June 13, 2011 at 5:30 PM - Putnam County Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Announcements
II.A. Recognize Alex Wilborn, Upperman High School music student, to perform trumpet piece
II.B. Recognize Cookeville High School CTE State Winners in Skills USA
Martha Dyer and John Setliff
II.C. Note Summer School Schedule
III. Approval of Minutes
IV. Approval of Consent Agenda
IV.A. Approval of Payments and/or Purchases
IV.A.1. Payment to Moore, Rader, Clift and Fitzpatrick, P.C. - Cookeville, TN for legal services from February 16, 2011, to May 20, 2011, in the amount of $9,551.57 to be paid from 141-72310-331, Legal Services. (General Purpose Schools)
IV.A.2. Purchase of computers to start replacement schedule in libraries at ATMS, BMS, Cane Creek, CMS, NE, and Sycamore in the amount of $10,384.00 to be paid from 141-71100-790-MATER.
IV.A.3. Purchase of bus radio equipment from the Putnam County Home Land Security Bid at a cost not to exceed $29,777.00 to be paid from 141-72710-729, Transportation Equipment. (General Purpose Schools)
IV.A.4. Purchase of one (1) Ipod Learning Lab and one (1) iPad2 from Apple Computers for Algood Elementary School in the amount of $6,498.00 to be paid from 142-71100-722-10S AlgEl.
IV.A.5. Purchase of sixteen (16) Elmo presenters from Troxell Communications of Mt. Juliet, TN for the English Language Learner program in the amount of $8,304.00 to be paid from 142-72210-790-301.
IV.A.6. Payment to Local Government corporation for Finance Department's Software and Computer Hardware Support from 7/1/11 to 6/30/12 in the amount of $12,876.03 to be paid from 141-72510-399.
IV.B. Bids and Quotes
IV.B.1. Permission to bid Band Instrument Equipment to be paid from 141-71100-722, Regular Instruction Equipment
IV.B.2. Permission to bid Building Materials (Framing Package) and (Finish Package) for the 2011-2012 Construction Tech House Building Projects at CHS, MHS, and UHS.
IV.B.3. Approval of ATMS Commercial Conveyor Dish Machine Bid from AFECO - Chattanooga, TN in the total amount of $27,653.00 to be paid from Food Service Funds.
IV.B.4. Approval to rescind and rebid the Transportation Bid (Tire Bid Only) approved at the May 5, 2011, Board meeting due to confusion regarding specification.
IV.B.5. Approval to rescind and rebid the Filter bid approved at the May 5, 2011, Board meeting due to B&B Filter's inability to accept 2011-12 contact due to storm damage to their plant.
IV.B.6. Approval of the lowest quote from Praters Athletic Flooring - Chattanooga, TN for the sanding, repainting and refinishing of CHS gym floor in the amount of $21,668.00 to be paid from 141-72620-399, Other Contracted Services. (General Purpose School Fund)
IV.C. Approval of Budget Amendments/Line Item Transfers
IV.C.1. General Purpose School Budget Amendments - Fund 141
IV.C.1.a. To reallocate budget in order to address various maintenance needs at the schools
IV.C.1.b. To reallocate budget in order to purchase needed reading and math intervention materials; phsical education supplies and equipment; band equipment
IV.C.1.c. To budget for growth funds from the State of Tennessee for Textbooks, library books and periodical purchases
IV.C.1.d. To budget for funds received from students for online computer classes
IV.C.1.e. Year-end cleanup for several salaries that were incorrectly budgeted in original budget due to clerical error (incorrect step/grade or incorrect contract length).
