August 5, 2021 at 5:00 PM - Putnam County Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Announcements
III.A. Recognition of the Putnam County School System Teachers and Supervisors who retired during the period from July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020, and during the period from July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021
III.B. Director's Reports
III.B.1. Personnel Report
III.B.2. Upperman High School third supplements
IV. Approval of Minutes
IV.A. Minutes of the Regular July Board Meeting - Monday, June 28, 2021, @ 5:00 PM
V. Approval of Consent Agenda
V.A. Payments/Purchases
V.A.1. Approval of the payment to Skilled Services Quality Construction - Knoxville, Tennessee for pay application #1 related to the Avery Trace Middle School Security Upgrades Project in the amount of $69,026.86 to be paid from 141-72130-790-02118 (General Purpose School Fund), as submitted.
V.A.2. Approval of the payment to Skilled Services Quality Construction - Knoxville, Tennessee for pay application #1 related to the Algood Middle School Security Upgrades Project in the amount of $16,269.56 to be paid from 141-72130-790-02118 (General Purpose School Fund), as submitted.
V.A.3. Approval of the payment to FileWave (USA), Inc. - Indianapolis, IN for FileWave license annual renewal from 09/01/21 to 08/31/22 in the amount of $39,084.00 to be paid from 141-71100-722-01607, as submitted.
V.A.4. Approval of payment to Zonar Systems, Inc. - Seattle, WA for the annual GPS parent app software in the amount of $19,384.56 to be paid from 141-72710-399, Other Contracted Services, as submitted.
V.A.5. Approval of the payment to Transfinder Corporation - Schenectady, N.Y. for the annual routing software technical support and upgrade effective 07/23/21 - 07/22/22 in the amount of $15,260.00 to be paid from 141-72710-399, Other Contracted Services, as submitted.
V.A.6. Approval of the payment to TRA School Software Solutions - Wilmington, North Carolina for School Funds Online Software, Accounting Software and Maintenance fees for twenty (20) schools for the 2021-2022 school year in the amount of $11,399.64 to be paid from 141-E-72510-399, as submitted.
V.A.7. Approval of the purchase of the SafeSchool Annual Training Subscription from Scenario Learning, LLC - Tampa, Florida for he 2021-2022 school year in the amount of $11,203.50 to be paid from 141-72520-399 effective 07/1521 through 07/14/22, as submitted.
V.A.8. Approval of the purchase through our membership in the Sourcewell Purchasing Cooperative of a new fork lift for Central Receiving from Bailey Company Inc. - Cookeville, Tennessee in the amount of $25,400.00 to be paid from 141-72629-717, Maintenance Equipment, as submitted.
V.A.9. Approval of the payment to Curriculum Associates - North Billerica, MA, per contract #7486056, for iReady Math in the amount of $292,047.27 to be paid from 142-71100-471-933, as submitted.
V.A.10. Approval to rescind the action taken at the June 28, 2021, Board meeting for Agenda Item V.A.6. and re-approve the purchase of ECBM from Riverside Insights - Itasca, IL per BuyBoard purchasing cooperative contract #573-18 in the amount of $12,498.50 to be paid from 142-72210-399-401, as submitted.
V.A.11. Approval of the payment to Curriculum associates of North Billerica, MA, per contract #7486056 from MNPS, for iReady Math in the amount of $51,000.00 to be paid from 142-72210-524-933 and $287,448.75 to be paid from 142-71100-449-933, as submitted.
V.A.12. Approval to rescind the action taken at the April 1, 2021, Board meeting for Agenda Item V.A.7. and re-approve the purchase of ELA intervention for elementary schools "MClass Intervention/Burst" from Amplify per RFP 18-15 MNPS in the amount of $142,931.25 to be paid from 142-71100-471-933, as submitted.
V.A.13. Approval of the payment to Discovery Education - Charlotte, NC per RFP# 17-7240 in the amount of $147,233.13 to be paid from 142-71100-471-933, as submitted.
V.A.14. Approval of the purchase of Strv>Enmedia - Ashville, NC per MNPS contract #2-177663-00 in the amount of $99,598.72 to be paid from 142-71100-471-933, as submitted.
V.A.15. Approval of the purchase of CERT (College Equip Readiness Tool) of ePrep Inc. - Princeton, N.J. per RFP #21-7409 in the amount of $182,598.90 to be paid from 142-71100-471-933, as submitted.
