October 2, 2014 at 5:00 PM - Putnam County Board of Education Regular October Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Announcements
III.A. Recognize 2014 Reward Schools: Algood Elementary School and Capshaw Elementary School
III.B. AdvancED Accreditation Status
IV. Approval of Minutes
IV.A. Minutes Regular September Board Meeting - September 4, 2014, @ 5:00 PM
IV.B. Minutes Special Called Board Meeting - September 4, 2014, @ 4:45 PM
V. Approval of Consent Agenda
V.A. Payments/Purchases
V.A.1. Approval of the purchase of Edgenuity (Concurrent User Licenses Virtual Classroom and Web Administrator including current courses) in the amount not to exceed $10,000 from 142-71100-399-581-1520, First to the Top grant funds, as submitted.
V.A.2. Approval of purchase from Voyager Sopris Learning - Dallas, TX for Transmath Program including teacher kits & SE 5th - 12th grade student sets in amount of $48,598.00 to be paid from 142-71200-429-906 and for provided SE teacher training in amount of $5,000.00 to be paid from 142-72220-524-906.
V.A.3. Approval of payment to Highlands of Tennessee - Cookeville, TN for Pathways to Prosperity Consulting FY15 in the amount of $101,850.00 ($25,462.50 quarterly) to be paid from 142-72210-399-851, Other Contracted Services, as submitted. (Perkins IV Reserve Grant Funds)
V.A.4. Approval of payment to HFR, Inc. - Brentwood, Tennessee for professional services, reimbursable expenses and consultant expenses as of August 31, 2014, rendered in connection with the Long Range Facility Plan in the amount of $7,022.75 to be paid from 141-72310-599-02008, Other Contracted Services.
V.A.5. Approval of the purchase of twenty-five (25) iPad's and cart from Apple for Cane Creek Elementary School in the amount of $12,494.00 to be paid from 142-71100-722-101, as submitted.
V.A.6. Approval of the purchase of sixty (60) MacBooks and two (2) carts from Apple for Burks Elementary School in the amount of $65,997.90 to be paid from 142-71100-722-101, as submitted.
V.A.7. Approval of the purchase of eleven (11) iMac's from Apple for Park View Elementary School in the amount of $13,860.00 to be paid from 142-71100-722-101, as submitted.
V.A.8. Approval of the purchase of fifteen (15) MacBook's from Apple for EL (English Language Learner) students in the amount of $16,335.00 to be paid from 142-71100-722-101, as submitted.
V.A.9. Approval of the purchase of fifteen (15) MacBook's from Apple for ELL (English Language Learner) students in the amount of $16,335.00 to be paid from 142-71100-722-301, as submitted.
V.B. Bids/Quotes/RFPs (None Submitted)
V.C. Budget Amendments/Line Item Transfers
V.C.1. General Purpose School Budget Amendments - Fund 141
V.C.1.a. To budget for establishment of the WCTE - Ready to Learn Grant
V.C.1.b. CSHP To budget for Tobacco Grant from Putnam County Health Department
V.C.1.c. Grants - To budget for establishment of the LEAPs Grant for the 2014 - 2015 school year
V.C.1.d. To adjust VOCRE grant funds for 2014-2015 to match State Allotment
V.C.1.e. To move Fund Balance Restricted for Driver's Education to Equipment in order to purchase Drivers Education Vehicles
V.C.2. Federal Projects Budget Amendments - Fund 142
V.C.2.a. Special Education - To budget federal Preschool Carryover funds in the amount of $3,871.93 and additional funds in the amount of $7,416.00, as awarded
V.C.2.b. Special Education - To budget IDEA Part B Carryover funds
V.C.2.c. Career and Technical Education - Carl Perkins to use the carryover monies from the 13-14 fiscal year
V.C.2.d. Grants - Establish budget for MSP SciMath Mini Grant Award 09-01-14 thru 12-15-14
V.C.2.e. Federal Programs - Title I (101) to utilize funds more appropriately according to program needs
V.C.2.f. Special Education - To purchase headphones and laptop cover for SE students using FLEX program and to increase the in-direct cost to meet the 2.68% rate
V.D. Approval of the Out-of-County & Overnight Trip Report
V.E. Approval of Grant Report, as submitted.
V.F. Other
V.F.1. Approval to extend the existing Turf Master Agreement between Turf Masters Landscape Management and Putnam County School System for a second extension effective November 16, 2014 through November 15, 2015, as submitted.
V.F.2. Approval of the renewal of the annual library site licenses with Companion (Alexandria) for all school libraries in the amount of $13,508.57 to be paid from 141-71100-399-02117 effective November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2015, as submitted.
V.F.3. Approval to enter into a Master Development and Services Agreement and Statement of Work between Battelle for Kids - Columbus, Ohio and Putnam County School System - Cookeville, TN effective July 10, 2014, as submitted.
VI. Building Projects Discussion & Approval of Payments/Purchases
VI.A. New Monterey High School Project Update
VI.A.1. Proposed Change Orders (PCOs)
VI.A.1.a. PCO #82
VI.A.2. Change Order
VI.A.2.a. Change Order #009
VI.A.3. Payments
VI.A.3.a. redChair: architects - Knoxville, Tennessee for architectural services and reimbursable expenses
VI.A.3.b. GEOServices, LLC - Knoxville, TN for construction monitoring services
VI.A.3.c. Rouse Construction - Farragut, TN
VI.B. New Upperman Middle School Project Update
VI.B.1. Proposed Change Orders (PCOs)
VI.B.1.a. PCO #77
VI.B.2. Change Order
VI.B.2.a. Change Order #010
VI.B.3. Payments
VI.B.3.a. redChair: architects - Knoxville, Tennessee for architectural services and reimbursable expenses
VI.B.3.b. GEOServices, LLC - Knoxville, TN for construction monitoring services
VI.B.3.c. R.G. Anderson Company, Inc - Nashville, TN
VII. Policy
VII.A. Policy 1.806, Advertising and Distribution of Materials in the Schools
VII.B. Policy 3.206, Community Use of School Facilities
VII.C. Policy 5.111, Utilization of Career Level Educators
VII.D. Policy 5.112, Extended Contracts
VIII. Discussion/Presentation
VIII.A. Discuss Algood Elementary School Playground Construction Plans
IX. Adjournment