September 1, 2022 at 5:00 PM - Putnam County Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Election of Board Officers, per Policy 1.200, Method of Election of Officers
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Announcements
IV.A. I Make A Difference Award
IV.B. Tennessee School Boards Association's Upper Cumberland Fall District Meeting will be held on Thursday, September 8, 2022, in White County.
IV.C. The regular October School Board meeting will be held on Thursday, September 29, 2022, @ 5:00 PM due to the Fall Break Schedule, and a Board Work Session will follow the adjournment of the October School Board meeting.
IV.D. Director's Personnel Report
V. Approval of Minutes
V.A. Minutes of the Regular August Board Meeting - Thursday, August 4, 2022, @ 5:00 PM
VI. Approval of Consent Agenda
VI.A. Payments/Purchases
VI.A.1. Approval to pay Charles Stone Heating & Cooling - Cookeville, Tennessee for pay application #7 related to the Cookeville High School Boiler Project in the amount of $22,836.39 to be paid from 142-76100-707-932 (ESSER 2.0), as submitted.
VI.A.2. Approval to pay Charles Stone Heating & Cooling - Cookeville, Tennessee for pay application #3 (final plus retainage) related to the Baxter Primary School Gym Air Conditioner Upgrades Project in the amount of $4,602.09 to be paid from 142-76100-707-932 (ESSER 2.0), as submitted.
VI.A.3. Approval of the School Nutrition Program's purchase of two (2) evaporators and two (2) condensers from United Refrigeration - Cookeville, Tennessee for a walk-in freezer at Cane Creek Elementary School in the total amount of $15,313.06 to be paid from 142-73100-710-932, as submitted.
VI.A.4. Approval of the purchase of seventy-two (72) Chromebooks from Bluum per TCPN contract #R5114 and quote in the amount of $23,958.72 for Upperman Middle School to be paid from 142-71100-722-101, as submitted.
VI.A.5. Approval of the purchase of forty-five (45) Chromebooks from Bluum per TCPN contract #R5114 and quote in the amount of $14,974.20 for Avery Trace Middle School to be paid from 142-71100-722-101, as submitted.
VI.A.6. Approval of the purchase of fifty-four (54) Chromebooks from Bluum per TCPN contract #R5114 and quote in the amount of $17,969.04 for Cornerstone Elementary School to be paid from 142-71100-722-101, as submitted.
VI.A.7. Approval of the purchase of six (6) 75" Viewsonic Boards & Carts from Bluum per TCPN contract #R5114 and quote in the amount of $13,554.06 for Northeast Elementary School to be paid from 142-72210-790-101, as submitted.
VI.A.8. Approval of the purchase of Qualtrics at Carasoft - Reston, Virginia per NCPA contract #01-86 in the amount of $47,848.42 to be paid from 142-72210-399-933, as submitted.
VI.A.9. Approval to pay for ten (10) teacher registrations to attend the National Learning Forward Conference being held in Nashville, Tennessee from December 4 - 7, 2022, in the amount of $10,834.00 to be paid from 142-72210-524-933, as submitted.
VI.A.10. Approval to purchase five (5) Special Needs buses and two (2) 78-passenger buses from Cumberland International Trucks - Nashville, Tennessee from the Sourcewell Purchasing Cooperative (Contract #063020-ICB) in the amount of $794,444.07 to be paid from the Putnam County Capital Projects Fund, as submitted.
VI.A.11. Approval to purchase and install new phone and intercom paging system replacements at Avery Trace Middle School from ITVoice (formerly IDEACOM Networks) from pricing on Sourcewell Contract #022719-MBS per quote in the amount of $68,919.20 to be paid from 141-72310-399 (in the amount of $50,574.00) and 141-72130-399-02118 (in the amount of $18,345.20).
VI.A.12. Approval of payment to Moore, Rader, Fitzpatrick and York, P.C. - Cookeville, Tennessee for legal services from May 20, 2022 to August 19, 2022, in the amount of $9,969,95 to be paid from 141-72310-331, Legal Services, as submitted. (General Purpose Schools)
VI.B. Bids/Quotes/Sealed Bids/RFPs
VI.B.1. Approval to seek bids for VITAL Virtual/Online curriculum and platform for the 2022-2023 school year, as submitted.
VI.B.2. Approval to award the Employer Paid Life & Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance bid to USAble Life, as submitted.
