March 7, 2024 at 5:00 PM - Putnam County Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Announcements
III.A. I Make A Difference Award
III.B. Spring Break - Monday, March 11, 2024 - Friday, March 15, 2024
III.C. Director's Reports
III.C.1. Personnel Reports
III.C.2. School Accounting Information Reports:
III.C.3. Acknowledge receipt of the donation of equipment by CRMC Foundation to the Putnam County School System Special Education Department for use by students with disabilities.
III.C.4. Acknowledge receipt of the donation of $4,000.00 by UTrust to the Putnam County School System Special Education Department for purchasing items to be used by students with disabilities.
IV. Approval of Minutes
IV.A. Minutes of the Regular February Board Meeting - Thursday, February 1, 2024, @ 5:00 PM
V. Public Comment
VI. Approval of Consent Agenda
VI.A. Payments/Purchases
VI.A.1. Approval of payment to Tennessee Tech University - Cookeville, Tennessee for State of Tennessee reimbursement for Pre-K between October 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023 in the amount of $27,499.26 to be paid from 141-73400-399-01604, Other Contracted Service, as submitted.
VI.A.2. Approval to purchase HD Video Appliance 3X Pro 24-port TB with 16 Avigilon Enterprise ACC7 licenses replacig the existing camera system from Pioneer Communications of Tennessee - Cookeville, Tennessee for Capshaw Elementary School in the total amount of $16,475.66 to be paid, as follows:
VI.A.3. Approval to renew the annual license purchase for year 2 of 3 for student and staff licenses of Google Workspace Plus for Education edition, from CDW/Amplified for Educaation - Chicago, IL from the Sourcewell Contract #081419-CDW-Tech Catalog in the amount of $47,672.00 to be paid from 141-71100-722-01607, as submitted.
VI.A.4. Approval to purchase Chromebooks and Mobile Charging Carts for VITAL for Middle and High School Computer Science courses per the following vendor quotes to be paid from 141-71100-399-01501, as submitted:
VI.A.5. Approval to purchase network switches and wireless access infrastructure equipment and licenses for the new Park View Elementary School building project from Central Technologies, Inc. - Knoxville, Tennessee with pricing from the TIPS-USA Contract #230105 - Technology Solutions, per quote in the amount of $203,088.14 to be paid from 141-76100-799-000-02504-000, as submitted.
VI.A.6. Approval of the purchase of fifty-eight (58) Chromebooks from Bluum for Park View in the amount of $18,140.66 per quote to be paid from 142-71100-722-101, as submitted.
VI.A.7. Approval of the purchase of sixty (60) Chromebooks from Bluum for Avery Trace Middle School in the amount of $18,766.20 per quote to be paid from 142-71100-722-101, as submitted
VI.A.8. Approval of the purchase of thirty-four (34) Chromebooks from Bluum for White Plains Academy in the amount of $10,634.18 per quote to be paid from 142-7100-722-101, as submitted.
VI.A.9. Approval of the purchase of five (5) Viewsonic boards from Bluum for White Plains Academy in the amount of $11,295.05 per quote to be paid from 142-71100-790-101, as submitted.
VI.A.10. Approval of the purchase of six (6) Viewsonic boards from Bluum for Prescott South Elementary School in the amount of $11,250.06 per quote to be paid from 142-7100-790-101, as submitted.
VI.A.11. Approval of payment to Moore, Rader, Fitzpatrick and York, P.C. - Cookeville, Tennessee for legal services through February 28, 2024, in the amount of $11,253,,90 to be paid from 141-72310-331, Legal Services, as submitted. (General Purpose Schools)
VI.A.12. Approval of the purchase of two (2) automobiles off the state contract from Wilson County Motors - Lebanon, Tennessee in the amount of $51,785.60 for two (2) 2024 Chevy Equinox four-wheel drive automobiles to be paid from VITAL, 141-71100-729-01501, as submitted.
VI.B. Bids/Quotes/Sealed Bids/RFPs
VI.B.1. Approval to solicit bids for the construction of a softball field at Avery Trace Middle School.
VI.B.2. Approval to solicit bids for chiller replacements at White Plains Academy and Cookeville High School (1 of 2).
VI.B.3. Permission to bid System-wide Air Filters.
