April 7, 2022 at 5:00 PM - Putnam County Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Announcements
III.A. Recognize Upperman High School's Lady Bee's Basketball Team as State Champions
III.B. I Make A Difference Award
III.C. Recognize the following delegates from the 2022 Student Congress on Policies in Education (SCOPE): Megan Erikson - MHS; Oniah Jensen - CHS; Ross King - UHS; and Miguel Moreno - MHS (Amy Rouchon - Chaperone)
III.D. After adjournment of the Regular May 5, 2022, Board Meeting, there will be a Board Work Session.
III.E. The Annual Joint Board and County Commission meeting has been set for Monday, May 9, 2022, at 5:30 PM at the Courthouse - Commission Chambers.
III.F. Director's Report
III.F.1. Personnel Report
IV. Approval of Minutes
IV.A. Minutes of the Regular March Board Meeting - Thursday, March 3, 2022, @ 5:00 PM
IV.B. Minutes of the Special Called Board Meeting - Monday, March 28, 2022, @ 5:40 PM
V. Approval of Consent Agenda
V.A. Payments/Purchases
V.A.1. Approval of the purchase of thirty-five (35) Chromebooks and one (1) charging cart from TROX per TCPN contract #R5114 for Prescott South Middle in the quote amount of $10,394.00 to be paid from 142-71100-722-101, as submitted.
V.A.2. Approval of the purchase of five (5) 75" interactive panels from Trox per TCPN contract #R5114 for Prescott South Middle in the amount of $13,287.55 to be paid from 142-72210-790-101, as submitted.
V.A.3. Approval of the purchase of fifty-eight (58) Chromebooks from Trox per TCPN contract #R5114 for Upperman Middle in the amount of $15,254.00 from 142-71100-722-101, as submitted.
V.A.4. Approval to pay Charles Stone Heating & Cooling - Cookeville, Tennessee for pay application #3 related to the Cookeville High School Boiler Project in the amount of $88,141.95 to be paid from 142-76100-707-932 (ESSER 2.0), as submitted.
V.A.5. Approval to pay Charles Stone Heating and Cooling - Cookeville, Tennessee for pay application #2 related to the Baxter Primary School Gym Project in the amount of $22,839.66 to be paid from 142-76100-707-932 (ESSER 2.0), as submitted.
V.B. Bids/Quotes/Sealed Bids/RFPs
V.B.1. Approval to renew the Food/Non-Food bid for the School Year 2022 - 2023.
V.B.2. Approval to renew the Ready to Eat, Delivery Pizza bid for School Year 2022-2023.
V.B.3. Approval to renew Milk and Milk Products bid for the School Year 2022 - 2023.
V.B.4. Approval to bid Ice Cream Products with Jackson County School Nutrition Program for the School Year 2022 - 2023, with the ability to request renewal up to four (4) additional years, as submitted.
V.B.5. Permission to solicit a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a System-wide School Cafeteria Point of Sale and Management System.
V.C. Budget Amendments/Line Item Transfers
V.C.1. General Purpose School Budget Amendments - Fund 141
V.C.1.a. LEAPS - Establish Budget for LEAPS Extended Program
V.C.1.b. Finance - Establish budget for the UTrust Employee Appreciation Grant
V.C.1.c. Adult Education - To redistribute funds received for Adult Education general services
V.C.2. Federal Projects Budget Amendments - Fund 142
V.C.2.a. Federal Programs - Title I (101) amendment is required in order for schools to utilize funds according to their individual program needs
V.C.2.b. Federal Programs - This Fiscal Pre-Monitoring Grant revenue amendment is required in order to allocate carryover for the 2021 - 2022 school year
V.C.2.c. Extended Learning - Establish budget for the 21st Century Grant
V.C.3. Federal Projects Line Item Transfers - Fund 142
V.C.3.a. Student Services/Family Resources - Transferring funds from one line to another line to account for advertising and travel for the interns
V.C.4. School Nutrition Budget Amendments - Fund 143
V.C.4.a. Food Service - Adjust current budget based on projected expenditures and revenues increased reimbursement rate from the state extra funds received for Supply Chain Assistance
V.D. Approval of Out-of-County and Overnight Trip Reports
V.D.1. Secondary
V.D.2. Middle
V.E. Approval of Grant Report
V.F. Other
V.F.1. Approval of the contract with The Comfort Group Inc. - Nashville, Tennessee for the DDC Controls Upgrade at Cookeville High School as submitted by Maffett Loftis Engineering, LLC - Cookeville, Tennessee in the amount of $610,060.00 to be paid for by ESSER funds.