IV.C.1.f. To reallocate travel account budget
IV.C.1.g. To reallocate communication account budget
IV.C.1.h. To reallocate budget to account for the increased cost of Diesel Fuel and Gasoline
IV.C.1.i. To budget for funds received from Hamilton County to employ E4TN employees
IV.C.1.j. To budget for funds received from individual schools to pay Putnam County Board of Education employees per IRS regulations
IV.C.1.k. To reallocate Extended Contract Budget
IV.C.1.l. To budget moving Prescott Sale Fund (178) to General Purpose School Fund (141) per GASB 54
IV.C.2. Federal Program Budget Amendments - Fund 142
IV.C.2.a. To adjust budget for Education Jobs Grant due to additional new hires
IV.C.2.b. Reallocation of IAF Grant Planning period funds to accommodate changes in personnel expense
IV.C.2.c. Title IV (411) amendment needed to utilize funds more appropriately
IV.C.2.d. Title II.A. (201) amendment to transfer money from Title IV. back to it's original budget as 2010-2011 expenditures in Title IV. were less than originally estimated
IV.C.2.e. Title II.D. ARRA (23S) amendment needed to utilize funds more appropriately
IV.C.2.f. Title I. ARRA (10S)amendment needed to utilize funds more appropriately
IV.C.2.g. Title I. (101) amendment needed to utilize funds more appropriately
IV.C.2.h. To set up budget for Focus School Grant for 2010-2011
IV.C.3. Federal Programs Line Item Transfers - Fund 142
IV.C.3.a. Title II.D. (231) needed to utilize funds more appropriately
IV.C.3.b. Title II.D. ARRA (21S) needed to utilize funds more appropriately
IV.C.3.c. Spring Clean up (90S)
IV.C.3.d. To adjust budget to account for medical insurance that was more costly than budgeted for (918)
IV.C.3.e. Spring line item clean up (899)
IV.C.3.f. To adjust budget due to the following: some employees choose family medical insurance, additional contracted services were required for PT evaluations, spring clean up (908)
IV.C.3.g. Spring Clean up (72710-90s)
IV.C.3.h. Spring Clean up (897)
IV.C.3.i. Spring clean up (72220-90S)
IV.D. Approval of Overnight/Out-of-State Field Trip Reports
IV.E. Grant Report
IV.F. Other
IV.F.1. Entering into contract with L.B.J. & C. Head Start for the 2011-2012 school year.
IV.F.2. Approval of the 2011-2012 Local Consolidated Application for Federal Funding (Title I.A., II.A., II.D., II.D. ARRA, Title III.A., and Title X, as submitted.
IV.F.3. Approval to renew contract with GovDeals for the 2011-2012 school year.
IV.F.4. Approval of the estimated beginning Fund Balance amounts of the Extended School Program (Fund 146) for year 2010-20122.
IV.F.5. Approval of an amendment to the Plan Services Agreement between the Putnam County Board of Education and Great American Plan Administrators to allow the remittance of qualified Roth IRA retirement contributions by Great American Plan Administrators.
IV.F.6. Approval to transfer $2,244,712.54 from the Prescott Sale Fund (178) to the General Purpose School Fund (141) to comply with Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 54, "Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions".
IV.F.7. Approval of Resolution: "Be it resolved by the Putnam County Board of Education that the Director and/or Assistant Director(s) of Schools shall have the authority to establish the amounts of funds that will be Committed or Assigned for specific purposes at the end of the fiscal year for the PCSS.
IV.F.8. Approval on entering into contract with KCL Distance Learning (AventaK12) for the 2011-2012 school year.
IV.F.9. Approval of renewal of contract with AESOP for substitute teacher tracking system from July 1, 2011, - June 30, 2012, in the amount $10,549.00 to be paid from 141-72210-399-CURRI ($8,974.00), 141-72230-399 ($375.00), and 141-72220-399 ($1,200).
IV.F.10. Approval of the revised 2011-2012 School Calendar due to Election Commission's change of election day from February 7, 2012, to March 6, 2012.
V. Building Projects Discussion & Approval of Payments
V.A. New Prescott South Schools (PSS) Project Update
V.A.1. Approval of Payments and Purchases
V.A.1.a. Payment to School Specialty Corporation for a volleyball referee stand in the amount of $783.00 relative to the PSS project to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
V.A.1.b. Payment to School Specialty Corporation for various office equipment in the amount of $3,433.00 relative to the PSS project to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
V.A.1.c. Payment to Office Mart - Cookeville, Tennessee for various office equipment in the amount of $3,904.75 relative to the PSS project to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
V.A.1.d. Payment to HighSmith, Inc. - Janesville, WI for custom letters and numbers in the amount of $898.30 relative to the PSS project to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
V.A.1.e. Payment to GoKeyless - Vandalia, Ohio for the purchase of Panic Bar with Access Controls in the amount of $2,701.98 relative to the PSS project to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
V.A.1.f. Payment to Data Equipment, Inc. - Gallatin, Tennessee for the purchase of a DataCard CP40 Plus ID Badging System in the amount of $2,890.00 relative to the PSS project to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
V.A.1.g. Payment to Compliance Signs - Chadwick, Illinois for signage relative to the PSS project in the amount of $533.00 to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
V.A.1.h. Purchase & installation of terminal type 21 anchored rail-end quardrails along W. Cemetary Rd. from Cumberland Guardrail, Inc. - Pikeville, TN in the amount of $5,000 to be paid from 179-91300-791-NEWK8, Other Construction (Bond Issue) with the City of Cookeville to reimburse /2 of the total cost.