VI.B.4. Approval of the 2024-2025 audit quote from Tamara Beckman, CPA, professional services rendered for twenty schools' activity and cafeteria funds in the year ending June 30, 2025, in the amount of $14,500 to be paid from 141-72310-305 and approval to authorize the Director of Schools to sign the audit contract.
VI.B.5. Approval to award the Upper Cumberland USDA Foods Processing bid for SY2024-25 for the School Nutrition Program to the following processors, as submitted on the bid tally sheet:
VI.B.6. Approval to award the Burks Elementary School (Burks) Security Upgrades bid to Mid-State Construction - Livingston, Tennessee in the amount of $118,500 to complete a secure entrance vestibule at Burks to be paid from Public School Security Grant funds, as submitted.
VI.C. Budget Amendments/Line Item Transfers
VI.C.1. General Purpose School Budget Amendments - Fund 141
VI.C.1.a. Special Education - To adjust budget to allocation awarded to Putnam County School System for highcost SWD's
VI.C.1.b. Adult Education - To reallocate funds to meet program needs
VI.C.1.c. Finance - To budget for carryover of the F23 State of Tennessee School Safety Grant
VI.C.2. General Purpose School Line Item Transfers - Fund 141
VI.C.2.a. Special Education - To reallocate funds to align with actual cost for the Special Education Department
VI.C.2.b. Federal Programs - This Consolidated Administratio (011) line item transfer is required in order to utilize funds according to program needs
VI.C.2.c. Future Ready - Amend to budget to purchase vehicles for driver's education
VI.C.3. Federal Projects Budget Amendments - Fund 142
VI.C.3.a. Finance - To correct Consolidated Application allocations
VI.C.3.b. Federal Programs - This Title I (101) amendment is required in order to utilize funds more appropriately
VI.C.3.c. Fedeal Programs - This Title III (301) amendment is needed in order to utilize funds more appropriately according to program needs
VI.C.3.d. Student Services - This ARP 1.0 budget amendment is required in order to allocate funds accordingly
VI.C.3.e. Student Services/FAMRE- Amend budget to better utilize funds for student needs
VI.C.3.f. Student Services - This ARP 2.0 budget amendment is required in order to allocate funds accordingly
VI.C.3.g. Special Education - To reallocate funds in the FY-24 IDEA Partnership for Systemic Change (K-12) Sustainability Grant to purchase materials/supplies and pay for staff development for the Special Education dept.
VI.C.3.h. Teaching and Learning PreK-4th - Allocate additional funds received for HQIM grant
VI.D. Approval of Out-of-County and Overnight Trip Reports
VI.E. Approval of Grant Report
VI.F. Other
VI.F.1. Approval to enter into a contract with Civil Engineering and Surveying, LLC - Cookeville, Tennessee for the design of a softball field at Avery Trace Middle School in the amount of $14,000.00 to be paid from 141-72620-399, as submitted.
VI.F.2. Approval to renew the Gov Deals contract for the 2024-25 school year, as submitted.
VI.F.3. Approval of the contract between Flynn Sign Company, Inc. - Crossville, Tennessee and Putnam County Board of Education for digital silver package for Adult Education in the amount of $425 per month to be paid from Adult Education funds effective March 12, 2024 - June 30, 2024, as submitted.
VI.F.4. Approval of the research request from Max Amoss, IV., a doctoral candidate at the University of the Cumberlands, as submitted.
VI.F.5. Approval for Print Link Printing - Cookeville, Tennessee to continue to provide system-wide printing services for the Putnam County School System effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025, as submitted.
VI.F.6. Approval of the $20.00 monthly stipend for personal cell phone usage, per Policy 3.3001, Use of Cellular Phones, for the new School Nutrition Cafeteria Manager at Monterey High School, Shyla Taumua, as submitted
VI.F.7. Approval of the Lease Agreement between Fentress County Schools and Putnam County School System for the use of space for Adult Education at $1 per month to be paid from Adult Education funds effective January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024, as submitted.
VI.F.8. Approval of the additional PLC Professional Development contract with Solution Tree - Bloomington, IN in the amount of $6,500.00 to be paid from 142-72210-524-201, as submitted.
VI.F.9. Approval of the Quarterly Reports for quarter ending 12/31/23 for the following funds, as submitted:
VI.F.10. Approval to enter into a new agreement for the 2024-25 school year with District Solutions LLC - Atlanta, GA to carry out the proposed Putnam County School Bus Advertising Program, as submitted.