VI.C. Budget Amendments/Line Item Transfers
VI.C.1. General Purpose School Budget Amendments - Fund 141
VI.C.1.a. Finance - To budget for the Literacy Training Teacher Stipend grant with Federal Program Funds (142) paying for salary and General Purpose School Fund (141) paying for benefits
VI.C.1.b. Finance - To budget for estimated expenses greater than the Bond Issue for the construction of the New Park View School from Fund Balance
VI.C.2. Federal Projects Budget Amendments - Fund 142
VI.C.2.a. Finance - To establish budget for the Epidemiology and Lab Capacity Grant from FY22 carryover
VI.C.2.b. Finance - To budget for the Literacy Training Teacher Stipend grant with Federal Program Funds (142) paying for salary and General Purpose School Fund (141) paying for benefits
VI.C.2.c. Special Education - To budget Carry over funds from FY-22 ARP IDEA PreK allocation to be utilized in the FY-23 school years
VI.C.2.d. Special Education - To budget carry over funds for IDEA ARP funds
VI.C.3. School Nutrition Budget Amendment - Fund 143
VI.C.3.a. School Nutrition - To budget for vehicle purchase
VI.D. Approval of Out-of-County and Overnight Trip Reports
VI.D.1. Secondary Trips
VI.E. Approval of Grant Report
VI.F. Other
VI.F.1. Approval of the CopyLeaks Agreement between CopyLeaks - Stamford, CT and Putnam County School System for professional services for the 2022 - 2023 school year in the amount of $2,220.00 to be paid from 141-71100-399-01501 (General Funds), as submitted.
VI.F.2. Approval of payment to Cognia Inc. (previously known as AdvancedED) - Atlanta, GA for Yearly Membership fees for the 2022 - 2023 school year in the amount of $25,200.00 to be paid from 141-72310-599, as submitted.
VI.F.3. Approval of the agreement between Putnam County Board of Education and Dreambox Learning - Bellevue, WA for Dreambox (Reading Plus intervention programs for students with disabilities) student licenses and training webinar package for the 2022 - 2023 school year in the total amount of $13,500.00 to be paid as follows from 141-71200-163-907 in the amount of $12,500.00 and 141-72220-524-907 in the amount of $1,000.00 (webinar), as submitted.
VI.F.4. Approval to add Dr. Chris Winningham, 5-8 Instructional Supervisor, to the Putnam County School Systems' Discipline Hearing Authority Committee.
VI.F.5. Approval of the Student Teacher Partnership Agreement between the Kansas State University and the Putnam County School System effective August 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023, with the option to request renewal for an additional three (3) years, as submitted.
VI.F.6. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Health Connect America and Putnam County School System (PCSS) for the 2022 - 2023 school year to provide counseling, mental health and related services to PCSS students, as submitted.
VI.F.7. Approval of the Sub Lease Agreement between Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency (UCHRA) and Putnam County Board of Education for space in Smith County for Adult Education in the amount of $200 per month to be paid from Adult Education funds effective July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023, as submitted.
VI.F.8. Approval of contract with Edulastic for subscription for math teachers in the amount of $2,600 to be paid from 142-71100-471-933, as submitted.
VI.F.9. Approval of the Family Life Curriculum, as submitted.
VI.F.10. Approval to enter into a contract with Cookeville Heating & Cooling Services, LLC - Cookeville, Tennessee for the replacement of roof top unit (RTU) for the classroom area at Sycamore Elementary School in the amount of $10,900.00 to be paid from 141-72620-399, Contracted Services, as submitted.
VI.F.11. Approval to enter into a contract with Cookeville Heating & Cooling Services, LLC - Cookeville, Tennessee for the replacement of roof top (RTU) for kitchen area at Sycamore Elementary School in the amount of $13,000.00 to be paid from 141-72620-399, Contracted Services, as submitted.
VI.F.12. Approval of Change Order #1 to the Baxter Primary School Gym Air Conditioner Upgrades contract with Charles Stone Heating and Cooling - Cookeville, Tennessee to remove bollards from the work scope and to remove the unused contingency allowance resulting in a reduction to the contract in the amount of $10,506.25, as submitted.
VI.F.13. Approval of the Student Teacher Partnership Agreement with Western Governors University - Utah and the Putnam County School System effective September 1, 2022 - August 31, 2023, as submitted.
VI.F.14. Approval of the renewal of the agreement between Putnam County Board of Education and Enome, Inc. (GOALBOOK) - San Mateo, California for Goalbook Toolkit Special Education Partial Department Membership for the 2022 - 2023 school year in the amount of $45,500 to be paid from 141-72220-514, as submitted.
VI.F.15. Approval of the research request from Bridgett Pugh, a doctoral candidate at Tennessee Technological University, as submitted.
VI.F.16. Approval of the research request from Max Petett, a doctoral candidate at the University of the Cumberlands, as submitted.
VI.F.17. Approval of the research request from Jimmy Anderson, a doctoral candidate at the University of the Cumberlands, as submitted.
VI.F.18. Approval of the EdPuzzle Agreement between EdPuzzle - San Francisco, California and Putnam County School System for professional services for the 2022 - 2023 school year iin the amount of $1,950.00 to be paid from 141-71100-399-01501(General Funds in cooperation), as submitted.
VI.F.19. Approval to enter into an agreement with Tennessee Tech University - Cookeville, Tennessee to provide local dual credit for Lifetime Wellness for the Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 school year, as submitted.
VI.F.20. Approval to update the Putnam County School System's Transfer Letter Grade Conversion to High School Numerical Grade to correlate with the New Putnam County Grading System Policy, 4.600, Board approved on June 30, 2022, as submitted.