V.A.1.i. Purchase of misc. furnishings for PSS to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
V.A.1.j. Purchase of Data Network Cabling and Installation Services for PSS from Clearline Networks, LLC for additional student network access in the amount of $5,990.00 to be paid from 179-91300-399-NEWK8, Other Contracted Services. (Bond Issue)
V.A.1.k. Discussion of PSS Athletic Department requests.
V.B. New Baxter Middle School (BMS) Project Update
V.B.1. Approval of Payments
V.B.1.a. Payment to Cockrill Design & Planning - Knoxville, TN in the amount of $31,099.77 for architectural services and reimbursable expenses relative to the New Baxter Middle School project through May 2011, to be paid from 179-91300-304-NEWBX, Architects. (Bond Issue)
V.C. New Monterey High School (MHS) Project Update
V.C.1. Approval of Payments
V.C.1.a. Payment to Cockrill Design & Planning - Knoxville, TN in the amount of $27,068.86 for architectual services and reimbursable expenses relative to the New MHS project through May 2011, to be paid from 179-91300-304-NEWMH, Architects. (Bond Issue)
V.D. Upperman High School (UHS) Addition/Renovation Project Update
V.D.1. Approval of Payments
V.D.1.a. Payment to Cockrill Design & Planning - Knoxville, TN in the amount of $14,820.98 for architectural services and reimburseable expenses relative to the UHS Renovation project through May 2011, to be paid from 179-91300-304-UHSRV, Architects. (Bond Issue)
V.E. Baxter Elementary School (BES) Flooring Renovation Project Update
V.E.1. Approval of Payments
V.E.1.a. Payment to Cockrill Design & Planning - Knoxville, TN for architectural services through May 2011, relative to the BES Flooring Replacement project in the amount of $696.00 to be paid from 179-91300-304-BES, Architects. (Bond Issue)
V.E.1.b. Payment to Cockrill Design & Planning - Knoxville, TN for reimbursable expenses through May 2011, relative to the BES Flooring Replacement project in the amount of $622.24 to be paid from 179-91300-304-BES, Architects. (Bond Issue)
V.F. Burks Middle School Addition Project
V.F.1. Approval of Payments
V.F.1.a. Payment to Upland Design Group, Inc. - Crossville, TN for reimbursable expenses relative to the BMS Addition project in the amount of $2,147.50 to be paid from 179-91300-304-BMS, Architects. (Bond Issue)
V.G. Baxter Elementary, Uffelman Elementary, and White Plains Academy Boiler Replacement Projects
V.G.1. Approval of Contract
V.G.1.a. Enter into contract with Maffett Loftis Engineering, LLC - Cookeville, TN to provide design work for boiler replacements at Baxter, Uffelman, and White Plains Academy in total amount of $19,885 to be paid from 141-72620-399, Other Contracted Services (General Purpose Schools).
VI. Policy Discusion and/or Action
VI.A. Policy 2.804, Expenses and Reimbursements
Dr. Kathleen Airhart
VI.B. Policy 3.500, Food Service Management
VI.C. Policy 6.304, Student Discrimination/Harassment and Bullying/Intimidation
Lori Paisley/ Jeff Comer
VII. Presentations, Discussion and/or Action
VII.A. Approval of Monterey Schools Naming Committee
VII.B. School Enrollment Recommendations
VII.C. Approval of PASS Proposal (Putnam Alternative Salary Schedule): Strategic Compensation, funded through IAF/TIF/FttT.