VI.F.11. Approval to renew the contract (Year #2) with Turf Masters Landscape Management - Cookeville, Tennessee for systemwide lawn maintenance with a 3% cost of living increase (as permitted in their contract) for a per mow cost of $8,580.79 each to be paid from 141-72610-399, as submitted.
VII. Policy
VII.A. Policy on first reading ONLY
VII.A.1. Policy 5.6001, Professional Attire Expectations
VII.B. Policy on first and final reading
VII.B.1. Policy 2.403, Surplus Property Sales
VIII. Discussion/Presentation
VIII.A. Presentation of the Early Registration Guidelines and Recommendations
Chris Pierce, Enrollment & Attendance Supervisor
VIII.B. Approval to award the Systemwide Janitorial Services bid including Alternate 1 to ABM Education - Nashville, Tennessee in the amount of $295,633.91 per month effective April 6, 2024, through June 30, 2024, as submitted.
Tim Martin, Deputy Director of Schools
VIII.C. Building Projects
VIII.C.1. Park View School Project Update
Kim Chamberlin, Upland Design Group - Crossville, Tennessee
VIII.C.1.a. Park View School Project Action Items
VIII.C.1.a.1. Approval to pay American Constructors, Inc. -Brentwood, Tennessee in the amount of $1,592,253.44 and Pinnacle Bank (retainage) in the amount of $74,600.57 for pay application #18 related to the Park View School Project to be paid from the Putnam County Bond Issue, as submitted.
VIII.C.1.a.2. Approval to pay Upland Design Group, Inc. - Crossville, Tennessee in the amount of $16,615.44 for architectural services for the Park View School Project to be paid from 141-76100-304-02504, as submitted.
VIII.C.1.a.3. Approval of a payment to GEOService, LLC - Chicago, IL in the amount of $930.00 for construction monitoring services for the new Park View School through January 28, 2024, to be paid from 141-76100-399-000-02504-000, as submitted.
VIII.C.2. Upperman High School Expansion Project Update
Kim Chamberlin, Upland Design Group - Crossville, Tennessee
VIII.C.2.a. Upperman High School Expansion Project Action Items
VIII.C.2.a.1. Approval to pay King Construction Group, Inc. - Cookeville, Tennessee in the amount of $119,491.26 and First horizon Bank (retainage) in the amount of $6,289.01 for pay application #16 related to the Upperman High School Expansion Project to be paid from 142-76100-707-933 (ESSER 3.0), as submitted.
VIII.C.2.a.2. Approval to release a partial amount of the retainage to King Construction - Cookeville, Tennessee for the Upperman High School Expansion Project in the amount of $135,630.97 noting the remaining balance of retainage held after this payment will be $90,420.65, as submitted.
VIII.C.2.a.3. Approval of a payment to Upland Design Group, Inc. - Crossville, Tennessee in the amount of $1,256.08 to be paid from 142-76100-707-933 for architectural services for the Upperman High School Expansion Project to be paid from the School Federal Program Fund - ESSER 3.0, as submitted,
VIII.C.2.a.4. Approval to pay AAR of North Carolina, Inc. - Kernersville, NC in the amount of $10,000 and the full release of retainage in the amount of $182,085.00 (plus any accrued interest) for pay application #10 related to the Upperman High School Expansion Project to be paid from 142-76100-707-933 (ESSER 3.0) as submitted.
VIII.C.2.a.5. Approval to pay Richard C. Rinks & Associates, Inc. - Cookeville, Tennessee in the amount of $2,187.41 for design services fo the Upperman High School Roof Project to be paid from 142-76100-707-933 (ESSER 3.0), as submitted.
VIII.C.3. Existing Park View Elementary School Update
VIII.C.3.a. Existing Park View Elementary School Action Items
VIII.C.3.a.1. Approval to pay Southern Roofing of TN in the amount of $64,404.44 and First National Bank (retainage) in the amount of $3,389.71 for pay application #5 related to the existing Park View Elementary School Roof Replacement Project to be paid from 142-76100-707-933 (ESSER 3.0), as submitted.
VIII.C.3.a.2. Approval to enter into a performance-based contract with Energy Systems Group - Johnson City, Tennessee for the purpose of renovating the Existing Park View Elementary School, as submitted.
IX. Adjournment