districts in Northeast Tennessee and across the state. CER is a collaboration between these thirty districts and the Niswonger Foundation that currently reaches approximately 156,000 students. CER began in May 2020.
VI.F.9. Approval to enter into an agreement with Nixon Ower Services, Nashville, TN for a five-year complete service and battery replacement (as listed in the attached proposal) on the emergency generator at Cookeville High School in the amount of $10,932.06 to be paid for from 141-72620-399.
VI.F.10. Approval of the School Accounting Informational Reports: March 6, 2024, Board Meeting
VI.F.11. Approval to renew the advertising agreement with District Solutions LLC to carry out the proposed School Bus Advertising Program for the 2025-2026 school year. The renewal will be effective July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026.
VI.F.12. Approval to renew the Gov Deals contract for the 2025-2026 school year.
VI.F.13. Approval to enter into an agreement with Stone Services Corporation, Cookeville, TN for the mechanical upgrades at Northeast Elementary School in the amount of $785,750.00 to be paid for from the Putnam County Capital Project Fund.
VI.F.14. Approval to enter into an agreement with Stone Services Corporation, Cookeville, TN for the mechanical upgrades at the former Frontier building in the amount of $99,050.00 to be paid for from 141-76100-599-02528.
VI.F.15. Approval to enter into an agreement with Stone Services Corporation, Cookeville, TN for the chiller replacement at Baxter Primary School in the amount of $229,142.00 to be paid for from 141-72620-399.
VI.F.16. Approval to enter into an agreement with Stone Services Corporation, Cookeville, TN for the mechanical upgrades at Sycamore Elementary School in the amount of $457,750.00 to be paid for from the Putnam County Capital Project Fund.
VI.F.17. Approval to allow Baxter Youth Baseball to install lights on the T-Ball Field located on Board of Education property behind Baxter Primary School at no cost to the Board of Education.
VI.F.18. Approval to enter into a contract with Covington Flooring Company, Birmingham, AL for the gym floor sand, paint and refinish (as noted in the February 25th, 2025 proposal) at Capshaw Elementary School in the amount of $21,550.00 to be paid for from 141-72620-399 with the pricing to be reflective of TIPS Buying Group (TIPS #23010401)
VI.F.19. Approval to enter into a contract with Covington Flooring Company, Birmingham, AL for the gym floor repairs, sand, paint and refinish (as noted in the February 25th, 2025 proposal) at Burks Elementary School in the amount of $71,777.00 to be paid for from 141-72620-399 with the pricing to be reflective of TIPS Buying Group (TIPS #23010401)
VI.F.20. Approval to purchase an Avigilon video server for security system upgrades for Cane Creek ES, per quote #15299 from Pioneer Communications, Cookeville, TN, in the amount of: $22,663.00, to be paid from: 141-71100-722-01607.
VI.F.21. Approval to purchase onsite programming services for the Alertus notification system, in the amount not to exceed $19,500.00, to be paid from: 141-E-72130-399-000-02525-000, Public School Security Grant.
VI.F.22. Approval to purchase e-Rate Category 2 Internal Connections eligible network products and services from the TDoE's Tennessee Education Broadband Consortium (“TEBC”) State Master Contract in the amount not to exceed our district's remaining funds allotment of $448,606.00. The purchase is contingent upon the district's e-Rate application approval (due by 3/26/2025) and is conducted via the TDoE'S mini-bid process to solicit and evaluate pricing from approved contracted vendors, and upon approval the district's portion of the cost is 20% and will not exceed: $89,721.20 to be paid from: 141-71100-722-01607.
VI.F.23. Approval to purchase e-Rate Category 1 broadband internet connectivity products and services from the TDoE's Tennessee Education Broadband Consortium (“TEBC”) State Master Contract OR from the newly awarded contract to Anderson County Schools/Anderson E-Rate Consortium for the 2025-26 school year, in e-Rate funding cycle (7/1/25 to 6/30/26).
VI.F.24. Approval of the contract attached with Lakeland Electric, Cookeville, TN for the auditorium lighting replacement, upgrade and improvements at Cookeville High School in the amount of $670,600.00 to be paid for from the Putnam County Bond Issue.
VI.F.25. Approval to purchase low-voltage network data cabling materials and installation services for the Pre-K center renovation at old Park View ES, from Advanced Communications Services, Sparta, TN, in the amount of $23,400.00 to be paid from: 141-76100-599-02530.
VI.F.26. Approval of payment to Moore, Rader & York, P.C. - Cookeville, Tennessee for legal services through February 28, 2025 in the amount of $8,809.70 to be paid from 141-72310-331, Legal Services. (General Purpose Schools)
VII. Policy
VII.A. First and final reading for approval of BOE Policy 4.603 (Promotion and Retention). Policy 4.603 has been updated in accordance with State law regarding student retention and 3rd/4th grade promotion pathways.
VII.B. No changes have been made to original policy 4.605. Submitting policy for an updated review and approval.
VII.C. Policy for Use of Personal Communication Devices and Electronic Devices (6.312) second reading.
VIII. Discussion/Presentation
VIII.A. PreK Naming Committee's final decisions.
Diana Wood, Pre-K-4th Instructional Supervisor
VIII.B. Building Projects
VIII.B.1. Park View School Update
VIII.B.2. Avery Trace Middle School Softball Field Project
VIII.B.2.a. Avery Trace Middle School Softball Field Action Items
VIII.B.3. Old Park View Elementary School Update
VIII.B.4. Update from Energy Systems Group regarding the old Park View School Renovation
VIII.B.4.a. Energy Systems Group - Existing Park View School Renovation Project Action Items
VIII.B.4.a.1. Approval to pay Energy Systems Group in the amount of $163,705.90 and First National Bank of Tennessee (retainage) in the amount of $8,616.10 for pay application #3 related to the Parkview Elementary School renovation project to be paid from the Putnam County Bond Issue.
VIII.C. Option of offering English 9 Honors while providing an alternative accelerated English course for 8th grade students.
Bubba Winningham
VIII.D. Proposal for a new K-12 Science textbook.
Bubba Winningham
VIII.E. Early Enrollment Guidelines and Recommendations for the 2025-2026 School Year.
Chris Pierce, Attendance Supervisor
VIII.F. A new resolution regarding the Education Freedom Act of 2025.
IX. Adjournment