V.A.16. Approval to resend the action taken at the April 1, 2021, Board meeting for Agenda Item V.A.5. and approve the purchase of math intervention for elementary schools "Do the Math" from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt per RFP 19-4 MNPS in the amount of $139,224.12 to be paid from 142-71100-471-933, as submitted.
V.A.17. Approval to resend the action taken at the April 1, 2021 Board meeting for Agenda Item V.A.6. and approve the purchase of math intervention for Middle schools "Math 180" from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt per RFP 18-15 MNPS in the amount of $117,043.80 to be paid from 142-71100-471-933, as submitted.
V.A.18. Approval of the purchase of Stacker LLC - Golden Valley, MN per quote in the amount of $20,298.00 to be paid from 142-72210-790-933, as submitted.
V.A.19. Approval of the purchase of CKLA professional development per quote from Amplify in the amount of $19,200.00 to be paid from 142-72210-524-933, as submitted.
V.A.20. Approval of the purchase of social/emotional curriculum from QuaverEd in the amount of $18,480.00 per quote to be paid from 142-71100-471-933, as submitted.
V.A.21. Approval of the purchase of social/emotional curriculum from WhyTry per quote in the amount of $14,000.00 to be paid from 142-71100-471-933, as submitted.
V.A.22. Approval of the payment to NaviGate360, LLC: Prepared - Cleveland, Ohio for Prepared License renewal for the 2021-22 school year in the amount of $20,400.00 to bepaid from Safe School Grant, 141 E 72130-399-02118, as submitted.
V.A.23. Approval of the purchase of the following buses from Cumberland International (piggy backing Bledsoe County bid) in the total amount of $605,150.00 to be paid from 141-72710-729, as submitted.:
V.A.24. Approval of the purchase of student handbooks from Print Link Printing - Cookeville, Tennessee per quote in the amount of $15,870.00 to be paid from 142-72210-399-501, as submitted.
V.B. Bids/Quotes/Sealed Bids/RFPs (None Submitted)
V.C. Budget Amendments/Line Item Transfers
V.C.1. Federal Projects Budget Amendments - Fund 142
V.C.1.a. Federal Programs - This Adaptive Learning Technology Grant revenue amendment is required in order to establish budget for the 2021-2022 school year
V.C.1.b. Special Education - To budget IDEA Partnership for Systemic Change K-12 Implementation Grant awarded to PCSS for the 2021-2022 school year
V.C.1.c. Special Education - To budget IDEA Partnership for Systemic Change Implementation Grant for Preschool awarded to Putnam County for the 2021-2022 school year
V.D. Approval of Out-of-County and Overnight Trip Reports (None Submitted)
V.E. Approval of Grant Report
V.F. Other
V.F.1. Approval of the 2021-2022 School Fees, as submitted.
V.F.2. Approval of the following individuals to serve on the Collaborative Conferencing Team for the 2021-2022 school year:
V.F.3. Approval of the Complaint Managers for 2021-2022 School Year, as submitted.
V.F.4. Approval of the Student Teaching Partnership agreement between the University of Phoenix and the Putnam County School System effective 07/01/21 - 06/03/22 with the option to request renewal for an additional four (4) years, as submitted.
V.F.5. Approval of the renewal of the agreement between Putnam County Board of Education and Feltz Therapy Services, LLC - Smyrna, Tennessee for the 2021-2022 school year to perform speech therapy services, evaluations, documentation and school personnel training/education for related services provided by Putnam County Schools, as submitted.
V.F.6. Approval of the agreement between Putnam County Board of Education and Maxsholar - Aventura, Florida for Maxscholar (reading intervention programs for students) student licenses and training webinar package for the 2021-2022 school year in the amount of $7,000.00 to be paid from 141-71200-429, as submitted.
V.F.7. Approval of the renewal of the agreement between Putnam County Board of Education and Little Hands Little Feet Pediatric Therapies - Cookeville, Tennessee for the 2021-2022 school year for student speech and occupational evaluations, supervision of COTAs (Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants), perform speech therapy services, documentation and school personnel training/education for related services provided by Putnam County Schools, as submitted.
V.F.8. Approval of the agreement between Putnam County Board of Education and UCHRA - Cookeville, Tennessee for the 2021-2022 school year to provide the lease of vans for transporting students to job sites, as submitted.
V.F.9. Approval of the service agreement between Turnitin - Oakland, California and Putnam County School System for originality checking, as submitted for the 2021-2022 school year in the amount of $12,450.00 to be paid from ESSER 3.0 funds, as submitted.
