February 3, 2022 at 5:00 PM - Putnam County Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Announcements
III.A. I Make A Difference Award
III.B. Director's Report
III.B.1. Personnel Report
IV. Approval of Minutes
IV.A. Minutes of the Regular January Board Meeting -Thursday, January 6, 2022, held on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, @ 5:00 PM
V. Approval of Consent Agenda
V.A. Payments/Purchases
V.A.1. Approval of the payment to Mid State Construction Co., Inc. - Livingston, Tennessee for pay application #2 related to the Cookeville High School Entry Doors project in the amount of $98,532.98 to be paid from 142-76100-707-932 (Federal Programs - ESSER 2.0), as submitted.
V.A.2. Approval of the purchase of a ColorPro Ultra XL Printer Banner and Poster Maker from Presentation Solutions Inc. - Buckner, Kentucky for Upperman Middle School in the amount of $11,743.15 per cooperative purchasing agreement through Presentations Solutions Buyboard #661-22 to be paid from 142-72210-790-101, as submitted.
V.A.3. Approval of the purchase of eighty-eight (88) Chromebooks from Trox per TCPN contract #R5114 and quote for Upperman Middle School in the amount of $23,144.00 to be paid from 142-71100-722-101, as submitted.
V.A.4. Approval of the purchase of twenty-nine (29) Brother laser jet printers from Staples per quote in the amount of $11,047.55 for TN ALLCorps to be paid from 142-71100-722-938, as submitted.
V.A.5. Approval of the payment to Charles Stone Heating & Cooling - Cookeville, Tennessee for pay application #2 related to the Cookeville High School Boiler project in the amount of $7,822.76 to be paid from 142-76100-707-932 (ESSER 2.0), as submitted.
V.A.6. Approval of the purchase of Cardonex scheduling software from Education Advanced, Inc. - Tyler, Texas in the amount of $48,315.75 to be paid from 141-72310-599-000-00000-000, as submitted.
V.B. Bids/Quotes/Sealed Bids/RFPs
V.B.1. Permission to bid the following System-wide Bids: Air Filters, Mulch, Pest Control, and Transportation - Fuel & Bus Tires, as submitted.
V.C. Budget Amendments/Line Item Transfers
V.C.1. General Purpose School Line Item Transfers - Fund 141
V.C.1.a. Special Education - To reallocate funds for the increased needs in the Special Education Department for Medical Insurance and Other Salaries and Wages
V.C.1.b. Teaching & Learning - To reallocate funds for additional instructional supplies
V.C.2. Federal Projects Budget Amendments - Fund 142
V.C.2.a. Special Education - To reallocate funds to pay benefits for assistants in SPED PreK classrooms
V.C.2.b. Federal Programs - TN ALLCore Grant (938) revenue amendment is required in order to allocate funds for the 2021-2022 school year
V.C.2.c. Special Education - To reallocate funds to pay for the benefits for salaries to be used for compensatory services for SWD due to COVID-19
V.C.3. Federal Projects Line Item Transfers - Fund 142
V.C.3.a. Student Services - Amend budget to change funds from one line to another line to purchase COVID testing supplies for district wide clinics
V.C.3.b. Special Education - To reallocate funds in the IDEA Partnership for Systemic Change (K-12) Grant to pay for benefits that were under budgeted for the SE Behavioral Specialist
V.C.3.c. Special Education - To reallocate funds in the IDEA Partnership for Systemic Change (Preschool) Grant to pay for line items under budgeted for the salary and benefits of the SE PreK teacher
V.D. Approval of Out-of-County and Overnight Trip Reports
V.E. Approval of Grant Report
V.F. Other
V.F.1. Approval of the Student Teaching Affiliation Agreement between UT Knoxville College of Education and Putnam County School System effective July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023, representing the 2022-2023 school year, as submitted.
V.F.2. Approval of the Student Teaching Partnership Agreement between Tennessee State University and the Putnam County School System effective July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023, as submitted.
V.F.3. Approval of the following request from School Age and Employee Child Care Programs:
V.F.4. Approval of the Quarterly Reports for the quarter ending 12/31/21 for the following funds, as submitted:
V.F.5. Approval of a supplement for Upperman High School's Girls Lacrosse after three (3) years as a club sport effective the 2022 - 2023 school year, as submitted.
V.F.6. Approval of a supplement for Upperman High School's Dance Team after three (3) years as a club sport effective the 2022 - 2023 school year, as submitted.
V.F.7. Approval to renew GetHelp/IT asset management bundled package from Frontline Education Quote Q-80334 based on NCPA Contract #01-102 in the amount of $15,000.00 to be paid from 141-72250-499, as submitted.
V.F.8. Approval to renew PowerSchool Enrollment Express annual subscription from Quote #Q630656-1 from PowerSchool Group, LLC - Folsom, California in the amount of $17,663.08 to be paid from 141-72310-599-000-00000-000, as submitted.
V.F.9. Approval of the Student Internship Agreement between East Tennessee State University and the Putnam County School System effective July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022, as submitted.
V.F.10. Approval of the Academic Programs of Study for the 2022 - 2023 school year, as submitted.
V.F.11. Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for Upward Bound Grant with Vol State, as submitted.
V.F.12. Approval of the updated Putnam County School System Return to School Plan, as submitted.
VI. Policy
VI.A. Policies on first reading ONLY
VI.A.1. Policy 5.106, Application and Employment
VI.A.2. Policy 5.117, Teacher Tenure
VI.A.3. Policy 5.200, Separation Practices for Tenured Teachers
VI.A.4. Policy 5.201, Separation Practices for Non-Tenured Teachers
VII. Discussion/Presentation
VII.A. Hear a report from the New Southwest School Project Naming Selection Committee.
Adam Pharris
VII.B. Discuss Cane Creek Elementary School Lift Station.
John Magura, Maintenance Supervisor and Scott Nicholson, Civil Engineering & Surveying LLC
VII.C. Building Projects
VII.C.1. New Southwest PreK-8 School
VII.C.1.a. Approval of the payment to Upland Design Group, Inc. - Crossville, Tennessee for architectural services for the New Southwest Putnam County School project in the amount of $211,877.00 to be paid from the Putnam County Bond Issue, as submitted.
VII.C.1.b. Best Value Request for Qualifications Advertisement
Kim Chamberlain, Upland Design Group - Crossville, Tennessee
VII.C.1.c. Approval of a Topographic Survey Proposal for work on Lee Seminary Road - Cookeville, Tennessee (Tax Map 065 Parcel 118.02), as requested by the City, from Whittenburg Land Surveying - Cookeville, Tennessee in the amount of $2,400 to be paid from County Bond.
Kim Chamberlain, Upland Design Group - Crossville, Tennessee
VII.C.2. Upperman High School Addition Project Update
Kim Chamberlain, Upland Design Group - Crossville, Tennessee
VII.C.3. White Plains Academy Window, Bleacher & Gym Floor Replacement Project Update
Kim Chamberlain, Upland Design Group - Crossville, Tennessee
VII.C.4. VITAL Facility Project Update
Kim Chamberlain, Upland Design Group - Crossville, Tennessee
VII.C.5. Cookeville High School Entry Replacements Project Update
Kim Chamberlain, Upland Design Group - Crossville, Tennessee
VIII. Adjournment