October 1, 2020 at 5:00 PM - Putnam County Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Announcements
III.A. I Make A Difference Award
III.B. Director's Reports
III.B.1. General Purpose School Cash Flow Analysis
III.B.2. Monthly Budget to Actual Report - Fund 141
III.B.3. Personnel Report
III.B.4. Requested supplements (MHS and UHS)
III.B.4.a. Monterey High School supplement
III.B.4.b. Upperman High School supplement
III.B.5. Report per Policy 2.401, Gifts and Bequests, as received by individual schools during the 2019-2020 school year.
III.B.6. Comprehensive Report of individual school budgets for the 2020-20201 school year, as submitted per Section 4: Administration of Internal School Funds; Title 11, Budgets for internal School Funds (Tennessee Internal School Uniform Accounting Policy Manual), as submitted.
IV. Approval of Minutes
IV.A. Minutes of the Regular September Board Meeting - Thursday, August 27, 2020, @ 5:00 PM
IV.B. Minutes of the Special Called Board Meeting - Friday, September 11, 2020, @ 11:00 AM
IV.C. Minutes of the Special Called Board Meeting - Friday, September 18, 2020, @ 2:00 PM
V. Approval of Consent Agenda
V.A. Payments/Purchases
V.A.1. Approval of the purchase of fourteen (14) Chromebook Carts from Trox, per quote in the amount of $16,100.00 to be paid from 142-71100-722-101 for Cane Creek Elementary School, as submitted.
V.A.2. Approval of the purchase of Carnegie Learning - Pittsburg, PA, per RFP, for Math Intervention and acceleration in the amount of $14,731.50 to be paid from 142-72210-599-101, as submitted.
V.A.3. Approval of the purchase of sixty-three (63) Chromebooks from Trox, per quote in the amount of $16,065.00 to be paid from 142-71100-722-101 for Avery Trace Middle School, as submitted.
V.A.4. Approval of payment to Pye-Barker Fire & Safety, Inc. for Fire Sprinkler Inspections in the amount of $22,243.67 to be paid from 141-72620-399, as submitted.
V.A.5. Approval of payment to Pye-Barker Fire & Safety, Inc. for Fire Alarm Inspections in the amount of $7,968.25 to be paid from 141-72620-399, as submitted.
V.A.6. Approval of the payment to Guide K-12, Geovisual Analytics for Education - Naperville, IL for GuideK12 Analytics subscription renewal for the 2020-21 school year in the amount of $14,135.94 to be paid from General Purpose Funds, 141 E 72310 599, as submitted.
V.A.7. Approval of payment to K-12 Insight, LLC - Herndon, VA for the "Let's Talk" stakeholder communication platform for the 2020-2021 school year for the annual service agreement option renewal in the amount of $22,800.00 to be paid from 141-72610-307, as submitted.
V.A.8. Approval to purchase laptop charging carts from Central Technologies, Inc. - Knoxville, Tennessee from Quote #001194 on the TIPS-USA Contract 200105 in the amount of $20,080.00 to be paid from 141-71100-722-01607, as submitted.
V.A.9. Approval of payment to Baseline Sports Construction, LLC - Knoxville, Tennessee in the amount of $60,260.26 (Pay Application #1) for the Cookeville High School Track Replacement to be paid from 141-72620-799, Other Capital Outlay, as submitted. (General Purpose School Fund)
V.A.10. Approval of payment to Mid State Construction Co. Inc. - Livingston, Tennessee in the amount of $14,000 for the repair/replacement of the Upperman High School Bleacher Ramp to be paid from 141-72620-399, Other Contracted Services, as submitted. (General Purpose School Fund)
V.A.11. Approval of a payment to Upland Design Group - Crossville, Tennessee in the amount of $900.00 for the remaining amount due for the Cookeville High School (CHS) Security Vestibule project to be paid from 141-72130-790-02118, Safe Schools Grant, as submitted. (General Purpose School Fund)
V.B. Bids/Quotes/Sealed Bids/RFPs
V.B.1. Permission to bid secure vestibule projects at Algood Middle School (AMS) and Avery Trace Middle School (ATMS) to be paid from 141-72130-790-2144, 2021 Safe Schools Grant, as submitted.
