May 3, 2018 at 5:00 PM - Putnam County Regular May Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Announcements
III.A. I Make A Difference Award
III.B. Recognize the 2019 school and district Teachers of the Year
III.C. Recognize the First National Bank of Tennessee for underwriting a $15,000 donation to be used to repurpose a retired Putnam County School System school bus and making it a mobile reading bus
III.D. Recognize WCTE and Putnam County School System for being awarded the 2018 Governor's Awards for Excellence in Early Foundations
III.E. Recognize Upperman Middle School Varsity Girls Basketball Team who won the James C. Hale State Championship for the second year in a row
III.F. Recognize Avery Trace Middle School Cyber Patriot Team
III.G. Recognize Monterey High School Boy's Basketball Team for their accomplishments this year
III.H. Note Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6- 12, 2018
III.I. Director's Reports
III.I.1. General Purpose School Cash Flow Analysis
III.I.2. Personnel Report
IV. Approval of Minutes
IV.A. Minutes of the Regular April Board Meeting - Thursday, April 3, 2018, @ 5:00 PM
V. Approval of Consent Agenda
V.A. Payments/Purchases
V.A.1. Approval of payment to Tennessee Tech University - Cookeville, Tennessee for State of Tennessee reimbursement for Pre-K between October 1 and December 31, 2017, in the amount of $21,512.39 to be paid from 141-73400-399-01604, Other Contracted Service, as submitted.
V.A.2. Approval of payment to Tennessee Tech University - Cookeville, Tennessee for State of Tennessee reimbursement for Pre-K between January 1 and March 31, 2018, in the amount of $28,365.30 to be paid from 141-73400-399-01604, Other Contracted Service, as submitted.
V.B. Bids/Quotes/Sealed bids/RFPs
V.B.1. Approval of the System Wide Copy Paper bid from Kelsan - Knoxville, Tennessee as submitted on the bid tally sheet.
V.B.2. Approval of the System Wide Air Filters bid from PureAir - Nashville, Tennessee, as submitted on the bid tally sheet.
V.B.3. Approval of the System Wide Bus Tires bid from Wilson Tires - Lebanon, Tennessee, as submitted on the bid tally sheet.
V.B.4. Approval of the System Wide Fuel bid from Mansfield Oil - Gainesville, Georgia, as submitted on the bid tally sheet.
V.B.5. Approval to bid Ready to Eat, Delivery Pizza for School Year 2018-19 to be served in School Nutrition Programs, as submitted.
V.B.6. Approval to rebid Capshaw Elementary School Pavilion bid due to NO BIDDERS and authorize the Director of Schools to approve the lowest and best bid proceeding with the design as specified but allowing reasonable substitutions that do not comprise the quality and stability of the structure.
V.C. Budget Amendments/Line Item Transfers
V.C.1. General Purpose School Budget Amendments - Fund 141
V.C.1.a. Special Education - To reallocate funds as needed for Special Education department to meet the needs of students on IEP's
V.C.1.b. Special Education - To budget memorial donation made in the name of Nishant Soni
V.C.2. Federal Projects Budget Amendment - Fund 142
V.C.2.a. CTE - Carl Perkins - To move monies to help improve the CTE Programs in Putnam County
V.C.3. Extended School Program Budget Amendments - Fund 146
V.C.3.a. To budget for materials to establish new Employee Child Care Facility and walkies for School Age Care Program
V.C.3.b. Reallocate funds for year end clean up
V.D. Approval of Out-of-County and Overnight Trip Report
V.E. Approval of Grant Report
V.F. Other
V.F.1. Approval of the 2018-2019 School Fees, as submitted by building principals.
V.F.2. Approval of the 2018 - 2019 School Board Meeting Dates, Agenda Deadlines, and Board Work Sessions, as submitted.
V.F.3. Approval of the application for Humanities Special Course Code 2018, as submitted.
V.F.4. Approval of the partnership between Putnam County School System Coordinated School Health Program and Allergy Asthma and Sinus Center to place FREE epi pens in all schools noting a training will be completed to teach the administration of epi pen use at all schools, as submitted.
V.F.5. Approval of the renewal of the advertising agreement with District Solutions LLC to carry out the proposed School Bus Advertising Program for the 2018-19 school year effective July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019, as submitted.
V.F.6. Approval of an agreement between Putnam County Board of Education and L.B.J. & C.Head Start - Cookeville, Tennessee to establish working procedures in the provision of services to preschool children eligible for special education in compliance with regulation, federal and state laws, as submitted.
V.F.7. Approval of the FREE Ready 2 Go Summer Bridge Program for rising 9th and 10th graders from Monterey, Upperman, Cookeville and White Plains High Schools being held June 11 - 22, 2018, to take field trips to business, industry, and post-secondary institutions to expose students to as many of the 16 career clusters as possible.
V.F.8. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Putnam County Sheriff's Department and the Putnam County School System for Putnam County Sheriff's Deputies to be assigned as School Resource Officers to schools within the County of Putnam with the understanding said officers are employees of the Putnam County Sheriff's Department, as submitted.
V.F.9. Approval of the agreement between Volunteer State Community College and Putnam County Board of Education for the 2018-2019 Academic Year to support the Board of Education's efforts to offer Early Postsecondary Opportunities (EPSO) by providing eligible high school students the opportunity to earn both college and high school graduation credits simultaneously upon successful completion of qualified course(s), as submitted.
V.F.10. Approval for CPB-PBS Ready to Learn Initiative to conduct a case study, "Playful Learning Experience Home Study", in partnership with Baxter Primary School through the Extended Learning Program to include the use of the Woodcock-Johnson 4 Applied Problems subtest for a pre- and post-test with participating students (parent approval and oversight will occur), as submitted.
V.F.11. Approval of the request from the Collaborative Conferencing Committee of the Memorandum of Understanding for July 1, 2018 - June 20, 2021 school years, as submitted.
V.F.12. Approval to enter into an agreement with Arizona State University Online School - Tempe, Arizona for online curriculum for the 2018-2019 school year to be paid from VITAL, 141-71100-399-01501, as submitted.
V.F.13. Approval to enter into an agreement with TechTrep Inc. - Vineyard, Utah for online home school curriculum for the 2018-2019 school year to be paid from VITAL, 11-71100-399-01501 in the amount of $3,900 per student, as submitted.
V.F.14. Approval to enter into an articulation agreement with Bryan College - Dayton, Tennessee to provide dual enrollment courses for the 2018-2019 school year per student needs, as submitted.
V.F.15. Approval of the District Leadership Forum agreement with Education Advisory Board (EAB) - Washington, D.C. for the 2018 - 2019 school year in the amount of $9,999.00 to be paid from 142-72200-499, Contracted Services, with an annual renewal of up to three (3) years, as submitted.
VI. Policy
VI.A. Policies on second and final reading
VI.A.1. Policy 6.405, Medications
VI.A.2. Policy 6.4051, Glucagon and Diazepam Gel (Diastat)
VI.B. Discuss TN Ready Assessment and Policy 4.7001, Required State Testing: TN Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP)
VII. Discussion/Presentations
VII.A. General Purpose School Budget Draft #1
VIII. Adjournment