March 12, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Budget Workshop #2
Agenda |
1. 2012-13 Budget - Current Status (Started - $250,000)
2. Review of Current School and County Debt
2.A. 2013-14 Budget Proposal (Governor Haslam)
2.A.a. Funding for LEA technology - $293,811
2.A.b. Restoration of Capital Outlay from 2010 - $180,000
2.A.c. 1.5% salary increase for professional staff - $127,317; Extra $35,000 need to cover non-BEP positions
2.A.d. Extended Contract cut - $54,000
3. Update - TAP Grant
4. Update - "Implications of Health Care Reform"
5. Update - Consideration Long Term Transportation Needs
6. Principal & Supervisors Requests for 2013-14
7. Other Potential Increases for 2013-14
7.A. Support Staff - Year 3 increases $132,000
7.B. Behavior Interventionist for Primary Age Children
7.C. Additional SROs
7.D. Principal and Supervisor salaries - Cover loss of Extended Contract Funds
7.E. Differentiated pay for distance learning teachers - Spanish, Physics, Chemistry
7.F. Nova Net Software Licenses (28) for ISP and Alternative Programs - $14,000
7.G. Transportation needs (buses) for 2013-14
7.H. Professional salaries - Step-up on salary schedule & Advanced Degrees
8. Discussion of End of Year Projects
9. Set date for next budget workshop