September 1, 2011 at 5:00 PM - Putnam County Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
III. 2011-2012 Board Elections
IV. Announcements
IV.A. I Make A Difference Award Presentation
IV.B. Recognize Leah Burnett regarding CHS Heart Scans
IV.C. TDE - Algebra I Recognition
IV.D. Monterey Schools Naming Committee
IV.E. 9/11 Tribute and Veteran's Recognition Program at CHS 9/9/11 at 9:30 am
IV.F. TSBA Fall District Meeting - 9/15/11 Livingston Academy
V. Approval of Minutes
VI. Approval of Consent Agenda
VI.A. Payments/Purchases
VI.A.1. Approval to purchase seventy (70) Scholarcraft student stools for Algood Middle School from the Williamson County School System furniture bid for a total cost of $5,989.20 to be paid from 141-71100-722MATER.
VI.A.2. Approval to purchase thirty (30) desktop computers from CDW-Government - Vernon Hills, Illinois in the amount of $11,583.60 to be placed in the CTE classrooms at CHS.
VI.A.3. Approval of payment to Moore, Rader, Clift and Fitzpatrick, P.C. - Cookeville, Tennessee for legal services from May 21, 2011, to August 15, 2011, in the amount of $9,078.39 to be paid from 141-72310-331, Legal Services. (General Purpose Schools)
VI.A.4. Approval to purchase sixty (60) Apple iPad2-16GB model & sixty (60) iPad VGA video adapters from Apple, Inc. to be utilized by Administrators & Evaluators to facilitate new teacher evaluation program system-wide in the amount of $30,480.00 to be paid from 142-72210-790-221TIF Grant.
VI.A.5. Approval of payment to My Learning Plan for OASYS, an online Teacher Evaluation documentation portal, per quote in the amount of $9,660.00 to be paid from 142-72210-599-221(TIF Grant funds)for school year 2011-2012, as submitted.
VI.A.6. Approval to purchase BFK Award Software in the amount of $43,000 to be paid from 142-72210-599-221 (TIF Grant funds).
VI.A.7. Approval to purchase 110 Scholarcraft student desks for Northeast Elementary School from the Williamson County School System furniture bid in the total amount of $6,476.80 to be paid from 141-71100-722-MATER.
VI.A.8. Approval to purchase 125 student desks and chairs for Northeast Elementary School from the Williamson County School furniture bid for a total cost of $12,362.50 to be paid from 141-71100-722-MATER.
VI.A.9. Approval of purchase of five (5) Promethean Boards, from PCS (Personal Computer Systems) - Louisville, Tennessee for CHS and Capshaw Elementary in the amount of $13,582.50 to be paid from 142-72210-790-231.
VI.A.10. Approval to purchase one (1) Promethean Board from PCS (Personal Computer Systems) - Louisville, Tennessee for CHS in the amount of $2,716.50 to be paid from 142-72210-790-23S.
VI.B. Bids
VI.B.1. Permission to bid five (5) new buses.
VI.C. Budget Amendments/Line Item Transfers
VI.C.1. General Purpose School Line Item Transfers - Fund 141
VI.C.1.a. To reallocate school wide reimbursement allocations
VI.C.1.b. Reallocate Pre-K funds to utilize more appropriately
VI.C.2. General Purpose School Budget Amendments - Fund 141
VI.C.2.a. Reallocated "English as a Second Language" Budget
VI.C.2.b. To establish budget for the 2011-2012 LEAP's Grant Program.
VI.C.2.c. Increased Revised Final BEP allocation after Draft #2 approval. To be used for curriculum expenses.
VI.C.3. Approval to transfer $500,000 from the Undesignated Fund Balance in the General Purpose School Fund (141) to Federal Projects Fund (142).
VI.C.3.a. Budget Amendment authorizing PC BOE to transfer funds from GPS Fund 141 to Federal Projects Fund 142 for cash flow purposes
VI.C.3.b. Budget Amendment authorizing PC BOE to transfer funds from GPS Fund 141 to Federal Projects 142 fo cash flow purposes.
VI.D. Out of County and Over-night Trip Report
VI.E. Grant Report
VI.F. Other
VI.F.1. Approval of the 2012 High School Graduation dates, as submitted.
VI.F.2. Approval of individual school budgets for the 2011-2012 school year, as submitted.
VI.F.3. Approval of a request from Upperman High School to have an in-school volleyball game versus Jackson County during homecoming.
VI.F.4. Approval of request from Cookeville High School (CHS) to have a cooperative program for Girl's Soccer with Upperman High School (UHS) beginning with the 2011-2012 school year.
VI.F.5. Approval to accept the Energy Efficient Schools Grant Award in the amount of $57,212.65 to install energy efficient HVAC units at Baxter Elementary School ($30,000) and White Plains Academy ($27,212.65).
VI.F.6. Approval of Salary Schedule, as submitted (TBE/TDE approved August 2011).
VI.F.7. Approval of school fees, as submitted.
VI.F.8. Approval of high school intersession the first week of Fall Break, as submitted.
VI.F.9. Approval to enter into agreement with iteach Tennessee, as submitted.
VI.F.10. Approval to reallocate funds for Technology Network Infrastructure upgrades system wide in the total amount of $197,180 to be paid from Prescott Sale Funds (Fund Balance), as submitted.
VI.F.11. Approval to reallocate funds for Instructional Technology equipment upgrades of existing items per administrative requests and supervisor recommendations system wide in the total amount of $302,820 to be paid from Prescott Sale Funds (Fund Balance), as submitted.
VI.F.12. Approval to contract with BFK to provide communications consulting in the amount of $63,100 to be paid from 142-72210-308-221(TIF Grant funds).
VII. Building Projects Discussion & Approval of Payments/Purchases
VII.A. Prescott South Schools (PSS) Project Update
VII.A.1. Discuss use of Prescott South's football field
VII.B. New Baxter Middle School Project Update
VII.B.1. Payment to Cockrill Design & Planning - Knoxville, Tennessee
VII.C. Baxter Elementary Flooring Replacement Project Update
VII.C.1. Pay application #02 to Continental Flooring Company - Scottsdale, Arizona
VII.D. New Monterey High School (MHS) Project Update
VII.D.1. Discuss status of MHS Building Project
VII.E. Upperman High School (UHS) Addition/Renovation Project Update
VII.E.1. Discuss status of UHS building project
VII.F. Burks Middle School Addition Project Update
VII.F.1. Approval of a contract time extension from Mid-State Construction
VII.F.2. Discuss Extreme Technologies Electrical Bid
VII.G. Discuss Ellis Avenue Property
VII.H. Discuss field house HVAC - CMS repair/UHS request.
VII.I. Discuss request from Cane Creek Elementary School (CCES)
VII.J. Discuss request from CHS for additional lockers.
VIII. Presentations, Discussion and/or Action
VIII.A. UHS JROTC Proposal-Col. Nickey Philpot and Herb Leftwich
VIII.B. Job Corp Partnership Proposal - Benjamin Hook
VIII.C. Capital Projects Funds - "General Obligation School Bonds of the County"
VIII.D. Discuss quarterly meeting with County Commission
IX. Approval to Adjourn