VII.D. Approval of 2011-2012 School Budget
VII.E. Adjournment
I. Payment to Upland Design Group, Inc. - Crossville, TN for reimbursable expenses relative to the BMS Addition project in the amount of $2,147.50 to be paid from 179-91300-304-BMS, Architects. (Bond Issue)
I. Approval of Payments
I. Payment to Cockrill Design & Planning - Knoxville, TN for architectural services through May 2011, relative to the BES Flooring Replacement project in the amount of $696.00 to be paid from 179-91300-304-BES, Architects. (Bond Issue)
II. Payment to Cockrill Design & Planning - Knoxville, TN for reimbursable expenses through May 2011, relative to the BES Flooring Replacement project in the amount of $622.24 to be paid from 179-91300-304-BES, Architects. (Bond Issue)
I. Approval of Payments
I. Payment to Cockrill Design & Planning - Knoxville, TN in the amount of $14,820.98 for architecural services and reimbrsable expenses relative to the UHS Renovation Project through May 2011, to be paid from 179-91300-304-UHSRV, Architects. (Bond Issue)
I. Approval of Payments
VI. Burks Middle School Addition Project Update
IX. Purchase of misc. furnishings for PSS to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
I. Payment to Cockrill Design & Planning - Knoxville, TN in the amount of $27,068.86 for architectual services and reimbursable expenses relative to the New MHS project through May 2011, to be paid from 179-91300-304-NEWMH, Architects. (Bond Issue)
I. Approval of Payments
V. Baxter Elementary School (BES) Flooring Renovation Project Update
I. Payment to Cockrill Design & Planning - Knoxville, TN in the amount of $31,099.77 for architectural services and reimbursable expenses relative to the New BMS project through May 2011, to be paid from 279-91300-304-NEWBX, Architects. (Bond Issue)
IV. Upperman High School (UHS) Renovation Project Update
I. Approval of Payments
III. New Monterey High School (MHS) Project Update
I. Approval of Payments and Purchases
I.I. Payment to School Specialty Corporation for a volleyball referee stand in the amount of $783.00 relative to the PSS project to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
I.III. Payment to Office Mart - Cookeville, Tennessee for various office equipment in the amount of $3,904.75 relative to the PSS project to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
I.IV. Payment to HighSmith, Inc. - Janesville, WI for Custom Letters and Numbers in the amount of $898.30 relative to the PSS project to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
I.V. Payment to GoKeyless - Vandalia, Ohio for the purchase of Panic Bar with Access Controls in the amount of $2,701.98 relative to the PSS project to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
I.VI. Payment to Data Equipment, Inc. - Gallatin, Tennessee for the purchase of a DataCard CP40 Plus ID Badging System in the amount of $2,890.00 relative to the PSS project to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
I.VII. Payment to Compliance Signs - Chadwick, Illinois for signage relative to the PSS project in the amount of $533.00 to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
I.VIII. Purchase & installation of terminal type 21 anchored rail-end guardrails along W. Cemetary Rd. from Cumberland Guardrail, Inc. - Pikeville, TN in the amount of $5,000 to be paid from 179-91300-791-NEWK8, Other Construction (Bond Issue) with the City of Cookeville to reimburse 1/2 of the total cost.
I.II. Payment to School Specialty Corporation for various office equipment in the amount of $3,433.00 relative to the PSS project to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
II. New Baxter Middle School (BMS) Project Update
I. New Prescott South Schools (PSS) Project Update
I. Payment to School Specialty Corporation for a volleyball referee stand in the amount of $783.00 relative to the PSS project to be paid from 179-91300-790-NEWK8, Other Equipment. (Bond Issue)
II. Building Projects Discussion & Approval of Payments
I. New Prescott South Schools (PSS) Project Update
I. Payment to Moore, Rader, Clift and Fitzpatrick, P.C. - Cookeville, Tennessee for legal services from February 16, 2011, to May 20, 2011, in the amount of $9,551.57 to be paid from 141-72310-331, Legal Services. (General Purpose Schools)
II. Purchase of computers to start replacement schedule in libraries for ATMS, BMS, CCES, CMS, NEES, and SES in the amount of $10,384.00 to be paid from
III. Purchase bus radiio equipment from the Putnam County Home Land Security Bid at a cost not to exceed $29,777.00 to be paid from 141-72710-729, Transportation Equipment. (General Purpose Schools)
I. Approval of Purchases and Payments
IV. Approval of Consent Agenda