V.C. Budget Amendments/Line Item Transfers
V.C.1. General Purpose School Budget Amendments - Fund 141
V.C.1.a. Special Education - To allocate funds awarded to PCS for Transition School to Work Grant for FY-21
V.C.2. General Purpose School Line Item Transfers - Fund 141
V.C.2.a. Finance - To allocate SIF Funds to individual school budgets
V.C.3. Federal Projects Budget Amendments - Fund 142
V.C.3.a. Federal Programs -McKinney Vento (701) amendment required in order to establish the 2020-2021 budget
V.C.3.b. Federal Programs - ESSER (930) amendment is required in order to establish the 2020 budget
V.C.3.c. Special Education - To allocate IDEA Discretionary Grant FY-20 "Increase Percent of Children Appropriately Identified as SWD" carryover funds
V.C.3.d. Special Education - To allocate IDEA Preschool Discretionary Grant funds carryover from FY20
V.C.3.e. Special Education - To allocate IDEA Discretionary Grant funds carryover from FY20 for the LRE Grant
V.C.3.f. Finance - To allocate Consolidated Admin revenue to correct funding codes per State of TN directives
V.C.3.g. Federal Programs - LEA Reopening and Programmatic Supports Grant (931) to establish budget
V.C.4. Federal Projects Line Items - Fund 142
V.C.4.a. CTE Carl Perkins - To reallocate funds to better meet the needs of the CTE Programs in Putnam County
V.D. Approval of Out-of-County and Overnight Trip Reports
V.E. Approval of Grant Report
V.F. Other
V.F.1. Approval to enter into agreement with Johnson Controls - Franklin, Tennessee for a Three Year Planned Service Agreement at Cookeville High School in the amount of $32,342.00 (Year 1), $33,636.00 (Year 2) and $34,982.00 (Year 3) to be paid for from 141-72620-399, Other Contracted Services, as submitted.
V.F.2. Approval of the addendum to add teletherapy services for Occupational Therapy to the agreement between Putnam County Board of Education and Stellar Therapy Services, LLC - Chattanooga, Tennessee for the 2020-2021 school year, as submitted.
V.F.3. Approval of the agreement between Putnam County School System and Tennessee Tech University 2020-2021 regarding a VPK Pilot funded PreK Classroom, as submitted.
V.F.4. Approval of the Annual Family Life Curriculum for the 2020-2021 school year, as submitted.
V.F.5. Approval to enter into agreement with Tennessee Technological University - Cookeville, Tennessee for dual enrollment partnership for the 2020-2021 school year, as submitted.
V.F.6. Approval of the Individual School Cell Phone Benefits for the 2020-2021 school year, as submitted.
V.F.7. Approval of the official request from Putnam County Education Association (PCEA) for the continuation of Collaborative Conferencing among the Putnam County Board of Education employees and the Putnam County School Board, as submitted.
V.F.8. Approval to enter into contract with Upland Design Group - Crossville, Tennessee to provide professional services to facilitate the secure vestibule projects at Algood Middle School (AMS) and Avery Trace Middle School (ATMS) in the amount of $14,000 to be paid from 141-72130-790-2144, 2021 Safe Schools Grant, as submitted.
VI. Policy on First Reading ONLY
VI.A. Policy 4.205, Enrollment in College Level Courses
VI.B. Policy 6.309, Zero Tolerance Offenses
VI.C. Policy 6.316, Suspension/Expulsion/Remand
VI.D. Policy 6.317, Student Disciplinary Hearing Authority
VI.E. Policy 6.319, Alternative School Program
VI.F. Policy 6.409, Reporting Child Abuse
VII. Adjournment