VI.F.21. Approval for Putnam County School System to join the Comprehensive Educational Resources Consortium (CER) in conjunction with the Niswonger Foundation in the amount of $24,000.00 to be paid from 142-72210-399-933 for the 2022 - 2023 school year, as submitted.
VI.F.22. Approval of the Baxter Primary Chorus fee to be included in 2022 - 2023 School Fees approved on the August 4, 2022, Board agenda in the amount of $20.00 for uniform shirts, music and folders, as submitted.
VI.F.23. Approval of the Avery Trace Middle School fee to be included in the 2022 - 2023 School Fees approved on the August 4, 2022, Board agenda in the amount of $20.00 for copier lease, student planners, art supplies and PE supplies, as submitted
VI.F.24. Revised 2022-2023 Putnam County School System Return to School Plan
VI.F.25. Approval to issue Putnam County Board of Education credit cards with a $2,000 credit limit to new Board members Kerry Ledbetter and Jill Ramsey.
VII. Policies on first reading ONLY
VII.A. Policy 4.604, Accelerated and Advanced Credit
VII.B. Policy 4.801, Controversial Materials
VIII. Discussion/Presentation
VIII.A. Building Projects
VIII.A.1. Park View School Project Update
VIII.A.1.a. Payments, Reimbursements and Retainage
VIII.A.1.a.1. Approval of payment to Upland Design Group, Inc. - Crossville, Tennessee for architectural services for the Park View School Project in the amount of $126,268.11 to be paid from 141-76100-304-02504, as submitted.
VIII.A.1.a.2. Approval to reimburse Upland Design Group for their payment for the Fire Marshal Review Fee for the New Park View School Project in the amount of $45,265.95 from 141-76100-399-02504, as submitted.
VIII.A.1.a.3. Approval to reimburse Upland Design Group for their payment to Civil Engineering and Surveying, LLC (CES) - Cookeville, Tennessee for the TDEC review fee and the well permit fee for the New Park View Elementary School in the amount of $852.30 to be paid from 141-76100-399-02504, as submitted.
VIII.A.1.a.4. Approval to reimburse Upland Design Group for their payment to MRW Environmental, LLC - Sparta, Tennessee for the ARAP Application fee for the New Park View Elementary School in the amount of $2,500.00 to be paid from 141-76100-399-02504, as submitted.
VIII.A.1.a.5. Approval to enter into a Retainage Agreement with American Constructors, Inc. and Pinnacle Bank to establish an interest-bearing account at a financial institution to house the retainage funds related to the New Park View School Project per State of Tennessee requirements, as submitted.
VIII.A.2. Upperman High School Addition Project Update
VIII.A.2.a. Bid, Payments, Reimbursements, and Contracts/Agreements
VIII.A.2.a.1. Approval of the Upperman High School Expansion bid from the low bidder, King Construction Group, Inc. - Cookeville, Tennessee in the base bid amount of $4,688,900 and the Alternate #1 Outdoor Basketball Court bid in the amount of $51,000, as submitted,
VIII.A.2.a.2. Approval to pay Engineering & Testing Solutions, LLC -Sevierville, Tennessee for Subsurface Geotech Testing for the Upperman High School Expansion Project in the amount of $6,000.00 to be paid from 142-76100-707-933, as submitted.
VIII.A.2.a.3. Approval to reimburse Upland Design Group for their payment to NCA Reprographics & Plan Room - Cookeville, Tennessee for printing cost for the Upperman High School Expansion Project in the amount of $144.49 to be paid from 142-76100-707-933, as submitted.
VIII.A.2.a.4. Approval to reimburse Upland Design Group for their payment for the Fire Marshal Review Fee for the Upperman High School Expansion Project in the amount of $11,115.95 to be paid from 142-76100-707-933, as submitted.
VIII.A.2.a.5. Approval to enter into a contract with Engineering & Testing Solutions, LLC - Sevierville, Tennessee for Testing Services Proposal for the Upperman High School Project, as submitted.
VIII.A.2.a.6. Approval to enter into a Retainage Agreement with King Construction Group, Inc. - Cookeville, Tennessee and First Horizon Bank - Cookeville, Tennessee to establish an interest-bearing account at a financial institution to house the retainage funds related to the Upperman High School Expansion Project per State of Tennessee requirements, as submitted.
VIII.A.3. White Plains Academy Window, Bleacher & Gym Floor Replacement Project Update
VIII.A.3.a. Payments
VIII.A.3.a.1. Approval to pay Mid-State Construction - Livingston, Tennessee in the amount of $193,330.22 and First National Bank of Tennessee in the amount of $10,175.27 for retainage withheld for a total amount of $203,505.49 for pay application #3 related to the White Plains Academy Windows, Bleachers and Gym Floor Replacement Project to be paid from 142-76100-707-932 (ESSER 2.0), as submitted.
VIII.A.3.a.2. Approval of payment to Terracon in the amount of $4,350.00 for Air Sampling Testing for the White Plains Renovation Project to be paid from 141-72620-399, as submitted.
VIII.B. Resolution
IX. Adjournment