November 5, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Prayer
2. Pledge
3. "Good News" - Grants - TN Arts Commission Ticket Subsidy ($3,810) Oakdale, CES, CMS (2); Petros Joyner - $10,000 Shape the State
4. Agenda
5. MCEA - Set PECCA Meeting
6. Audience Participation
7. Written Monthly Reports from Supervisors
8. Consent Agenda
8.A. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of October 1, 2013
8.B. Regular Monthly Workshop - Tuesday, November 26, 2013 6:30pm @ MCCTC
8.C. Regular Board Meeting - Tuesday, December 3, 2013 6:30pm @ Central Office
8.D. Coalfield - State Beta Convention (Nov. 24-26, 2013)
9. Teaching and Learning
9.A. 2012-13 Report Card (PG 1 - Obj. 1)
9.B. 2012-13 District ACT Report (PG 1 - Obj 2a)
9.C. School Calendar Proposal 2014-15 (PLCs) (PG 1 - Obj. 1i; PG 3 - Obj. 1b)
10. Audit Report for 2012-13 (PG 3 - Obj. 1)
11. Monthly Expenditure Report - October, 2013 (PG 5 - Obj. 2)
12. Budget Amendments
13. Approve Request for Food Service Bids for Milk (Emergency)
14. Approve Request for Bids for Pest Control Services
15. Update - Strategic Compensation Design Team for 2014-15 (PG 3, Obj. 3d)
15.A. Regional Presentation on Strategic Compensation - Friday, November 15, 2013 9:00-11:30am @ LMU Campus, Cedar Bluff
15.B. 2nd Team Meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013 6:00pm @ Central Office)
16. Update - Frankfort Church Property
17. Maintenance & Transportation
17.A. Long-Range Financing for Bus Purchases (Schedule Presentation to County Commission Budget Committee) PG 2 - Obj. 5) (Tues., Nov. 12 or Thurs. Nov. 21 6:00pm?)
17.B. Update - Traffic Issues at Oakdale School during Afternoon Dismissal
17.C. Update - TDOT Grant for School Zone Lights (PG 5 - Obj. 1a)
18. Policy Revisions-Administrative Procedures (PG 2 - Obj. 2a)
18.A. 3.208 - Facilities Planning (2nd Reading)
18.B. 4.606 - Graduation Activities (2nd Reading)
18.C. 6.304 - Student Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying, Cyberbulling and Intimidation (1st reading)
19. Director's Performance Contract Report/Announcements
19.A. TSBA Leadership Conference (Fri. & Sat., Nov. 8-9) & Annual Convention (Sat. Nov. 8 - Monday, Nov. 11) (PG 2 - Obj. 3a)
19.B. 2013-14 District Improvement Plan (PG 1 - Obj. 1,2,4; PG 3 - Obj. 1, 2, 3; PG 5 - Obj. 1)
20. Adjourn
20.A. Regular Monthly Workshop - Tuesday, November 26, 2013 6:30pm @ MCCTC
20.B. Regular Board Meeting - Tuesday, December 3, 2013 6:30pm @ Central Office