V.F.2. Approval of the agreement between Putnam County Board of Education and the Brookes Publishing Company - Baltimore, Maryland to provide a two-day virtual training in Putnam County for Assessment, Evaluation, and Programing System for Infants and Children Third Edition (AEPS-3) for both Special Education PreK teachers and assistants on June 1 - 2, 2022, in the amount of $6,900.00 to be paid from 141-72220-524-02110 Special Education General Purpose Funds, as submitted.
V.F.3. Approval to form a Calendar Committee to develop a three-year school calendar beginning with the School Year 2023 - 2024 with each Board member submitting one committee member name and five (5) names to be appointed by the Director of Schools.
V.F.4. Approval of the 2022 - 2023 Audit quote from Tamara Beckman, CPA, professional services rendered for twenty (20) schools' activity and cafeteria funds year ending June 30, 2023 in the amount of $14,000 to be paid from 141-72310-305 and approval for the Director of Schools to sign the audit contract.
V.F.5. Approval to renew the advertising agreement with District Solutions LLC to carry out the proposed School Bus Advertising Program for the 2022 - 2023 school year effective July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, as submitted.
V.F.6. Approval to enter into contract for Putnam County School System for advertising with Roland Digital Media, Inc. - Cookeville, Tennessee in the amount of $795.00 per month from April 1, 2022 - June 30, 2022, to be paid from ARP Homeless 2.0 Grant, 142-72210-599-703, as submitted.
V.F.7. Approval to enter into contract for Putnam County School System for advertising with Roland Digital Media, Inc. - Cookeville, Tennessee in the amount of $795.00 per month from July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023, to be funded from ARP Homeless 2.0 Grant, 142-72210-599-703, as submitted.
V.F.8. Approval to enter into contract for Putnam County School System for advertising with Stonecom - Cookeville, Tennessee in the amount of $225.00 per month from April 1, 2022 - June 30, 2022, to be funded from ARP Homeless 2.0 Grant, 142-72210-599-703, as submitted.
V.F.9. Approval to enter into contract for Putnam County School System for advertising with Stonecom - Cookeville, Tennessee in the amount of $225.00 per month from July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023, to be paid from ARP Homeless 2.0 Grant, 142-72210-599-703, as submitted.
V.F.10. Approval to enter into contract for Putnam County School System for advertising with Stonecom - Cookeville, Tennessee in the amount of $225.00 per month from July 1, 2023 - October 31, 2023, to be paid from ARP Homeless 2.0 Grant, 142-72210-599-703, as submitted.
V.F.11. Approval of the agreement between the Putnam County Board of Education and Stones Services Corporation (DBA Charles Stone Heating & Cooling) - Cookeville, Tennessee for the gym mechanical unit replacement at Baxter Primary School in the amount of $75,948.00 to be paid from ESSER funds, as submitted.
V.F.12. Approval of the contract between Roland Digital Media, Inc. - Cookeville, Tennessee and Putnam County Board of Education for a digital platinum package for Adult Education in the amount of $895.00 per month to be paid from Adult Education funds effective April 1, 2022 - June 30, 2022, as submitted.
V.F.13. Approval to enter into a contract with Richard C. Rinks & Associates, Inc. - Cookeville, Tennessee for the design and construction administration of the roof replacement at Upperman High School (UHS) in the amount of six (6) percent of the construction costs to be paid from ESSER funds, as submitted.
VI. Policy
VI.A. Policies on second and final reading, as submitted.
VI.A.1. Policy 4.406, Use of the Internet
VI.A.2. Policy 5.303, Personal and Professional Leave
VI.A.3. Policy 5.701, Substitute Teachers
VI.B. Policies on third and final reading, as submitted.
VI.B.1. Policy 5.106, Application and Employment
VI.B.2. Policy 5.117, Teacher Tenure
VI.B.3. Policy 5.200, Separation Practices for Tenured Teachers
VI.B.4. Policy 5.201, Separation Practices for Non-Tenured Teachers
VI.C. Policy on first reading ONLY
VI.C.1. Policy 4.211, Work-Based Learning
VII. Discussion/Presentation
VII.A. Building Projects
VII.A.1. New Park View School Project
VII.A.1.a. Naming Committee's recommendations for the New Park View School's logo packet
VII.A.1.b. Project Update
VII.A.1.c. Best Value Approved Bidders
VII.A.1.d. Payment to Upland Design Group, Inc. - Crossville, Tennessee
VII.A.2. Upperman High Expansion Project
VII.A.2.a. Project Update
VII.A.2.b. Payment to Upland Design Group, Inc. - Crossville, Tennessee
VII.A.3. White Plains Academy Window, Bleacher & Gym Floor Replacement Project
VII.A.3.a. Project Update
VII.A.4. VITAL Facility Project
VII.A.4.a. Project Update
VII.A.4.b. Payment to Upland Design Group, Inc. - Crossville, Tennessee
VIII. Adjournment