V.F.10. Approval of the service agreement between Niswonger Foundation - Northeast Tennessee and Putnam County School System for AP Access for the 2021-2022, as submitted.
V.F.11. Approval of the partnership agreement between Tennessee Technological University - Cookeville, Tennessee and Putnam County Board of Education for dual enrollment classes for the 2021-2022 school year, as submitted.
V.F.12. Approval of the Dual Enrollment Agreement between Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) - Livingston, Tennessee and Putnam County School System for Cookeville, Monterey, and Upperman High Schools for qualified program courses for the 2021-2022 school year, as submitted.
V.F.13. Approval to declare the Monterey High School activity bus (2007 Chevrolet G35 Bus VIN-1GBJG31UX71149639; Current License Tag #GZ7880; Property Tag #22080)) as surplus property and approval to donate said bus to the Monterey Senior Citizens Center, as submitted.
V.F.14. Approval for Baxter Youth Baseball to build a semi-permanent batting cage on Putnam County Board of Education property located at the baseball fields behind Baxter Primary School that were built and maintained by Baxter Youth Baseball for the past several years with no funds being requested from the Board of Education and with approval from John Magura, Maintenance Supervisor, for the placement, as submitted.
V.F.15. Approval of the Fund 141 - General Purpose School Fund Budget to Actual Quarterly Report as of June 30, 2021, as submitted.
V.F.16. Approval of the Classification Chart and Pay-scale for both Hourly and Professional Non-certified Employees for the 2021-2022 school year, as submitted.
V.F.17. Approval to allow employee payroll deductions to be made for donations to the Putnam Education Partnership (PEP) Foundation.
V.F.18. Approval of a $20 monthly stipend for Brenda Hughett, Extended Learning Program Coordinator, for cell phone usage effective 07/01/21-06/30/22 for the 2021-2022 school year per Policy 3.3001, Use of Cellular Phones, as submitted.
V.F.19. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Fentress County Schools and Putnam County School System for use of space for Adult Education at a cost of $450 per month to be paid from Adult Education funds effective 07/01/21 - 06/30/22, as submitted.
V.F.20. Approval of the Sub Lease Agreement between Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency (UCHRA) and Putnam County Board of Education for use of space in Smith County for Adult Education at a cost of $200 per month to be paid from Adult Education funds effective 07/01/21 - 06/30/22, as submitted.
V.F.21. Approval of the second renewal of the Clinical Affiliation Agreement between Tennessee Tech University (TTU) and the Putnam County School System to provide a clinical experience to students enrolled in the Nursing Program at TTU, as submitted.
V.F.22. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Tennessee Department of Education and Putnam County School System for the 2021-2022 school year to document essential assurances and related information pertaining to the Coordinated School Health initiative in the Putnam County Schools in the amount of $155,000.00 to be paid from state grant funds, as submitted.
V.F.23. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Centerstone of Tennessee INC. and the Putnam County School System for the 2021-2022 school year to implement universal trauma informed practices that prevent and/or mitigate the effects of trauma for students with Social Emotional Disturbance (SED) or at risk of developing mental health or substance use disorders, as submitted.
V.F.24. Approval to enter into a contract with Terracon Consultants, Inc. - Nashville, Tennessee for the asbestos and mercury abatement specification development for the White Plains Academy window and gym floor replacement project in the amount of $4600.00 to be paid from 142-76100-707-932, as submitted.
V.F.25. Approval to extend the Putnam County School System vending agreement with Pepsico food service for the vending of carbonated beverages until the September board meeting when a new comprehensive agreement will be presented for Board consideration.
V.F.26. Approval of the agreement between Putnam County School System and Tennessee Tech University for the 2021-2022 school year regarding VPK Pilot funded PreK Classroom, as submitted.
V.F.27. Approval of the first amendment to the agreement between Putnam County Schools - Cookeville, Tennessee and TNTP, Inc. - New York, N.Y. extending the terms for the 2021-2022 school year, as submitted.
V.F.28. Approval of Certified Salary Schedule for 2021-2022, as submitted.
VI. Discussion/Presentation
VI.A. Authorize the Director of Schools to begin contract negotiations with Upland Design Group - Crossville, Tennessee for the design and planning of the Student Services and VITAL facilities' expansions.
VI.B. General Purpose School Budget - Fund 141 Draft #3
Budget Amendments necessary to approve Draft #2 Budget
VII. Adjournment